At this moment, Zhou Biao hesitated to speak.

Blood Soul Valley is a peerless and fierce place in the blood evil original. According to legend, there are forbidden creatures in Blood Soul Valley. Once the forbidden creatures look at it, no one can escape death.

“No, let’s go over from Blood Soul Valley.”

Jiang Chengfeng was determined to put Yang Xuan to death, and immediately thought of the taboos in borrowing Blood Soul Valley. The creatures come to get rid of Yang Xuan.

The taboo creatures of Blood Soul Valley are a group of bloodthirsty bees.

These bloodthirsty bees are not afraid of all energy, any energy that falls on them will only be absorbed by them, and it is difficult to hurt them.

To put it simply, the bloodthirsty bee can’t kill at all. Anyone who sees it has no choice but to avoid it.

“But the bloodthirsty bee…”

Zhou Biao was interrupted by Jiang Chengfeng before he finished speaking, “Needless to say, I will pass by Blood Soul Valley, although it is dangerous. It can save a lot of time.”

Jiang Chengfeng has rare treasure and is not afraid of the Bloodthirsty Bee. What he wants is to find an opportunity to let Yang Xuan stay in the Blood Soul Valley forever. Inside.

As long as the damn fly Yang Xuan is gone, Yuechan Fairy will be in his Jiang Chengfeng’s pocket sooner or later.

Yang Xuan is not aware of it, but he also keeps his eye on him and is always on guard.

“Be careful, this Blood Soul Valley may not be simple.”

Seeing Yang Xuan’s face calm, Yuechan Fairy couldn’t help but sound transmission and said.

“It’s okay, you don’t know my strength.”

Yang Xuan responded secretly, and soon followed Jiang Chengfeng’s entire group to the outside of a huge canyon.

“wu wu wu…”

Rao has not entered the valley yet, at this moment everyone can hear a wail like ghosts and howl like wolves constantly coming out of the valley within the valley , People involuntarily feel that some have one’s hair stand on end.

Yang Xuan quietly turned Martial Dao Heavenly Eye to look out, and saw the endless Blood Fiendish Qi in the canyon, and among those Blood Fiendish Qi, there were also many invisible creatures.

Apparently, those creatures were the bloodthirsty bees in Zhou Biao’s mouth.

“Hehe, it’s so rich and bloody. The owner is really good. I found so much food for me as soon as I woke up.”

I went to Yang Xuan to investigate by myself. Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in his mind.

Chapter 1008 The Bloodthirsty Bee

“Fluttershy, you are awake!”

Yang Xuan was surprised and delighted, the Butterfly King swallowed in the endless sea A large number of sea clansman, now once awakened, the strength is bound to bring it up a level.

More importantly, the butterfly emperor is the emperor of the prehistoric worm soul-eater, who feeds on the soul and blood, and the blood-eater in the Blood Soul Valley meets the butterfly emperor. Encountered the nemesis.

“Good, good!!!”

Yang Xuan was secretly nodded, with more confidence in his heart, no matter what Jiang Chengfeng’s calculations were, he was fearless.

“Master, what is this place?”

The Emperor Butterfly just woke up and didn’t know where he was, so I asked.

“This place is the dark world, and the canyon in front is the Blood Soul Valley.”

Yang Xuan briefly introduced the next question: “There are a lot of bloodthirsty monsters in Blood Soul Valley. Bee, can you deal with it?”

This is obviously a bit redundant, and the Butterfly Emperor doesn’t care about it. “It’s just a small insect that’s all, and you can eat it all by opening your mouth.”


“My Fluttershy is amazing!”

Yang Xuan was so happy, he listened to Jiang Chengfeng and said: “Blood Soul Valley is extremely dangerous. If Brother Yang is scared, let’s Change the route.”

“Will I be afraid?”

Yang Xuan glanced at Jiang Chengfeng, and a thought-provoking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Heroism reaching to the clouds authentically: “Since my Yang Xuan debut, there has never been a word of fear in the dictionary. Let’s go, let’s go into the valley.”

“haha, Brother Yang is so bold and impressive!”

Jiang Chengfeng laughed for a while, and then said to Yuechan Fairy: “Miss Ji, get closer to me, and when she encounters danger, she can better protect you.”

For Yuechan Fairy Jiang Chengfeng is inevitable, and he insists on going through the Blood Soul Valley at the moment, just to murder a person with a borrowed knife and get rid of Yang Xuan beside Yuechan Fairy.

“No, Yang Xuan will protect me.”

Yuechan Fairy shook his head, neither enthusiastic nor indifferent.

Jiang Chengfeng was a little angry for no reason. He gritted his teeth and said: “It’s okay, I also want to see if Brother Yang can be a good lady’s flower protector.”

“This Brother Jiang Don’t worry, looking at the world, I can’t find a second flower protector better than me.”

Yang Xuan slapped his chest and smiled brightly, but in exchange for Yuechan Fairy. Roll your eyes.

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