Yang Xuan whispered and walked non-stop, bypassing the sculpture of Immortal Monarch, and soon came to this vast open space.

Here, a group of heroes gather, and there are countless geniuses, and their eyes all fall on Yang Xuan.

Some people looked at Yang Xuan and made no secret of the fiery eyes, as if they were treating Yang Xuan as sweet and glutinous rice cakes, and wanted to rush to take a bite.

“Take your own demise!”

The corners of Yang Xuan’s mouth are slightly tilted, creating an intriguing arc.

He knew that there was bound to be a big battle next.

One person fights against a group of young geniuses. You may be afraid to change to someone else, but Yang Xuan doesn’t care, and even his heart still has a lot of pride.

“This child is really extraordinary!”

Some people sigh, let alone how strong Yang Xuan is. Just because of his courage to face danger, let him No one can match.

Pengfei came back to his senses, a flash came to Yang Xuan’s side, “Why did Brother Yang come out so soon?”

There was a little worry between the words .

Yang Xuan is a man of two generations, and he has read countless people. Knowing that Pengfei is not a hypocritical person, he can’t help saying with a smile: “Hehe, I will come out after finishing the work. Why, brother Peng doesn’t want to see it earlier Me?”

“When is this, Brother Yang still has time to joke with me.”

Pengfei smiled bitterly.

“Sorry, sorry.”

Yang Xuan spread his hands, but his eyes scanned the audience.

He didn’t speak either, but his fighting intent rose up all over his body.

Feeling this fighting intent, many people are shocked.

This kid is really arrogant. Is he so arrogant that he can deal with all of them with his strength of oneself?

Leng Star River was also surprised, but then his face showed disdain again. He coldly said: “Boy, I really don’t know where your confidence comes from, making you so arrogant.”

“It’s ridiculous, why am I arrogant?”

Yang Xuan glanced at Leng Star River and said casually.

“Nonsense, what did you get in Long Life Temple?”

Leng Star River looked impatient and showed cold light.

“What thing are you, let me show you just show you?”

Yang Xuan sneered.

“You are courting death!”

Leng Star River is furious, I have to say that this guy is powerful, this is only less than 5 minutes, just the previous injury Almost too.

Yang Xuan was fearless, raised his eyebrows and said: “Who is courting death, you have to make gestures before you know, I will ask you, do you dare to be the first bird? Fight with me?”

This is an invitation to fight. As the god of Jie Tianjiao, Leng Star River couldn’t refuse at all, but Yang Xuan’s words were so awkward that he actually said he was a bird in the early days.

Pengfei is dumb and completely speechless.

In fact, Yang Xuan is right. Everyone present is not in a hurry to do it now, just because someone wants to take the lead to explore the depth of Yang Xuan.

Walking together all the way, although Pengfei does not know how strong Yang Xuan true strength is, the unpredictable and mysterious Punishing God Sword Array alone is not what Leng Star River can contend.

If Leng Star River stands up to a fair fight with Yang Xuan, then Yang Xuan can take this opportunity to kill him.

“So many people are watching, but do you dare to fight?”

Yang Xuan screamed wildly, so loud that many people trembled. Their hearts are also secretly awe-inspiring, and they understand that Yang Xuan is difficult to deal with, so it’s better not to swim in the muddy water.

Chapter 827 Liwei

“Boy, I want you to die.”

“Dogs that bite don’t bark.”

“Well, well, today, if I take you down, fiercely tortured to death, I will write the three words cold Star River upside down.”

The cold Star River flies like a thunder. There has never been a time when he looks like So angry now.

This is too supercilious, it doesn’t put him in the eye, it is tolerable or unbearable.

Leng Star River has decided to use all his strength to suppress and kill Yang Xuan, otherwise it will be hard to vent his hatred.

There is no unnecessary nonsense, he strode out, “Aren’t you going to fight? Get out quickly and die.”

“It’s the same sentence, who is born. Die, you have to make gestures to know.”

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