In a short moment, six pairs of magic wings condensed and the twelve wings heavenly demon formally took shape.

However, there are pros and cons. After the twelve wings heavenly demon appeared, Yang Xuan’s blood was burning all over his body, making him unhappy, as if his whole person was about to explode at any time.

“The Demon Sovereign clan, born for war, if there is no courage, if there is no plan, if there is no certain death mind, this life cannot be a major event…”

, In the dark, a voice rang in Yang Xuan’s mind.

This is like a magic spell, coming from somewhere far away in time and space, its voice is grand and domineering, vigorous and powerful, making the bloodline boiling.

If you obey, the powerhouse will be stronger and it will explode with immense power.

If you resist, you will be robbed by Heart Demon, either dead or disabled.

This change is rare in ancient and modern times. Only the Demon Race Imperial Family can appear.

In the past, Demon Race Imperial Family ancient ancestor once swore a blood oath, but his blood oath has not dissipated, and it has been inscribed in the blood of future generations, thus inspiring future generations to move forward.

Chapter 973 Divine Beating Whip

What should I do?

This is the choice Yang Xuan is facing right now.

Whether to comply or resist is a very difficult decision.

If you resist, maybe your life is safe.

On the contrary, the future is unknown, and no one knows how long one can hold on. If you can’t hold on, you will surely explode and die, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

“Martial Dao cultivation. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. Isn’t it a death? What is there to fear? I, Yang Xuan, can support both heaven and earth, fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, this It is time to go upstream.”

After a brief hesitation, Yang Xuan put aside all his worries and prepared to fight hard.

“Boy, it’s not too late. As long as you are nodded, I can take action to suppress this riot of demonic energy for you.”

Palace Lord Yama said repeatedly:” This demonic energy does not belong to you. Forcibly absorbed, although it can make your battle strength skyrocket within a short period of time, the stronger the external force, the greater the side effects. Even if you don’t die, you will lose your cultivation base. The gain is not worth the loss.”

“Many thanks for your kindness, but I have made a decision.”

Yang Xuan has no fear on his face, he squeezes his fingers into fists, endures all kinds of pain, desperately facing the opposite Yan Luo Palace Lord, made a shocking blow.


The power of a punch, collapses Exterminating Heaven and Earth, and the terrifying demonic energy turns into a fist, like a world-destroying dragon, and instantly came to the Lord Yama .

“Damn it!”

House Lord Yama complexion greatly changed, the undefeated golden body was pierced by the fist on the spot, and his body was hit by this blow, and the chest cavity appeared instantly A bloody mouth with a big mouth.


At this time, Yang Xuan only felt like he had inexhaustible power. His body moved, like a bolt of lightning, quickly slammed to Palace Lord Yama Nearer.


A muffled sound came out, and Palace Master Yama was inevitable, and he was on the spot with his big hand slapped to the ground.

“Enough is enough, I surrender.”

Palace Lord Yama screamed painfully, the golden light on the surface of the body flashed bright and dark, like a residual fire in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

golden light, Buddha’s radiance manifested as the eight-character mantra.

Under the shroud of Buddha’s radiance, Palace Lord Yama also possesses a legendary undefeated golden body, and his defensive power is extremely powerful.

However, in front of absolute strength, in front of Yang Xuan’s twelve times battle strength, his undefeated golden body is still a little weaker, and he can’t stop Yang Xuan’s continuous attacks.

Yang Xuan shot quickly, grabbing Palace Lord Yan Luo in his hand, unshakable.


The neck bones of Palace Lord Yama shattered, scaring the souls of the dead.

“You lost!”

Yang Xuan’s eyes were cold, but he didn’t kill him, and threw Palace Lord Yan Luo on the ground.


Palace Master Yan Luo fell to the ground heavily, and he didn’t know how many bones had been broken in his body. He was spitting blood in his mouth, making it difficult to move.

“You won…”

He looked up at Yang Xuan, his face full of depression.

“cough cough!”

Yang Xuan was about to say something, a wave of intense pain came like a tide, sweeping through his limbs, even Divine Soul. Weakness, as if the next moment would collapse.

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