“That’s right, the Three Sects Supreme Elder must have already started, and that Foreign Domain demon is probably also there.”

Starting from Zhong Prefecture, some senior elders have been dispatched to Came here at an extremely fast speed moved towards Dazhou mountain range, wanting to find out.

“Are there going to war?”

At the same time, many Sword God Palace disciple eyes widened, afraid to miss any detail.

Everyone knows that the emperor of heavenly demon will be defeated in this battle, but it is hard to say how long it can last in the hands of old Ming.

“If you want to fight, I will accompany you to fight, heavenly demon hegemony!”

The emperor yelled at heavenly demon, and his whole body was rolling in demonic energy, turning into one in an instant Counting hundreds zhang high, able to support both heaven and earth, the trolls are imposing manner so powerful that people can’t bear it, and their souls are trembling.

“Oh my God, what magical power is this!”

“terrifying, bigger than the Golem of Promise Old Demon, this slap is scared, we Sword God Palace Mountain Can Protecting Great Array stop it?”

“Don’t worry, Dao Protector Senior from Yang Xuan Senior Brother is here, we will be fine at Sword God Palace!”

Sword God Palace , People were alarmed, 99% of people were frightened by the trolls standing in the sky.

This troll is exactly the same as the emperor Shi heavenly demon, but it is magnified dozens or hundreds of times, like a Demon God looking down on the world, which is terrifying.

“Heavenly demon hegemony!”

Looking at Emperor Shi heavenly demon, who is as big as a mountain, Yang Xuan couldn’t calm his heart. Through Martial Dao Heavenly Eye, he could clearly discover , Shi Heavenly Demon Emperor’s fleshy body strength skyrocketed at least several times.

A generation of Ancient Devil Emperor, how tyrannical in physique, and now using the gods to strengthen, battle strength must be advanced by leaps and bounds.

“I have long heard that Demon Race has a heavenly demon hegemony. I saw it today, and it really is name is not in vain!”

Ming Lao’s tone is indifferent, and there is no sign of his face. frightened.

“Heavenly demon is one of the nine supernatural powers of my Demon Race. Your Excellency can see it. It shows that the background is quite extraordinary!”

Before speaking, please explain heavenly Emperor Demon made a bold move, and a giant arm demonic energy was wrapped around in the air and pressed down.


The sky is shaking, and the mountain range is shaking throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Hundred zhang long, giant arm as large as a dragon body sweeps everything, the impact of the void is shattering, and the space crack bursts out, the scene is shocking.

The giant palm with the five fingers together came first, covering Yang Xuan and Ming Lao underneath, making them inevitable.

Yang Xuan’s scalp is numb, if he hadn’t stood beside him, he would have used the big Void Technique to escape.

The emperor heavenly demon is too strong. He is definitely not able to contend today. Once he is hit by this giant palm, even if he has the defense of the old heaven, he will have to suffer heavy damage and be disabled if he is not dead. .


Ming Lao’s clothes are flying, Motionless As Mountains, a dark gray arm is raised, five fingers facing the sky, a single palm supporting the dropping from the sky The giant palm makes it buzzing and trembling, and it can’t fall anymore.

“Is this…really?”

At this moment, I don’t know how many people were stunned by this scene. A normal human’s big hand actually blocked one Towering giant palm.

This is like a faint ant resisting the crushing of a giant elephant, with great impact.

It is hard to imagine how powerful the palm of Ming Lao has to withstand the terrifying giant palm of Heavenly Demon Emperor

“Damn it!”

Release heavenly demon emperor both shocked and angry, the arm suddenly exerts force, trying to overwhelm General Ming Lao in one fell swoop.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed, Ming Lao stood still, and didn’t even shake it for a moment.

Seeing this situation, the emperor expounded heavenly demon with a palm breaking through the air.

“It’s not over yet, kill me!”

Ming Lao is coldly shouted, the giant palm and even the entire giant arm held by him, as well as the giant arm from the sky. The other giant arm smashed into pieces and turned into demonic energy in the sky.

“The Shield of Space!”

Ming Lao’s hands were swiping, while a white light curtain glowing, appeared in front of Yang Xuan to help him resist the ravages. The demonic energy.

“many thanks, Ming Lao.”



Yang Xuan nodded, Expand the big Void Technique and retreat.

“bang! ”

At the same time, a giant foot that covers the sky suddenly stepped on it. If Yang Xuan wasn’t fast enough, it would have been crushed into a puddle of mud.

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