“What the hell thing?”

“Damn it, you can’t kill it, how can you fight it!?”

“What the hell is this thing? Spiritual Body, physical attacks are naturally ineffective against it.”

“so that’s how it is, let’s use Spirit Attack together to kill it.”

“Ah, save me, I don’t know how to master mysterious skills!”

There is chaos on the road to eternal life.

Fights broke out everywhere, and the fighting was fierce.

Some martial artists with a low cultivation base and no cultivation mystery technique are not opponents of the Spiritual Body at all. They are injured and killed.

As countless people fell, the blood dyed the earth red, horrible to see.

This is the survival of the fittest, extremely cruel.

Only by experiencing the baptism of blood and fire, can you pass the road of immortality and enter the world of legendary immortality and compete for good fortune.


chi chi chi! “

A mental turbulence rushed out, driving a force that shocked the soul, strangling out dozens of Spiritual Body all around.

“There is another powerful one, It’s you, no need to hide, if you meet, then die for me. “

Above a ruin, Yang Xuan’s body is like a horror. After the lightning came to a huge boulder, he grabbed a spiritual body with his bare hands.

His strength is too strong. In addition to the four Comprehended Profound Truths, the power of the invisible Profound Truth is gushing out. A small Spiritual Body is really hard to pose a threat to him.

“Fuck me, I am also compelled by circumstances, ah ……”

Spiritual Body can’t get out. Even if you ask for mercy, in the end, it’s wrapped in a golden flame, burned to fly ash, and disappears invisible.

This is the sun’s golden flame, another killer move against Spiritual Body. Under the horrific burning of the sun’s golden smoke, the fleshy body and Divine Soul of any creature cannot bear it.

It can be said, When these Spiritual Body meet Yang Xuan, the mouse meets the cat, and they are doomed to perish.

Yang Xuan expression is cold and unceremonious, but whenever you encounter a Spiritual Body, you will be killed by force.

Who knows that these spiritual bodies were evil during their lifetime, and how high their cultivation base is, Yang Xuan naturally does not want to be soft-hearted and leave hidden dangers for himself, so he will never be soft-handed.

” Haha, this Little Brother is very capable. If I’m not wrong, you must condense the Golden Core of the Sun in the inner core of Grade 9. “

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter, and a young man came up in the air and landed steadily in front of Yang Xuan.

The appearance of this man in his early 20s. , Slender figure, black hair scattered, eyes piercing and energetic, and he looks very handsome. It’s not an exaggeration to describe it with aura.

Looking at the fluctuation of the body surface breath, the cultivation base has also reached the divine Force Peak.

At this age, this cultivation base and temperament, you can see that the background is not small, and the family is prominent.

“Where and where, your ability is not small. , But you have been with me for so long, I don’t know why? “

Yang Xuan indifferently said, he didn’t seem to be surprised by the appearance of the young man.

“hehe, dare to love Little Brother had discovered me a long time ago. “

The surprised look in the young man’s eyes flashed away, said with a smile: “My dear Pengfei, from the Great World of the East Emperor. “

“Donghuang Great World? “

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows, this is the first time I heard of such a place.

The universe is endless and vast, and no one dares to say that they all know it, but this Pengfei Since I come from the Great World, I am definitely not an unknown person if I want to come.

I want to come in Yang Xuan. Pengfei is in the Great World of the East Emperor. It is probably also a well-know figure in the younger generation, otherwise I would not dare Climb the road of eternal life alone.

Being able to walk on the road of eternal life alone, whether it is cultivation base, strength, or courage, it is all first-class.

Especially Pengfei does not have the slightest arrogant color on his body, which also makes Yang Xuan feel good, but Yang Xuan does not relax his vigilance because he can’t look at people.

Pengfei doesn’t know what Yang Xuan is thinking. Thinking, he said: “Emperor Great World is one of the oldest Great Worlds among 3,000 Great Worlds. It is not surprising that Little Brother has never heard of it. “

“Teached. “

Yang Xuan nodded, then cup one fist in the other hand said: “Yang Xuan, Xuanhuang World. “

“Fortunately to meet. “

Peng Fei cupped the hands, smiling undiminished; “Meeting means fate. If Brother Yang doesn’t dislike me as a Monster Race, can you join me?” “

Yang Xuan thought for a while, but agreed, “Yes. “

After that, I added, “Treasure can get it. If we encounter any good things on the road, we hope we can compete fairly.” ”

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