“Dark Fiend!”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked up and down the humanoid creature. He found that although the other was human, it was on the back grows a pair of wings. He has a single horn, and his body is covered with ferocious black scales.

“jié jié, a lot of delicious food, I must have eaten enough this time.”

As everyone looked at this dark Fiend, the latter was also looking at it. In the environment, there was a gloomy, weird smile.

“Arrogant, even with your monster, you dare to treat me as food, really overestimate one’s capabilities.”

Someone said with a sneer.

“An ant-like thing, come here quickly and die.”

Dark Fiend roared, his bloodthirsty eyes staring at the speaker.

“courting death!”

The speaker is also a young Heaven’s Chosen, and once got a Life Source lucky Heavenly Book, how can he endure the humiliation of the dark Fiend? To do it.

However, before he could take action, a few dark Fiends rushed out of the river of darkness, standing side by side with the previous dark Fiend, each eye shows the ominous light, glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Chapter 988 The Body of Nothingness

There are a total of eight dark Fiends, each with a sturdy back and a vicious spirit, and they all exude ice cold aura, which makes people fearful.

“Don’t come close, these monsters are definitely not something I can handle.”

At this moment, many people complexion greatly changed, and after they retire, the audience can remain calm. , Only Yang Xuan, domineering, quiet, purple clothed, young people covered in mysterious halo, etc. were only a few people left.

Several people are Heaven’s Chosen, each with a unique knowledge and strength. Although these eight dark Fiends are not easy to deal with at first glance, no one shows the slightest fear on their faces.

Not only that, but from the bottom of the hearts of a few people, they were eager to have a try for a while.

Everyone knows that the Dark Fiend must be even more powerful than the high-rank dark beasts. Killing such creatures will definitely get a lot of life rewards.


There was a short silence, a white clothed youth with an upright posture, extraordinary bearing, and an ancient sword on his back. The ghostly figure moved and rushed into it at a very fast speed. Fiend in darkness.

“Everyone stays back, I will come as soon as I go.”

Leaving a sentence, Yang Xuan also moved, intending to seize the opportunity to win lives from these dark Fiends.

“Let’s kill too!”

The unwilling, quiet, purple clothed, young people who are covered in mysterious halo are unwilling to be left behind. More killing the Dark Fiend.

“jié jié, a group of humble humans, you are sending them to the door to find death by yourself.”

“Kill, let these…lower creatures, and see how powerful our dark Fiend is “

The eight-headed dark Fiend smiled again and again, and they fisted and fought with Yang Xuan and the others.

hong long!

The eight-headed dark Fiend, each blood is strong and violent, their fists and feet pierced the air, causing a series of explosions, and the momentum was very shocking. Let the whole world tremble.

It can be said that the eight-headed dark Fiend has battle strength comparable to the mighty power of the world.

This is pure fleshly body strength. Nourished by the rich Yin Qi in the dark world, their fleshy body is incredibly powerful. It can also automatically repair the injured body with the help of Yin Qi. The body of destruction.

However, no matter how strong their fleshy body is, and fighting at first, a few dark Fiends are still under the wind, which makes them feel angry and roar into the sky.

“I don’t know where the monster came out, and dare to look down on us humans. Today, this place is where you are killed.”

Fisted back the darkness in front of Fiend, then The white clothed youth carrying an ancient sword suddenly pulled out the ancient sword. The ancient sword is three feet long. It is introverted and extremely out of the ordinary. It is a uniquely sharp Divine Sword.

Under the control of the white clothed youth, this sword leaped like lightning, turning into a Life Seizing Sword light, easily letting Fei exit the dark Fiend’s head and head.

However, even so, Fiend is not dead in this darkness.

It raised its hideous head and uttered a terrifying cry, “haha, ignorant humans, our dark Fiend cannot be killed…”

The voice is still there, see you The white clothed youth waved his big hand, and the ancient sword flew out and flew back upside down, forming a piece of Storm of Swords, shattering this dark Fiend head.

“hmph, the fleshy body does not die, I will destroy your Divine Soul.”

The white clothed youth took back the ancient sword and said with a cold face.


At the same time, the overbearing, secluded, purple clothed young people who were covered in mysterious halo were also in trouble one after another, and only saw a gorgeous scene. The rays of light flashed, and then the darkness in front of each Fiend all violent death.

Several people have unique vision, knowing that if you want to kill Dark Fiend, you must destroy its Divine Soul first, so they are ruthless.

“bang! ”

Compared with the unruly and the others, Yang Xuan is much more powerful and domineering, and can suppress and kill the darkness with bare hands.

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