The pool of several hundred zhang is large, the whole body is bright white, and the bottom of the pool is spring. From time to time, white water will be sprayed upwards, circulating endlessly, and the whole pool seems to never dry up.

“This is the Destiny Pool?” purple clothed Hou looked towards Wanqing Mountain and Yanyun.

Wanqingshan nodded and said: “It is the Destiny Pond. It is said that the Destiny Pond was born from a Destiny Stone, and this Destiny Stone came from the last Chaos Cycle Yuan and evolved from Heavenly Dao. And the formation of a Divine Stone, there is a saying that the one who gets the Destiny Stone gets the fate.”

“Listening to Brother Wan said this, could it be that Profound Nether Old Demon failed to refining and got the fate.” Stone?”

Yang Xuan asked.

“The Destiny Stone represents Heavenly Dao. How can Heavenly Dao be so easily controlled by humans? It is not as good as the Demon Race powerhouse.”

Wanqingshan Road.

“Don’t be stunned, go down quickly, and wash away all the dirty things on your body.”

At this moment, a demon puppet coldly shouted, and immediately many have a little bit of the Destiny Pool. Everyone who knows has jumped into the pool one after another.

“If you come, you will be safe. Let’s go down and wash. As for whether it will be selected by Profound Nether Old Demon, we can only let it go.”

Wan Qingshan gave a wry smile. Stepped into the Destiny Pool with Yan Yun.

“Hehe, how is this the same as the emperor’s choice of concubine, first bathing and changing clothes?”

Yang Xuan couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as he watched the crowd descend into the water.

“When is it, you are still in the mood to make a joke.”

Yuechan Fairy gave Yang Xuan a funny look. I really don’t know if he was born bold or self-conscious. Thinking that he would not be selected, he was always so calm and calm.

Chapter 1000 Destiny Stone

“I am speak frankly, but I’m not kidding.”

Yang Xuan shrugged, said: “Look at these people, One by one, they can’t wait to be washed away, so that they can be favored by Profound Nether Old Demon.”

“talk nonsense, they just want to use the water from the Destiny Pond to wash their own filth and strengthen the fleshy body that’s all. ”

Yuechan Fairy rolled the eyes.

“Of course I know this. I just made a metaphor. Forget it, let’s not talk about it. We will rarely come here and go down to wash.”

Yang Xuan said Then, grabbing Yuechan Fairy’s jade hand, both jumped into the destiny pool.

Yuechan Fairy’s hands are like soft, smooth, soft and glossy skin. Yang Xuan grasped it tightly as soon as he started, secretly enjoying the beautiful tactility of bone erosion.

“Yang Xuan, what are you doing, let go quickly.”

men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things, not to mention that since their debut, they have never been that The man was so frivolous, Yuechan Fairy reacted, immediately shy and annoyed, struggling to move.

Yang Xuan corner of the mouth raised, instead of letting go, the big evil hand also took advantage of Yuechan Fairy’s unbearable willow waist, and gently fucked there a few times .

The Destiny Pond is so large that it can accommodate thousands of people without being crowded. The place where Yang Xuan and Yuechan Fairy are located is only purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Wei Lihui, Liao Junjie, Tan Fei, Wan Qingshan, Yanyun, etc. are few people.


Yuechan’s Fairy beautiful eyes stared in anger, almost bursting out of fire, as if didn’t expect Yang Xuan to be so bold.

“Hehe, hands slippery, Fairy don’t be angry.”

Yang Xuan smiled and released his big hand.

“Hand skating?”

Yuechan Fairy was angry and angry, and coldly said: “Next time we do this, we don’t even have to do it with friends.”

After that, she moved slightly to keep a certain distance from Yang Xuan.

This guy is a shameless person, too close to him will inevitably be taken advantage of by him.

“How does Brother Yang feel? This destiny pond works well?”

On the side, Wan Qingshan looked at Yang Xuan with a smile.

“It’s pretty good.”

The name is not in vain indeed. The water in the pool is not cold or hot, thick as mutton fat. It can not only warm the meat shell, but also The tempering Divine Soul is a shedding body, exchanging bones.

This is Yang Xuan cultivated Life and Death Eight Sects and Divine Refining Technique, Fleshy body and Divine Soul have reached a very powerful state, otherwise the effect will only be better.

At this time, Yuechan Fairy, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming and the others, and everyone in the pool did not speak, each secretly refining the water in the Heavenly Mandate Pool to temper themselves.

“Although the Destiny Pond is good, it is not of great use to me, so let’s go and see if we can find the legendary Destiny Stone.”

Yang Xuan soaked for a while and discovered No matter how hard the fleshy body is to be promoted, he immediately sank and dived quickly towards the bottom of the pool.

“The following is dangerous, Brother Yang absolutely can’t…”

As soon as the Wanqingshan dialect was exported, Yang Xuan’s silhouette was disappeared.

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