Yang Xuan looked at the young man, then at Yuechan Fairy next to him, and said with a smile on his mouth.

“Come for me?” Yuechan Fairy glanced at Yang Xuan.

“Yes, who made Fairy look so beautiful, even if you have a veil covering your face, it can’t stop your beautiful posture and unique spiritual Qi quality.”


“Are you complimenting me or hurting me?”

“Cough cough, I naturally praise you. There is a saying that this woman should only exist in the sky, it is rare in the world I’ve seen you a few times, this is a very appropriate word for Fairy.”

“glib tongue, no wonder that many women can be fooled.”

Just when the two talked in a low voice. In the meantime, the young man brought a group of dozens of people to the front.

Young people 25~26 years old, slender figure, wearing a jade crown, look more beautiful than many women, and have a cultivation base up to the Venerable Realm 3rd Layer day. There is an extraordinary kind of gesture. temperament.

With a spring-like smile on his face, he hugged the cup one fist in the other hand at Yuechan Fairy, and said: “Under Jiang Chengfeng, from Jiang Family, I don’t know how the girl Name?”

Chapter 1006 Blood Scale Tiger Lion


Yuechan Fairy beautiful eyes flicker, I don’t know if this Great Jitian and Does it matter whether the Xiaojitian where Wanqing Mountain is located?

“There are countless secret places in the Dark Realm. From low to high, the secret places are low grade, middle grade, high grade, and top grade. Our Great Jitian has survived since ancient times. The resources of cultivation Abundance is a high grade secret place.”

Jiang Chengfeng smiled slightly, with a touch of arrogance on his face. He didn’t even look at Yang Xuan, but stared at Yuechan Fairy all the time.

Yuechan Fairy is so beautiful, just the eyes that are as agile as water, clear and deep, make people be tempted, and it is difficult to look away.

Vaguely, Jiang Chengfeng also smelled a strange fragrance from Yuechan Fairy.

Rao is surrounded by beauty all the year round, but he has never smelled it from other women. It makes him feel that his soul has been sublimated. He almost wants to go home by the wind, very comfortable.

“This woman has a strange fragrance and looks so beautiful. It is really rare.”

Jiang Chengfeng’s thoughts flashed in his heart, and his face was more smiling, and he said, “Said After so much, I don’t know the name of the girl?”

“Ji Yuechan.”

Yuechan Fairy didn’t talk much, but didn’t want to offend Jiang Chengfeng, so she responded indifferently.

“It turned out to be Ms. Ji, I don’t know where Ms. Ji came from?”

Jiang Chengfeng asked with a smile.

“Small place, not worth mentioning.”

Yuechan Fairy Road.

Jiang Chengfeng smiled on his face, but he didn’t think Yuechan Fairy came from any small place, and he changed the subject: “You have to go to Heavenspan Pagoda to go deep into the blood evil original, and the blood evil original is a dangerous land. If Miss Ji doesn’t like it, I would like to walk with you to protect your safety.”

“No, I won’t be in danger with him.”

Yuechan Fairy shook his head and glanced at side Yang Xuan.


Until then, Jiang Chengfeng started to look at Yang Xuan squarely, and he didn’t think Yang Xuan was so peculiar.

Although Yang Xuan is younger and has the cultivation base of Divine Force Peak, which of his followers around Jiang Chengfeng has not reached this state?

“What is this brother’s surname?”

Although Yang Xuan looked down in his heart, Jiang Chengfeng didn’t show it on his face, and asked casually.

“Yang Xuan.”

Yang Xuan said calmly.

“Brother Yang can have this cultivation base at a young age, and is worthy of being called a genius, but…”

Jiang Chengfeng laughed and stopped suddenly.

“But what?”

The corners of Yang Xuan’s mouth were slightly tilted, and a faintly discernable smile appeared.

“It’s nothing, Yang Xuan, after all, the cultivation time is still shallow. After entering the blood evil, self-preservation is fine, but it is inevitable to be a little weak to protect Miss Ji.”

Jiang Chengfeng Dao, there is a little bit of sarcasm and disdain in the words.

“My woman is protected by me, so you don’t bother to worry about it.”

Yang Xuan expression remained unchanged, reaching out and hugging Yuechan Fairy, indifferently.

“Your woman, you mean Ms. Ji is your woman, how is this possible!?”

Jiang Chengfeng can no longer remain calm. In his opinion, Yang Xuan except Apart from being a little younger, she is not worthy of absolute beauty like Yuechan Fairy.

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