“Yes, yes, we are friends, friends we met after drinking.”

Yang Xuan is not funny and authentic.

“Yang Xuan…”

Wu Lingyan’s cheeks bulged, and she was very angry.

“haha, you talk, I will come as soon as I go.”

Leave a message, Yang Xuan walks away, unimpeded by the door at the bottom of the building, and walks in Gulou.

Before coming here, Yang Xuan knew about Gulou, knowing that if he can pass Gulou 9-Layer, he will definitely get a lot of life rewards.

Fate numbers can be exchanged for various treasures in the Temple of Destiny.

Treasure is second, Yang Xuan wants to quickly accumulate 50,000 lives and enter the Universe cultivation once.

Chapter 979 Recalling the Past

“Be careful, this hammer is not light, don’t flash your waist.”

“Don’t say, this thing is really not It is light, and it weighs ten thousand catties less.”

“The giant hammer of ten thousand catties is the next thing. If you want to beat the bronze drum, you have to explode twice the weight of the copper hammer.”


“This is true, and the more you go up, this power will increase exponentially. It is said that when you reach the highest 9th floor, you need to play 18 The power of twice the weight of the copper hammer can be used to beat the drum.

“Damn it, who can have 180,000 jin of fleshly body strength without using external force, that is impossible. “

“there is always someone who is better than us. If you can’t do it, it doesn’t mean that others can’t do it. I knew that someone broke into the 8th floor an hour ago. “

“What, 8th floor, doesn’t it mean that the man has 170,000 kilograms of power? “

On the 1st floor of the Drum Tower, in the center of the spacious hall, there is a large drum lying on the ground. It is simple and atmospheric, revealing a sense of vicissitudes of life.

It is made of copper and the drum surface is dark and yellow. According to legend, it is made of ancient beast leather. It is very tenacious and hard to be injured by external forces.

Dozens of people gather here around the drum.

These people, without exception, are qualified to enter the Drum Tower. Some people’s lives are as many as hundreds of points. Sometimes someone will step forward, picking up the copper hammer with both hands and swinging it vigorously. On the bronze drum, there are muffled noises.

The level is cleared when the bronze makes a loud noise. A small noise is not enough to reach the 2nd floor.

“Hey, someone else coming. “

“Haha, look at his thin look, I am afraid that even this copper hammer is difficult to pick up. “

“You can’t just look at people’s appearance, they may not at all you said so unbearable. “

Suddenly, one after another whispered among the crowd, and then everyone looked at the main entrance of the hall.

There, the silhouette of a teenager was clearly visible, slowly Step by step.

The young man is Yang Xuan, his face is calm, ignoring everyone present, each minding their own business in front of the bronze drum in the aisle, grabbing the bronze hammer casually.

Although the hammer weighs ten thousand jins, in his hands, it is like a toy, screwed up by him with no difficulty.

The appearance of Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light is simply effortless , Everyone was speechless.

“Really strong, fierce fleshy body, is this child a Dragon Race!” ? “

Dragon Race is famous for its great strength. Looking at All Heavens Myriad Realms, even the Body Cultivator of the immortal world, the fleshy body is hard to compare with Dragon Race.

Just in the crowd While guessing the origin of Yang Xuan, there was a deafening noise, but Yang Xuan picked up the copper hammer and slammed the copper drum vigorously.

The copper drum was hit by his hammer, and the whole The drumhead was constantly trembling, and then there were countless cracks. Just one more time, I’m afraid it would have to be scrapped on the spot.

“Oh my god, what kind of force is this, it turns all the drumhead It was ruined. “

“monster, this child is a monster! “

“Damn it, damn it, the drumhead is rotten like this, what else do we do next?” “

Looking at the tattered drumhead, some expressed shock, while others were very angry.

Imagine that the drumhead is like this, how do they beat the drum?

I’m afraid that if the hammer goes down, the drumhead will have to be beaten up.

“What about people, do you have a look? “

Someone yelled.

“The drumhead is badly damaged. I’ll find someone to repair it. You can all go out. “

A black armored puppet walked in and said expressionless.

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