After taking several steps, a pair of black and white giant wings exuding thick monster qi suddenly appeared behind him.

Kunpeng wings!

Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows. Although he has heard of the reputation of Kunpeng wings, this is the first time he has seen it. It’s better to see how powerful this pair of wings is.


At this moment, Pengfei’s Kunpeng wings suddenly moved.

puff puff puff! ! !

Every time the wings are flapped, there must be dozens or hundreds of soul-killing needles, which are shattered by powerful force. The raging waves of air make many people around them stand unstable. Shocked.

“I don’t believe I can’t deal with you, the Yin and Xuan burst!”

The cold Star River soars into the sky, and then blasts down with a punch, trying to fight Pengfei up close .

“It’s just right!”

Peng Fei soared up, with incredible speed, and instantly fought Leng Star River together.

The two hit the ground from mid-air, and then from the ground to mid-air. The speed is so fast that people look dazzling.

Gradually, Pengfei turned defensively into an offensive. His moves seemed simple and concise, but every strike was quickly and accurately played to the extreme.

Leng Star River resisted bitterly, and gradually revealed his defeat.

“Heaven Smiting Sect’s son of God, you guy is ashamed.”

Pengfei, the more fights the more brave is, is unstoppable, he vibrates his wings suddenly, a Accelerate and hit the cold Star River’s chest.


Leng Star River couldn’t dodge in time. He vomited blood violently and couldn’t stop falling to the ground.

This is because he runs the divine force in time to resist, otherwise he will be crushed.

“World martial arts, only speed can not be broken, this Kunpeng wing is really out of the ordinary!”

Yang Xuan secretly thought.

If there was no one next to Pengfei, he severely injured Leng Star River with a single blow. He did not continue to make a move, but stared at Leng Star River condescendingly, his eyes full of mockery.


The cold Star River was in pain and roared hysterically.

This is a shame. In the presence of so many young geniuses, he, the god son from Heaven Smiting Sect, was so embarrassed by others.

“The surname Peng, I and I are absolutely irreconcilable.”

Just as he was preparing to fight Pengfei desperately, someone shouted: “Don’t fight, Longevity Tree wakes up Is now.”


Everyone was shocked. The Longevity Tree is the tree of immortal spirits. It has the strength comparable to that of a half-immortal. If this awakening is for them No one of them can escape.

At this moment, Peng Fei and Leng Star River dared not continue to fight. They looked into the distance and saw the huge Longevity Tree trunk. I don’t know when they actually appeared. An old face.

“Brother Yang, let’s withdraw quickly!”

Peng Fei came to Yang Xuan’s side and said.

Longevity Tree wakes up, this matter is not trivial, there may be a glimmer of survival now.

“Can’t escape.”

Yang Xuan shook his head and smiled bitterly. It is a tree of immortal spirit. Now that they have woken up, even if they try their best, they can hardly leave. .

Peng Fei was speechless, and he also understood that this time he was afraid it was not good.

“Master pay respects to immortal spirit.”

At this time, someone was already bending down and giving a big gift to the old face.

“Master pay respects to immortal spirit!”

Everyone came back to his senses, and they also gave gifts.

If Longevity Tree does not wake up, they can still try to pick Longevity Fruit, but now that Longevity Tree wakes up, no one will dare to play Longevity Fruit anymore.

“You, stay, and the others, leave quickly.”

At this time, the old face speaks human’s words, and waved a thick branch, pointing directly Yang Xuan.

“Should I stay?”

Yang Xuan was surprised.

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