In addition, with the opening of the City of Destiny, people continue to come in from outside. After a short period of exploration and understanding, they also rushed to the Yan Luo Temple to see the excitement.

There are also people who are closely related to Yang Xuan, such as Vermilion Bird Academy instructor Yi Qingwu, such as Golden Crow Clan’s Little Princess Wu Lingyan.

After more than half a year of hard work, Yi Qingwu’s cultivation base has also reached the peak of divine force, and he can step into the supreme in just one step.

As for Wu Lingyan, although the little girl only has a cultivation base that has just entered the divine force realm, she is protected by the fire of chaos and it is not difficult to come to the City of Destiny.

When the two women came together outside the Yan Luo Temple, they also attracted a lot of attention.

No way, no matter whether the two women are Wu Lingyan or Yi Qingwu, their appearance and temperament are not inferior to Yan Ruyue. They can be called stunning in the world. Any man who can get one of them, I am afraid he will wake up in dreams. .

“Elder sister, do you think the person who entered the Yan Luo Temple is Yang Xuan?”

At this moment, Wu Lingyan asked.

“The most likely to be him.”

Yi Qingwu indifferently said, as cold and arrogant as before, and the temperament is exactly the same as Yan Ruyue.

Yan Ruyue also saw Yi Qingwu and Wu Lingyan who came nearby. After hearing the conversation between the two women, her brows wrinkled first, and then she moved her lotus steps lightly and came to the two women. Next, he asked casually: “Do you know Yang Xuan?”

“Of course I do. Yang Xuan is my friend, and I had a drink with me in my hometown.”

Wu Lingyan said not even think, a pair of agile eyes with a bit of crafty, and looked at Yan Ruyue without blinking, “Does the elder sister know Yang Xuan?”

“I am his wife.”

Yan Ruyue said.

hearing this, Yi Qingwu face turned cold, blurted out: “You bastard, I don’t know how many women there are. It really hurts my poor younger sister.”

“This girl’s surname, and what is your younger sister…?”

Yan Ruyue looked towards Yi Qingwu, I always think this girl looks familiar, but after thinking about it, Yan Ruyue again Have never seen Yi Qingwu.

“My name is Yi Qingwu, and my younger sister is Yi Xiu’er. Both of our sisters are from the mainland of Sacred Domain.”

Yi Qingwu said.

“It turned out to be the elder sister of Xiu’er younger sister, no wonder…”

Yan Ruyue suddenly understands why she feels that Yi Qingwu is a little familiar. After all, she is two sisters with facial features. There are many similarities with Yi Xiu’er.

“terrifying, has arrived at the Twelfth Layer!”

“This child is going against the sky, I originally thought, the more difficult it is to get behind, who knows his speed Not to mention, on the contrary, there is a trend of increase.”

“It is worthy of being selected by fate. As expected, no one is a general generation.”

Suddenly, there was an exclamation. The sound came.

Yan Ruyue, Yi Qingwu, and the three women of Wu Lingyan looked up and saw that the twelve beads on the top of the Yan Luo Temple were all shining. The rays of light shined brightly throughout the world.

“Hehe, that’s amazing!”

Wu Lingyan clapped her hands and exclaimed happily.

“I don’t know what this younger sister is called?”

Yan Ruyue can tell that Wu Lingyan and Yang Xuan are not ordinary friends.

“My name is Wu Lingyan, and I come from the same place as Qingwu elder sister, but Qingwu elder sister is Fox Race, and I am Golden Crow Clan.”

Wu Ling Yan didn’t hide the truth.

“Fox Race! Golden Crow Clan!”

Yan Ruyue’s beautiful eyes flickered and she was a little surprised. I won’t talk about Fox Race. This Golden Crow Clan is very Rare race.

According to legend, Golden Crow Clan mostly lives on the Supreme Sun Star, and can also be called the Vulcan clan, who can control the fires of the world.

“I see, Yang Xuan’s Sun Golden Core must be condensed in the younger sister’s hometown.”

“Well, yes, Yang Xuan passed the Sun God Temple , Got the recognition of our tribe’s holy fire, the comprehended Profound Truth of Fire, and finally, it was with the help of Profound Truth of Fire that the golden core of the sun was condensed.”

Between words, the brilliance of this world has skyrocketed, but Two more round beads light up on the Yan Luo Temple.

14th-layer is now!

Seeing this scene, the audience was silent. Everyone knew that Yang Xuan had passed the 14th-layer test of the Yan Luo Temple and came to the Fifteenth Layer hell.

“Let’s go, stay here, and you will only be thrown farther and farther by that nasty kid.”

“Damn, I don’t believe this child can continue to be proud.”

At this time, You Fen and Tyrant Wudao couldn’t keep calm, they talked in a low voice, and then turned away angrily.

In the City of Destiny, good fortune is not limited to the Yan Luo Temple. They can only stare at it while they stay here, and they can’t stop Yang Xuan from breaking through the barrier.

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