“I am a generation of Demon Sovereign, how can I die here.”

I haven’t died after being sealed by the King of War for so many years. Naturally, the emperor Heavenly Demon doesn’t want to die.

He opened his mouth and let out a loud roar, and a terrifying imposing manner suddenly burst out of his body, rushing away the mysterious power forcibly.


Ming Lao squinted and looked at the heavenly demon emperor a little high. Of course, this is also the body of a corpse puppet, unable to play out of the sky. Real formidable power, otherwise the ten heavenly demon emperors will not be able to break free from his cave.

“Today I am inferior to human skills. See you in the future, and I must repay you twice.”

The voice is still there, saying heavenly demon emperor body moved, the whole person is like a single The bored cannonball is normal, piercing the air at a speed hard to see with naked eye.

For today’s plan, I can only escape, how far away.

But he obviously underestimated the strength of Ming Lao.

“Suppressing God Seal!”

Ming Lao didn’t pursue it either. Both of his hands flicked in the air. An invisible ripple turned into a big seal and cut through the sky. At an incomparable speed, the first blast hit the vest of Emperor Shi Heavenly Demon.


The emperor Shih Heavenly Demon received this blow, and when he opened his mouth, he spurted blood, and no matter how hard he could control his body, it was like a bird with broken wings. , One head fell from a distance.

“Nine-turn binding spirit technique!”

Boss Ming grasped with his hands, an invisible force turned into a big net, and he tied the heavenly demon emperor and separated it. The aerial photo came before him.

“Don’t, don’t kill me!”

Release heavenly demon’s messy hair, covered in blood, in front of a Paradise Realm corpse, he has no power to fight back. Embarrassed to the extreme.


Ming Lao didn’t say anything, he rushed to release Heavenly Demon Huang’s belly.


The emperor released heavenly demon screamed and lost his cultivation base and fainted on the spot.

At the same time, the turbulent world is gradually returning to calm, and Ming Lao is alone on the sky, and the emperor Shi heavenly demon, who has come violently not long ago, is like a dead dog. Here, let’s not mention how horrible this picture is.

This is an unrivaled Demon Sovereign. It was so easily turned into a waste by Ming Lao. The scene was as miserable as it was.


Everyone was in an uproar, and an Ancient Devil emperor was efficiently abolished. What a shocking battle strength, it was almost shocked to teach people. Foolish.

“many thanks Ming Lao!”

Yang Xuan came back to his senses, and came back to his senses, and said with gratitude, if no Ming Lao came to help today , After the fruit is unimaginable.

“It’s just a small matter, thank you.”

Ming Lao shook the head and said: “This demon is abandoned, how are you going to deal with him?”

“blood sacrifice!”

This sentence was squeezed from between Yang Xuan’s teeth, and the voice of cold and severe spread, causing countless people to chill all over.

Everyone understands that Yang Xuan is going to pay homage to the warlord Yi Wuya with the blood of the heavenly demon emperor.

“Everything is up to you.”

Ming Lao didn’t say much, he twisted the unconscious Heavenly Demon Emperor with one hand, and rolled Yang Xuan with the other, and shuttling through the void came to the tombstone of King Yi Wuya.


On this day, the Sword God Palace is not peaceful, and one after another can be heard from time to time.

This is the voice of Emperor Shi heavenly demon. No one knows how Yang Xuan dealt with Emperor Shi heavenly demon, but only by this one after another hysteria, people have one’s hair stand on end. Shi Heavenly Demon Emperor is suffering inhuman torture.

It wasn’t until the sky dimmed that the screams subsided completely.

At this moment, the nameless mountain within the valley, the emperor heavenly demon has disappeared, leaving only a large pool of horrible to see blood in front of the tombstone of the warlord Yi Wuya.

“Master, the discipline has already avenged your revenge. I hope you will be alive in the sky and protect the discipline. Entering the Eternal Life Palace this time, you can win the Martial Spirit.”

Yang Xuan knelt down in front of the tombstone, and respectfully knocked his head three times before standing up for a long time.

It is so difficult to get the Martial Spirit from the city of destiny in Eternal Life Palace, and it will be life-threatening at every turn, but in order to resurrect the Master, even mountains of daggers and seas of flames, Nine Nether In purgatory, Yang Xuan will also step forward without hesitation.

On the side, Ming Lao didn’t speak, and stood quietly.

He knew that Yang Xuan was uncomfortable in the heart, so he didn’t bother him.

About 5 minutes later, Yang Xuan slowly stood up and took out a crystal clear and near-transparent black bead.

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