“Calm down.” Gong Wudi and Xueyuankong body moved, breaking through the sky to stand beside him.

“Look at what I look like now, how can you calm me down?” Yu Chifeng snarled.

This is definitely the worst time in his life. Even one of his arms was cut off. If he was embarrassed, he would be embarrassed, and his reputation was ruined.

“Isn’t it just a broken arm? You are still alive after all. If you are alive, there is hope.”

Gong Wudi was not very angry, and handed Yuchifeng a medicine. The pill and medicine pill have dragon eye size, the whole body is white as jade, and the surface is covered with eight strands of white mist, which is very mysterious.

“Eight Treasure Regenerating Pill!”

Yu Chifeng was surprised. The Eight Treasure Regenerating Pill, one of the Unbounded Demon Sect three Great Saint Pills, it is not too much to say that it is Divine Pill. Not to mention the excellent healing effect, it can also regenerate the limbs in a short time.

“Hurry up and take it down.”

Gong Wudi frowns said, if he changes to something else, he can’t bear to take out the Eight Treasure Regenerating Pill.

But at the moment, he and Yuchifeng are grasshoppers on the same line. He is afraid that after Yuchifeng’s strength is greatly reduced, he will not be able to save his life, so he took out the precious Eight Treasure Regeneration Pill.

“many thanks!”

Yu Chifeng thanked him, grabbed the Eight Treasure Regenerating Pill and stuffed it into his mouth, then the flesh and blood squirmed at the broken arm, and the bones and muscles regenerated. Only a few seconds passed. Zhong, a complete arm has grown out.

“Not bad medicine pill, but I can chop off his arm, and naturally I can chop off his newborn arm.”

Yang Xuan stood up in the sky with a faint smile on his face. Yu Chifeng was reborn from a severed limb.

“Shut up for Lao Tzu.”

Yu Chifeng was angrily attacked, his eyes were extremely shocking, and he wished to frustrate Yang Xuan.

He has never suffered from cultivation so far. He didn’t expect to suffer a lot from Yang Xuan today.

The thing that made him the most unbearable was that Yang Xuan also used all kinds of vicious words to humiliate him, making him shameless, ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

Yang Xuan expression is indifferent and doesn’t answer, but he turns his head and looks into the distance.

There, Shi Heavenly Demon is like a headless fly, rampaging and attacking in a small space, making the whole world tremble.

“I haven’t been able to break the ban for so long, is God going to kill me?”

Gong Wudi is disturbed, and is also paying close attention to the situation of Emperor Shi Heavenly Demon.


The blood source trembled. Whether they can survive today depends on the emperor Heavenly Demon. If the emperor Heavenly Demon can’t get out of trouble, they will sooner or later. All have to stay here.

Yang Xuan’s Dao Protector is too strong. It can imprison and release the Heavenly Demon Emperor without showing up. Once he shows up, he is bound to be earth shattering and unable to resist.

At this moment, the Sword God Palace also fell silent.

Everyone turned their gazes to Emperor Shi heavenly demon, and watched him yelling and yelling in the sky in surprise, the beasts still fighting.

“haha, kill my Master, let me lose my dear dear, the devil, you also have today!”

Yang Xuan laughed angrily, his eyes were red, and he explained heavenly demon The emperor hates the bones.

If it weren’t for this person, the Master Warlord would never die, not only would he not die, but he could enter the six samsara reincarnations with the memories of previous lives.

Whenever he thinks of this, Yang Xuan’s heart is as uncomfortable as a knife.

“Little devil, let your Dao Protector get out and dignified is fighting with me.”

Shi heavenly demon roared angrily.

“Don’t worry, you stay in there first, until I solve Gong Wudi, Xueyuankong, Yuchifeng’s three old dogs, I will let you out and strip you alive. “

When I heard Yang Xuan’s words, no matter it was Emperor Shi heavenly demon, or Gong Wudi, Xueyuankong, and Yuchifeng, none of them could control the anger in my heart.

Yang Xuan saw all this in his eyes, his face remained unmoved, cup one fist in the other hand said: “The kid is limited in strength, please help me with Ming Lao.”


Ming Lao did not answer, a letter came out, which contained great pressure.

Under this coercion, Gong Wudi, Xueyuankong, and Yuchifeng were shocked. They only felt that the sea of ​​qi was sealed by the mysterious power and could no longer mobilize the slightest divine force for a while, even Even the field is difficult to expand.

“Senior, please spare your life!”

Yu Chifeng was so scared that his face was ashamed, and his body was trembling. He couldn’t even use the divine force and domain, so how could he fight Yang Xuan?

Furthermore, Yang Xuan had just cut his arm down with a single sword. He had already developed a fear of Yang Xuan and knew that sooner or later he would be beheaded by Yang Xuan if he continued to fight.

“I want the soldiers to be reincarnated, and I hope that Senior will leave me a way to survive.”

The blood source is more ruthless. In order to survive, I have to choose the soldiers.

The martial artist is resolved, a cultivation base is destroyed, the fleshy body and the Divine Soul are also annihilated, only a ray of life soul can stay in between Heaven and Earth for a short time, then you can choose to follow the wind If you die, you can also use the secret technique to submerge and reincarnate in Six Roads of Samsara.

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