“Once the contract is concluded, I can’t even want to betray you. Just rest assured.”

Long Yi smiled bitterly.

Yang Xuan didn’t answer, but asked Long Yi not to resist, then bit his index finger and dripped a drop of blood essence on his forehead.

This is the soul blood contract. With this contract, as long as Long Yi dares to move any crooked mind, Yang Xuan a single thought can make him the soul flew away and scattered.

Chapter 834 acknowledge allegiance

“little brother young hero, so powerful and impressive. I wonder if there is a sweetheart now?”

red clothed woman He giggled, his voice sounded like a pearl and jade, and a clear spring in a mountain stream, pleasing to the ears.

When the average man hears her voice, he will definitely be fascinated by her Divine Soul upside down, not what year it is today.

But Yang Xuan is different. He has been a human for two lifetimes, with a strong spirit and a firm will, completely unaffected by it.

Seeing Yang Xuan’s silence, the red clothed woman’s red lips lightly opened, and her voice became softer.

“little brother, do you think the elder sister is beautiful?”

I have to say that the red clothed woman is really beautiful, especially the figure, compared with the blood race supreme blue butterfly It’s not too much to get up.

However, it is still useless for Yang Xuan.

He glanced at the other person, coldly said: “Put away your fascination, I Yang Xuan has many women, and all of them are more beautiful than you. It’s not that I despise you, you are better than Those dancers in brothel who like act coquettishly are stronger.”

This is a bit counterintuitive, but it is very shocking.


red clothed woman is darkly angry, I think back then, she was also a beautiful and gorgeous beauty, although she used to kill people like scything flax , But there are countless people who want to fall under her pomegranate skirt.

Who ever wanted to be brought to the dancers in brothel for the mention on equal terms?

The more Ding Mansha thinks, the more angry she is, her gaze looking towards Yang Xuan is full of resentment, and some murderous intention faintly mixed.

If she didn’t know her strength was inferior to others, she would have been in trouble long ago, how could she tolerate Yang Xuan’s humiliation.

“You think you can kill me? It depends on you, do you deserve it?”

Yang Xuan observes his words and looks, disdainfully said.


Ding Mansha took a deep breath and chose to lower her head after all, “It’s the little girl who is wrong, don’t blame the little brother.”

“nonsense, make a contract with me now.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand to let the purgatory boy open the prison door and entered Ding Mansha’s prison alone.

Ding Mansha looked at the young man standing in front of her, looking at his cold and merciless eyes, she couldn’t help but feel a little awe.

She knew that Yang Xuan had a high self-esteem, she didn’t put herself in her eyes at all, and once she changed, she would immediately be killed.

No one who is as strong as a dragon is not Yang Xuan’s opponent, how can she beat Yang Xuan?

The result of to act blindly without thinking is die without a burial site.

No one is not afraid of death, and Ding Mansha is no exception.

In order to survive and see the sun again, she can only submit to humiliation, to relax her spirit forcibly and not to resist.

“In the future, you will understand how correct your choice is today.”

Yang Xuan nodded, soon completed the contract with Ding Mansha.

From now on, the other person’s life and death is his ghost, and death is his ghost.

Even if he wants Ding Mansha to die, the latter dare not defy.

“Ding Mansha pay respects to the master.”

Ding Mansha picked up her long skirt, fell to her knees, and bowed her head.

“Get up, you don’t need to follow me on this set, as long as you listen to my orders in the future, everything is easy to say.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand.

“Thank You Master.”

Ding Mansha stood up and respectfully retreated behind Yang Xuan and stood still.

Yang Xuan did not care about Ding Mansha either, turned his head and looked towards Zhang Tianfang and the middle-aged Taoist, and asked coldly: “Where are you two, are you willing to submit to me?”


Zhang Tianfang and the middle-aged Taoist looked at each other, and both saw the unwillingness in their eyes.

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