At this moment, a three-foot-long snake-shaped long sword rushed up from the bottom of the deep pool. After all, he did not dare to annoy Yang Xuan, and a picture of the old man appeared in the sky. face.

Needless to say, the face of the old man is the Sword Spirit of the snake-shaped long sword. Looking at his pale face, it is obvious that he has suffered severe damage.

“This sword really has a Sword Spirit!”

Si Kongao narrowed his eyes, but he knew that not every Divine Item has a spirit, in fact, any Divine Item, Regardless of the level, it takes a long time of precipitation before a spirit is born.

“Human, I have come out, you have to promise not to kill me.”

The old man looked at Yang Xuan with a little fear in his hoarse voice. He was really afraid of Yang Xuan, and he was even more afraid of the existence in Purgatory Sword.

Just now, he was hiding well, but he was found by that one, and he was injured by a spirit strength. This is the other party’s show mercy, otherwise he would already be the soul flew away and scattered.

Yang Xuan didn’t talk nonsense. He pointed to Si Kongao and said, “You can live alive, but you have to recognize him as the master.”

Previously, he let Sikongao go after him. I just wanted to give Sikongao a chance, but he didn’t know that Sikongao failed.

But it’s okay. With him, this chance is destined to be impossible.

“virtuous brother, how does this make it?”

Just a glance, Si Kongao knew that the snake-shaped long sword was extraordinary, and it was a rare high grade Divine Item. And the value of a high grade Divine Item that gave birth to Sword Spirit is even more immeasurable.

“What can’t you do, you see, I already have this Divine Sword in my hand, and I don’t need any other Divine Item anymore.”

Purgatory Sword in Yang Xuan’s hands Yiyang, and then rushed to the old man’s face: “I am a brother of brother, whether it is family background, cultivation base strength, or is innate talent potential, it is a bit worse than that of the common good cultivation. If you follow him, there will be a lot of benefits in the future. , One day, it may even condense the body of flesh and blood.”

“The body of flesh and blood!”

The Cang old man’s face moved for a while, but he was a little hesitant, after all, like them This kind of Sword Spirit, once the host dies, he has to suffer.

The death of Gongliangxiu has already made him almost flying ash annihilation. If the new host dies again, then he will really cease to exist.

Seeing that Old Man Cang’s face did not say a word, the Butterfly Emperor coldly snorted and said: “little old man, my master has been very kind to you. If you still don’t know the truth, this emperor will not let you go “

“What are you?”

The old man Cang can see that the butterfly emperor is a different kind, but he can’t see the specific situation of the butterfly emperor, but the butterfly emperor’s tone It was too arrogant, and it made him feel unhappy.

“All you need to know is that I am higher than you.”

“Be higher than me, I can’t see it.”

“It doesn’t seem to be given Look at it with a little bit of color, you still think I have no temper. Remember, there are not ten or eight Sword Spirits that I have swallowed before.”

Between words, The Emperor Butterfly let out a tyrannical aura, and his expression on the old man’s face changed drastically. It felt like a cat and a mouse met a cat, and he hurriedly shouted to Yang Xuan: “Human, I promise you, I will recognize him as the master. “

“a wise man submits to circumstances, your choice is not wrong.”

Yang Xuan nodded.

Everything went smoothly. The old man Cang’s face immediately concluded a contract with Sikongao, and Sikongao also successfully mastered the snake-shaped long sword.

This sword is called the Dragon Snake sword, and the face of the old man calls himself the old snake, with the strength comparable to the supreme.

In addition, according to the old Snake, he was not a naturally born Artifact Spirit. Its body was originally an ancient spirit snake, which was later beheaded, and the other party confined his soul to the Dragon Snake sword. , As the Sword Spirit of the Dragon Snake sword.

“many thanks virtuous brother.”

For a long time, Si Kongao put away the Dragon Snake sword. He was both excited and touched. What he was excited about was the Divine Sword, and he was touched by Yang Xuan. generous.

Although the two are married as a brother, in the face of absolute interests, father and son may turn against each other and face each other, let alone people who are not related by blood?

It can be said that Yang Xuan’s move is truly regarded as a brother.

“One generation, two brothers, don’t give me any thanks in the future.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand and took out a simple storage ring. .

“This is Gongliangxiu?”

Sikongao’s pupil light flashed slightly, and he had guessed something vaguely.


Yang Xuan nodded, sinking his mind into the storage ring, and found a divine medicine in it at a glance, and apart from divine medicine, other weapons There are also many medicine pill, priceless and unique rare treasure.

Even, Yang Xuan also found an ancient book, which recorded a cultivation technique called “Heavenspan Xuan Yin Jue”, which is Gong Liang Xiu. The cultivation technique is repaired.

Although this cultivation technique is very tyrannical, it is a Divine Grade cultivation technique not just in name only, but also in reality, but it is not suitable for Yang Xuan cultivation. Besides, Yang Xuan has already burned the sky. , And the cultivation is successful, so I don’t want to change to other cultivation techniques. That will only hurt him, not good.

Soon, Yang Xuan put away the storage ring and said to Sikong proudly: “Let’s go, while it’s still safe, hurry up.”

Following the Butterfly Emperor, flew out of the forest with Si Kongao, and continued to go deep into Time and Space Secret Realm.

For some reason, the more you move forward, the more Yang Xuan can feel a summon.

This summon does not originate from in the depth of one’s soul, but from a kind of strange energy, this energy faintly echoes with a kind of power within the body, as if it is the same origin.

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