
Yang Xuan did not delay, and jumped up with the purgatory boy and flew into the gate.

After a while, Yang Xuan came to a strange place.

This is like a prison, with prisons on both sides.

A prison is dark red, old and mottled, but don’t doubt its sturdiness. In fact, these prisons are made of rare metals and cannot be destroyed by ordinary external forces.

Yang Xuan followed behind the purgatory boy step by step and walked toward the depths along the middle aisle, only to see that the prisons on the left and right were all empty, without who was being held.

“Do you think it is weird?”

The purgatory boy hands behind ones back and asked without looking back.

“It’s a bit strange.”

Yang Xuan nodded.

“In fact, it’s nothing. This is a 1st floor prison. Although many people can be detained, my former master once released some people, and a few of them died in battle for my former master.”

The purgatory boy drowsily said.

Yang Xuan gave a sigh, and asked casually: “Then how many people are still being held here?”

“No more, no less, exactly four, these four people, all There is a cultivation base of Divine Force Peak, but don’t underestimate them. These people used to be true fierce persons. There were no more than eight thousand and ten thousand people who were killed.”

The two came to the end of the aisle.

It is very open, but there are very few prisons, only four.

Four prisons, lined up from left to right, are located not far in front.

In these prisons, four people were imprisoned.

Four people, one is a bearded man with a beard, and the other is a middle-aged Taoist in shabby clothes.

The other two, one is a white haired old man with a rickety figure, and the other is a red clothed woman with a hot figure.

“Little bastard, what are you doing here again? After torturing us for so many years, is it not enough?”

The four of them are all awake. When the purgatory boy arrives, The bearded Dahan suddenly roared.

Unlike the Zhaxu man, none of the other three spoke.

At this moment, the eyes of the three of them all focused on the purgatory boy side Yang Xuan, and their expressions were suddenly different.

As a purgatory boy, I will never bring anyone in for no reason.

In doing so, there is only one possibility, that is, Purgatory Sword has a new owner.

Thinking of this, the red clothed woman with hot body fluttered her long hair and revealed a beautiful face, and said to Yang Xuan said with a smile: “This little brother is having a good life. Jun, if elder sister is right, you should be the new owner of Purgatory Sword, right?”

“Elder sister has a good vision, yes, Purgatory Sword is now mine.”

Yang Xuan nodded with a smile, no matter how vicious and merciless the other party used to be, he doesn’t care, and there is a way to convince him.

“Purgatory Sword is a half-step Spirit Transformation device. Since your little doll can be recognized by this sword Sword Spirit, it must have extraordinary ability.”

The crooked white haired old man grinned in a gloomy manner.

Yang Xuan’s expression remained unchanged, so he looked at the other person, indifferently said: “I have no other ability, but the strength is okay, old man dare to try?”

hearing this, the middle-aged Taoist man who has never spoken, said with a big smile: “haha, interesting, really interesting, old man, or play with him.”

” Yes, Old Zhang will just play with him, teach him how to behave, giggle…”

At the end of the talk, the red clothed woman smiled again and again, as if watching a good show.

They have been imprisoned for too long. It is rare for the new owner of Purgatory Sword to come in today. They also want to use Old Zhang to explore the depths of Yang Xuan, and also find some fun to relieve their boredom.


Old Zhang’s head is coldly snorted, so he doesn’t want to be an early bird and simply doesn’t take care of Yang Xuan.

“This old man’s name is Zhang Tianfang, don’t let him talk eccentric, but he is as timid as a mouse.”

The purgatory boy told Yang Xuan, but he didn’t lower it at all. Zhang Tianfang heard his own voice, and a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes.

But the hatred goes to hate, but he has nothing to do with the purgatory boy, and dare not repay it.

Yang Xuan turned his gaze away from Zhang Tianfang and looked towards the man with a beard, “Where are you, dare to fight with me?”

, If you can defeat me, my Longyi will conclude a contract with you, and I will never betray in this life.”

The man who claims to be Longyi is in a low, muffled voice authentic.

“it’s a deal.”

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