Yang Xuan was very excited. He was worried that he would not be able to comprehend the Profound Truth of Space before the opening of the Eternal Life Palace. He didn’t expect Ming Lao to teach himself a unique set of mental methods. After learning this method, you will be able to master the Profound Truth of Space in a short time.


The outside world, since everything is in order, many foreign martial artists are looking forward to meeting Yang Xuan.

But as time passed, Yang Xuan never showed up, and cut off the thoughts of many people, and most of them left one after another.

In the Sword God Palace, many people are also waiting. Everyone knows that Yang Xuan is secluded cultivation. If you don’t leave the customs, you will definitely enter the cultivation base.


“Very powerful Space Power!”

“It is Yang Xuan, this Little Brat must have realized the Profound Truth of Space!”

On this day, Qifeng Peak Master was shocked, and Sword God Gu Tongxuan lay bare the truth with one remark, and made Qifeng Peak Master all for it. Surprised.

Everyone turned their eyes to the mountain where Yang Xuan was, and their faces were full of shock and incredible color.

This is the Profound Truth of Space. Their cultivation hasn’t even mastered a little bit of fur so far. Who knows that a weak-crowned teenager has comprehended him at the moment. This talent is amazing.

“What happened!?”

“Don’t panic, it was Yang Xuan who broke through.”

On the peak of Yang Xuan, Yang Tian came out to maintain the situation , But his eyes are fixed on the chaotic and strong space turbulence high above.

“hong long!”

At this moment, a dazzling beam of light, like a meteor piercing the firmament, rose into the sky. Under the impact of this beam, The space turbulence of the film is shaking and being strangled.

At the same time, there is a shocking imposing manner on the nine heavens, hazily descending, stirring all directions, scrolling ten thousand li mountains and rivers, like a god of space descending to the world, imprisoning everything.

For a while, except for Sword God Gu Tongxuan and Ming Lao, everyone’s body is hard to move any more, one by one is like being hit by a holding spell, even slightly moving their fingers. It’s hard to do.

This situation can be described as shocking, everyone is confused, and has no idea what happened.

“haha, realized it, finally realized it.”

Suddenly, a loud laughter resounded through the world, and then everyone saw a silhouette rising through the sky, standing proudly In the void.

He was a graceful young man, dressed in white clothed, untainted by even a speck of dust, with black hair dancing in the wind, who was it not Yang Xuan?

With his appearance, that kind of terrifying imprisonment disappears. Even so, it still makes people unable to calm down for a long time.

People know that this was made by Yang Xuan. It was so dynamic, shocking and unforgettable.

Chapter 814 Four Profound Truths

In the courtyard of Crape Myrtle, everyone gathers.

Everyone’s eyes are focused on Yang Xuan.

After a moment of silence, Su Ziyao retracted her gaze and turned to look at Yang Tian beside her, “Father, your old cultivation base is high, and you are experienced and knowledgeable. What’s wrong with Yang Xuan?”

Although Yan Ruyue, Shen Yuexin, Xia Yuwei, Gu Qingying, Fang Qingxue, Yi Xiu’er and other women did not speak, they all showed a strong curiosity on their faces.

Looking at Yang Xuan like this, his own cultivation base doesn’t seem to have improved much, why did he make such a big battle before? The scene is like Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Manba scratched his head, in a low, muffled voice, authentically: “My brother must be a comprehended some kind of powerful martial dao deep meaning!”

“What kind of martial dao deep meaning, can cause such terrifying movement!?”

Shi Yu slapped his tongue.

Li Yunfei, Shi Yu, Luo Cheng, Cheng Shaofeng, Wang Chuan, Zhou Hu, Tie Feng, Zhou Kun, Xie Fei, Mu Qingyu, Liu Yueer, Shangguanlian and the others are silent Language, no one can answer this question.

Here, Yang Tian, ​​who hadn’t spoken for a long time, finally spoke, “This is Profound Truth, Supreme Profound Truth of Space, my son is indeed an extinct genius, and he has mastered the legendary Profound at a young age. Truth of Space.”

At the end of the talk, his face couldn’t hide the excitement.

“What, Yang Xuan comprehended Profound Truth of Space!”

Everyone was stunned when they heard Yang Tian’s words. Although their cultivation base is not high, they heard that After passing Profound Truth of Space, I know how difficult it is to comprehend this Profound Truth.

A martial artist who has been obsessed with Martial Dao for many years, even if he is contemplating and studying day and night, he dare not say he can comprehend.

But now, Yang Xuan has succeeded, which is really amazing.

Above, Yang Xuan is no one next to him, completely ignoring the eyes of others.

He shook his robe gently, and a wave of terror flowed out of his body.

Vaguely, the space around him is rotating, and sometimes a trace of crystal clear and near-transparent white light flashes, which is unusually dazzling.

This is Space Power, the actual Space Power.

Even a few strands can pierce gold and split stone, tear everything apart, and have great lethality.

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