angry roar, a silhouette jumped out of the sea. It was a six-armed young man with silver battle clothes. Under the silver hair of the shawl, the eyes were like sapphires. The whole person is better than many women. Handsome.

But at this moment, his eyes were extremely sharp, staring at Su Xunfang firmly.

“Your father is Poseidon, then you…”

Su Xunfang was moved, Poseidon, heirs survived to this day, which is really incredible.

No need for the six-armed young man to speak, many clansman answered for her, and saw them kneeling down and shouting respectfully: “pay respects to the son of God.”

Chapter 871 The Son of the Sea God

“The Son of God!”

Above the heights, the Equaling Heaven Sect disciple looked at each other one by one, and a touch of surprise appeared in their eyes.

The Son of God, also known as the Son of God, is definitely not a title that ordinary people can have.

But after another thought, they were relieved again.

After all, the opponent is the son of the sea god, and it is normal for clansman to call him the son of god.

It’s just that this son of the Seagod is also a powerful character. He looks young, only in his twenties, but he has an imposing manner like an imposing manner.

The cold light transmitted from those blue eyes between the opening and closing is even more breathtaking, making people feel terrified from in the bones.

“This person is not simple. Compared to Gong Liangxiu, Sikongao, and Yang Xuan, I am afraid he is even better.”

“Let’s not say how strong he is, I I’m curious, how long did he live?”

“By the way, I remember, Gao Elder said before that the Sea Clan was extinct since the last time the Eternal Life Palace was opened. , And Eternal Life Palace is opened every million years. In other words, doesn’t this child live for a whole million years!”

As soon as this statement came out, all Equaling Heaven Sect disciples were shocked. .

A sea god son who has lived millions of years. This is definitely the major event of shaking the old illuminating the new. Once the news spreads, all parties must be shaken.

“If I didn’t expect it to be bad, there must be an expert who used a secret technique to seal his body.”

Someone had their thoughts transferred and figured out all this.

Indeed, how can a young Hai people live for millions of years? It’s impossible, and only by closing oneself can he be reborn after millions of years.

This is the same as some peerless Heaven’s Chosen from the outside world. They rushed to enter the Eternal Life Palace and competed for good fortune. They sealed themselves in dust early, like a lifeless corpse, living in a place of all black, no daylight. Long years have passed.

One after another, the son of the sea god remained unmoved, but gently raised his hand, and then all directions, all the sea clansman stood up straight, looking at him with awe.

The son of Poseidon smiled and was very satisfied with this. He body moved, the speed was as fast as a teleport, and he came to stand beside the eight-armed old man in a blink of an eye.

“I have seen the Son of God.”

The eight-armed old man leaned slightly. Although he is the High Priest of the Sea Clan and his status is very respected, he still dare not have the slightest in front of the Son of the Sea God Disrespect.

“High Priest, you don’t need to be polite.”

The Seagod’s son waved his hand and yelled at Song Chengde and the others: “That blow just now was just a little Warning, if you don’t leave again, you will surely kill Er et al.”

“It turns out…you made those huge waves just now!”

Su Xunfang’s eyes were red. , Wishing to smash the corpse of the Seagod’s son into thousands of pieces, she was still wondering if those huge waves were made by the eight-armed old man, but only now did she understand that the culprit was the son of the Seagod.

“What about me? You can still eat me?”

The son of Poseidon sneered, his body exuded a strong breath, such as the king Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, looking down innumerable living beings.

Su Xunfang narrowed her eyes, and she was a little surprised. She saw many young geniuses, but it was the first time that she saw someone as powerful as the son of the sea god in an imposing manner.

Shocked to surprise, Su Xunfang is not afraid.

After all, it’s a Supreme Elder, how can you be afraid of a young man, immediately coldly said: “a debtor must pay his debt, murder for life, today, the old man will use your blood to comfort me. The Spirit of Heaven in the Heart Pavilion.”

“haha, old lady, you are too high on yourself. You can’t kill me on your own.”

The son of Seagod laughed up to the sky. , His head full of silver hair dancing wildly, he took a step forward, and then with a wave of the silver battle halberd in his hand, a huge zhang wave suddenly raged on the sea, like a wild python that wanted to choose people and eat it, and quickly rushed towards Su Xunfang.


Su Xunfang pointed both into a sword, and with a stroke in the air, a swarm of spirit strength condensed into an invisible giant sword, and instantly cut the huge zhang wave away.

At the same time, the invisible giant sword casts its momentum unabated, press forward, and directly slashes towards the son of the sea god.

“The trifling mysterious technique is useless to me.”

The son of the Seagod screamed and rushed over by himself, but with a quick blow, the battle halberd in his hand burst out The terrifying force blasted the invisible giant sword to pieces.

The Fleshy body is extremely terrifying, which is much better than the outstanding disciplines of body refinement in the immortal world.

“The Son of God is invincible, overawes the world!”

A large number of clansman saw all this in their eyes, and they all shouted excitedly.

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