“You don’t need to do anything, just leave everything to me.”

While speaking, Yang Xuan stretched out a hand and lightly pressed it against Mu Lingxue’s belly.

“What are you…doing!?”

Mu Lingxue complexion changed, moving back like a frightened deer.

“Why is this girl Mu?”

Yang Xuan was taken aback first, and then he remembered men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things, and immediately said with a bitter smile: “Although this move is a bit abrupt, but it is also forced to be helpless, not deliberately offensive.”

“Does it really have to be like this?”

For Mu Lingxue For a person with a cold appearance and a pure heart like a piece of white paper, the muscle and skin contact between men and women is really difficult to accept.

Actually through childhood, no man has touched her hand, let alone the shyest belly of her daughter’s family.

“The sea of ​​air is the lifeblood of martial artist, and there is no room for mistakes.”

Yang Xuan said in a serious manner: “Furthermore, with my current cultivation base, it is far from To do so in the air, so I can only apologize to the girl.”


Mu Lingxue wanted to say something but stopped.

“Well, isn’t it just a touch, it won’t lose two pieces of meat.”

Yang Xuan strikes out with lightning, pointing a finger on Mu Lingxue’s Tanzhong point, Mu Lingxue suddenly became unable to move even a little bit.

“Yang Xuan, don’t mess around…”

Mu Lingxue can’t get rid of it, her skin is full of charming pink.

Although Yang Xuan has read countless women, at this moment, his eyes still can’t help but show a sense of surprise.

Mu Lingxue is so beautiful. Although there is a veil made of special materials to cover her face, Yang Xuan has a powerful Martial Dao Heavenly Eye and he has seen Mu Lingxue’s true face in private. .

It can be said that this is a beauty with good looks, body and temperament, not inferior to Qin Lan and other women. It is difficult for any man to not be moved by it.


Mu Lingxue is ashamed and angry, Yang Xuan’s eyes are too hot, as if to melt her whole body.

Yang Xuan took a deep breath, calming the evil fire in his heart, and just said: “Close your eyes and draw the breath into your body with your mind. Then I will help you.”

hearing this, Mu Lingxue gritted her silver teeth, glaring at Yang Xuan, and didn’t mean to listen to Yang Xuan at all.

“Woman, I won’t say it twice. If you don’t be obedient anymore, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

Yang Xuan raised his hand and took off the gesture Mu Lingxue’s veil.

“Don’t, I…I just follow you.”

Mu Lingxue panicked, closed her eyes hurriedly, and absorbed Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth.

“Didn’t expect, didn’t expect, this trick is so effective.”

Yang Xuan was surprised, and then didn’t think much about it, and put his palm on Mu Ling On Xue’s lower abdomen, the wonderful touch made Yang Xuan shivered all over his body.

One word! Cool!

Yang Xuan kept adjusting his breathing. It took a while before he put his mind back and started moving towards Mu Lingxue injecting divine force into his abdomen.

Since Mu Lingxue wanted to open up the sea of ​​air, Yang Xuan appeared to be extra careful. Initially, he only used a little less divine force, but after discovering that Mu Lingxue’s air sea barrier was extremely strong, he also Have to slowly increase the output of divine force.

“It hurts, can you lighten it?”

Mu Lingxue barely managed to bear it at first, but as Yang Xuan injected more and more divine force, her The body felt a little overwhelmed, especially Qi Hai, as if it was being bitten by countless ants and insects, the pain was unbearable, and even beads of sweat overflowing from the smooth forehead.

Yang Xuan’s heart beats wildly, breathing hard, no way, any man can’t stand Mu Lingxue’s words.

What is good pain, can you lighten it?

Beauty, can’t you be more reserved?

To be heard by outsiders, even when we are doing that!

“Have you heard, I really hurt.”

Mu Lingxue never thought that outsiders would have such pain in opening up a sea of ​​qi.

This is no wonder she, after all, she is just a god refiner, and her fleshy body strength is at best comparable to an ordinary martial artist in the Ning Yuan realm, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a weak and fragile martial artist.

“Only after bitter hardships, can be better than others, bear with me.”

What Yang Xuan can say now, can only increase the output of divine force again, think To use this to break through Mu Lingxue’s sea of ​​anger in one fell swoop.


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