Yang Xuan looked at the purple clothed Hou, then looked at Jian Wuming next to him, Liao Junjie, Wei Lihui, and Tan Fei, loudly said.

As for Yang Xuan’s proposal, Purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming and the others have no objections, and all agree.

The dark world is definitely not a place to be good at. If you really go there, you will surely step by step. If everyone can form a team, the safety will undoubtedly be greatly improved. Why not?

“Well, people are almost here, I will tell you the destination of this trip to the dark world.”

At this moment, a silhouette appeared out of thin air. In front of everyone, it is the azure clothed old man of the Temple of Destiny.

Three days ago, the azure clothed old man turned out to be born and killed a dark demon. His strength was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No one in the room dared to be disrespectful to him. They were all listening.

“I won’t say much about the origin of the dark world. You only need to go to Heavenspan Pagoda when you go there, pass the level 81 of Heavenspan Pagoda, and you will get a Primal Chaos Stone.”

azure clothed old man said.

“I don’t know where the Heavenspan Pagoda that Senior said is located?” someone asked.

This is also what other people care about. After all, no one has been to the dark world. Heaven knows how big the dark world is, and looking for a tower in a Great World is no different from to find a needle in a Haystack is not an easy task.

“Heavenspan Pagoda, Gao Ke Heavenspan, as long as you go to the dark world, you can see it at a glance, but I need to remind you that Heavenspan Pagoda is easy to get in but not easy to get out. I really went to it, among you I am afraid that many people will die in it.”

hearing this, the audience was silent.

For a long time, someone tentatively asked: “Dare to ask Senior, this Heavenspan Pagoda is not only the Primal Chaos Stone?”

“Of course, Heavenspan Pagoda is a peerless A trial site left by Immortal King, in addition to having a large number of rare treasures, there is also a road to the king. As long as you can pass the test of Heavenspan Pagoda 81 layers, you can successfully embark on the road of the king. Immortal King’s Supreme inheritance.”

“Immortal King inheritance……”

Including Yang Xuan, everyone’s breathing became hurried, and some immediately said: “If one doesn’t enter the tiger’s cave, how will one catch a tiger cub? For the inheritance of Immortal King, I will fight hard and die without regret.”

Although the others did not speak , But no one retreats, all preparing to enter the dark world, go to Heavenspan Pagoda to make a break.

“Very well, wait for me to follow me to the spring at the bottom of the river.”

azure clothed old man glanced across the audience, then waved his hand to cast a universe The Great Divine Ability in the Sleeves took everyone shuttling through the void and instantly came to the bottom of the river of darkness.

Here, a huge black spring is clearly visible, and through this spring, you can reach the dark world.

Chapter 992 Holy Magic City

hong long long!

At the bottom of the river of darkness, a spring high-speed rotation with a radius of hundreds of zhangs continuously sprays out thick and watery Yin Qi, which is amazing.

“Through this spring, you can really reach the dark world!?”

“The Temple of Destiny will not lie to us, It shouldn’t be wrong.”

” Not to mention this, what I am worried about is whether we can resist the erosion of the rich Yin Qi in the dark world?”

Looking at the huge black spring in front of us, many people have a look of fear in their eyes. .

Through a glimpse and know the whole thing, a small spring is terrifying like this, the dark world must be more terrifying, and a little carelessness will end up with a tragic end, extremely dangerous.


The azure clothed old man raised his big hand and propped up an invisible light curtain covering everyone present.

At the same time, he continued: “Not much nonsense. Before going to the dark world, each of you can get ten thousand lives as a reward, and I will give it to you.”


The voice was still there, and everyone found that their lives had increased by 10,000 points.

Ten thousand lives are not a decimal number. Some people can only accumulate thousands of lives by doing tasks day after day without sleep.

Someone asked with excitement: “Senior Divine Envoy, can Junior now exchange some treasures?”

“Yes, this trip to the dark world nine deaths and still alive, We still have to be prepared.”

“Yeah, yeah!”

Many people agreed, all wanting to use the extra 10,000 points of life on hand to exchange for some improvement. Treasure of strength.

“Take this thing with you, and you can exchange what you need directly on it.”

With a wave of the azure clothed old man’s sleeve robe, everyone out of thin air An atlas, which clearly records the detailed information of various treasures and the number of lives required.

“Is this…?”

Someone took the photo book and looked towards azure clothed old man curiously.

“This is the Destiny Atlas. I have already recognized Master with you. You can look through it.”

After hearing the words of the azure clothed old man, everyone looked through it carefully for a while , Most of them frowned, just because the treasures in the album required a lot of lives, even if they got 10,000 life rewards, they could only exchange some medicine pills and weapons from them.

“Ten thousand lives are just small heads. If you can return alive from the dark world, you can also get fifty thousand lives. If you can find the Primal Chaos Stone, you can get as many as 500,000 points. Life rewards.”

azure clothed old man opened the mouth and said.

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