coldly snorted, a blood shadow suddenly rushed into the bleeding pool, instantly blocking Lu Wenbo’s path.

At the same time, the Heavenspan’s blood light from the incoming person dissipated, revealing his true colors.

This is a young man, wearing a scarlet robe, he looks only twenty years old.

His slender figure is tall and straight, and his handsome face is 90% evil. At first glance, he is not a good person.

“Blood Demon?”

Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows slanted, it seems that he did not expect that the Blood Demon is so young.

“This demon has already been transformed into the realm of blood refinement. Regardless of his age, it actually lives much longer than the three of us combined.”

Lu Wenbo looked solemn and solemn. He unfortunately fell into the hands of the Gorefiend. Although relying on a powerful cultivation base, he has not been refined by the Gorefiend, but his energy and blood are almost exhausted, so he knows the power of the Gorefiend.

“It is really gratifying for the Blood Demon Senior to break the formation, and Junior is not talented. From now on, I would like to be Senior’s pawn, and to smear the liver and brain of Senior, and die.”

Jiang Chengfeng came back to his senses, he fell to his knees on the spot, his tone of voice was respectful, and his head was almost buried in the dust.

“One cartilage head.”

Yang Xuan is disdainful and authentic.

“Shut up, I have no turn to tell you how I act.”

Jiang Chengfeng roared.

“A genius should be proud, and you are not worthy of being called a genius.”

In just a few words, Jiang Chengfeng’s key point was hit, and Jiang Chengfeng’s heart was bleeding, but for life Going down, he also had to abandon his dignity and bow his head to the blood demon.

“Interesting, very interesting.”

The blood demon looked at Jiang Chengfeng a few times, nodded and said: “Also, I just came out, and there is no one who can use it. , And since you are willing to be my slave, I will reluctantly accept you.”

Flicks with the finger, flicks a blood light into Jiang Chengfeng’s eyebrows.

The blood light is condensed but not scattered. As soon as it enters Jiang Chengfeng’s eyebrows, it sinks into Jiang Chengfeng’s in the depth of one’s soul, and settles down there.


Jiang Chengfeng exclaimed and listened to the blood demonic path: “Don’t worry, this is my unique blood contract to prevent you from betraying me .”

“Junior will never betray Senior, nor dare to have that heart.”

Jiang Chengfeng is sincere and apprehensive, and his heart is slightly relaxed, as long as he is not dead.

“This is the best. In fact, the devil is not afraid of your betrayal, but habitually does not leave hidden dangers for himself.”

The blood demon spoke lightly, and did not touch Jiang Chengfeng at all. Seriously.

As he said, he had just broken the formation, and no one under him was available. Otherwise, how could Jiang Chengfeng, a small divine force martial artist, look upon him?

“It’s your turn, are you ready to submit to me?”

The blood demon turned his eyes and looked at Lu Wenbo, Yang Xuan, and Yuechan Fairy.

“Plant a blood contract and let you be enslaved, do you think the old man will agree?”

Lü Wenbo asked back, blowing his beard and staring.

“As a leader in life, and as a ghost in death, Young Master will never bow to anyone in this life.”

Yang Xuan looked at the blood demon, saying every word.

“You dare to be so arrogant in front of the demon, I have to say that you brat really has several points of courage.”

The blood demon chuckled lightly and looked up and down Yang. Xuan said: “The Fleshy body is tyrannical, and the spirit strength is also very strong. You are indeed a rare genius in ancient times. You are more than the cartilage in your mouth.”

“Senior, I…”

Jiang Chengfeng was interrupted by the Gorefiend when he wanted to refute, “I’m telling the truth. Even if you fight this child with your life, you will only die in the end. With your strength, it is basically impossible. It’s his opponent, especially since he is still holding a Divine Sword. Do you think your body can withstand a sword?”

“What, the sword in his hand is a sword Divine Sword in half a step!”

Although Yang Xuan’s Purgatory Sword was expected to be extraordinary, Jiang Chengfeng absolutely didn’t expect this sword to be of such a high grade.

“Of course, otherwise, how could I cut my soul-locked chain? This sword is rarely seen in Immortal World.”

The blood demon also ignores Jiang Chengfeng, his eyes always Staring at Yang Xuan, he said indifferently: “Boy, hand over Divine Sword, this demon can promise to give you a chance to survive.”

Chapter 1012: Death in battle

” A chance to survive?”

Yang Xuan had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t think the blood demon would let him go.

“This demon has a lifelong life, and there are not many people who can be eye-catching, and you are one of those people who can come into my eyes at a young age.”

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