Yang Xuan’s eyes flicker.

“Yes, such as the Immortal Emperor in the legend.”

Jiang Zhengxiong is nodded.

“So, I have the potential to become Immortal Emperor!?”

Yang Xuan was refreshed.

“haha, of course, Young Master, but my clan Sovereign, within the body, flowing with the most powerful bloodline in the world, as long as you work hard, you may not be able to become immortals and emperors in the future and overlook the common people.”


Jiang Zhengxiong laughed.

“I understand. Next, I will do as much good deeds as possible, do good and accumulate virtue, and master the Dao of God as soon as possible.”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth.

“God’s path represents good and evil. If you kill too much, will it affect yourself?”

Yuechan’s Fairy beautiful eyes flickered slightly and interjected.

Yang Xuan also thought of this at the moment, and hurriedly said: “Yeah, I am destined to kill a lot of people in the future. Will this not help me refining the Destiny Stone?”

“No, since the Destiny Stone recognizes Young Master as the master, it means that Young Master has been recognized by God.”

Jiang Zhengxiong shook his head.

“That’s fine.”

“Don’t talk about this, the blood demon has escaped far away, Young Master may as well go to his lair now and take away the treasures he left behind. “


“Well, this treasure out of the ordinary is of great use to Young Master.”

“Okay, I will Go and see.”

Yang Xuan moved as soon as he spoke, turned and plunged into the blood pool not far away. The blood demon came out of the blood pool not long ago, and his lair was no accident. Under the blood pool.

The blood pool is very deep, and the baleful qi becomes thicker as it goes downwards. If it weren’t for the powerful Yang Xuan fleshy body and the Comprehended Profound Truth of Space-Time, it would already be dead.

All the way down, he was extremely fast, and soon he came to the bottom.

Here, the space seems extremely unstable. Above the dilapidated ground, there is nothing else except a blood-colored jade platform with the size of several meters and a very old style.

“This is…”

Yang Xuan stared at the blood-colored jade platform and couldn’t help but let out a soft cry.

Although he doesn’t know what this is, he clearly feels the powerful blood energy contained in the blood-colored jade platform.

“This is a piece of Divine Grade blood jade. Anyone who has been cultivating on this jade platform for a long time will greatly increase their own blood and energy. Even in Immortal World, it is difficult to find such a pure one. Blood Jade Divine Stage.”

Jiang Zhengxiong then came to slowly said.

“Blood Jade Divine Stage!”

Yang Xuan took a deep breath, and immediately put away the jade platform.

“The Gorefiend was seriously injured and walked too eagerly, otherwise it would be impossible to leave this Divine Stage. Young Master is a big bargain this time.”

” Said that the demon is not dead after all, heaven knows when will he come to me to seek revenge.”

“Don’t worry about this Young Master, the blood demon has suffered a tribulation from the heavens, not for tens of hundreds of years. Closed-door cultivation can’t be recovered at all. It can be said that he can’t even show his 0.1% strength at the peak, and he never dares to show his face.”

“But this demon does not die, my heart is always difficult. Ann.”

“Well, when Young Master comes out of Heavenspan Pagoda, the old man and Young Master will get rid of this demon.”

“Lao Jiang can find the blood demon “

“Hehe, the old man is a powerhouse of Dao Realm Peak anyway. Finding someone, especially the injured person, is not with no difficulty.”

“very good, With Mr. Jiang taking the shot, this demon is bound to be hard to avoid calamity this time.”

While speaking, Jiang Zhengxiong rolled up Yang Xuan and quickly left from here.

There was a fairy formation here, and as the fairy formation was broken by the blood demon, this space became very unstable and might collapse at any time. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

“It’s finally figured out.”

Outside the blood pool, Yuechan Fairy saw Yang Xuan return safely, involuntarily relaxed.

“Why, worry about me?” Yang Xuan smiled, staring at Yuechan Fairy without blinking.

“Who is worried about you, you should be less affectionate.”

Yuechan Fairy rolled the eyes.

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