Yuechan Fairy looked at Hou Feiyu, and said separately: “Ji Yuechan.”

“White clouds are a thousand flowers scene, jade stone carved into a cicada in the moon, good name, really good name, It’s no wonder that Girl Ji has such outstanding temperament, like a white lotus among thousands of flowers, holy and flawless.”

Hou Feiyu is handsome out of the ordinary, and can speak well, changing to another woman, I am afraid it will be a few words. Will be captured by him.

Unfortunately, Hou Feiyu met Yuechan Fairy. Yuechan Fairy knows countless people and is still cold. He said: “I have passed the prize, the little girl is ashamed to be too shameful.”

People are difficult to approach.

Hou Feiyu’s smile froze, knowing that the woman in front of him is not simple, and is definitely different from the vulgar fans I know before. It is easy to win.

“Miss Ji, ignore him. This person is famous for being romantic. If he is close to the girl, you will not be at ease.”

At this moment, a tall girl with a hand The young man with the folding fan came slowly, disdainful of Hou Feiyu in words.

“I am romantic but not inferior. It is like you Wen Tao, who only played with women, but didn’t know how to cultivate feelings with each other.”

Hou Feiyu complexion sank, it is not ugly from the words Out, he and Wen Tao are not the same, the two even have grievances, and both look at each other uncomfortably.


Wen Tao was furious, and he meant to start with a disagreement.

“I’m telling the truth, why are you so angry?”

Hou Feiyu coldly smiled, looking around all around the crowd and said: “Everyone, tell me, I am right or wrong “

The crowd is silent. Many of them know Hou Feiyu and Wen Tao, knowing that both of them are background is quite extraordinary, and they have always had enemies, so naturally they don’t want to go to the muddy water.

“Hou Feiyu, you’d better not challenge my bottom line again and again, or you don’t blame me.”

Wen Tao gnashing teeth authentic .

“Do you still have a bottom line? Sorry, I really don’t know.”

Hou Feiyu sneered.

“Hou’s surname, I want to fight you.”

Wen Tao couldn’t bear it, and his killing intent was rising.

“Forget the duel, I have no time, at least outside of Heavenspan Pagoda, I am not interested in doing it with you.”

Hearing Hou Feiyu’s words, Yang Xuan interrupted and asked,” When will Heavenspan Pagoda start?”

“It’s fast, no more than three days. However, after Heavenspan Pagoda is opened, there will be a test. Only through the test can you enter the tower.”

Hou Feiyu said.

“Test, what test?”

Yang Xuan predicted that entering the tower is not easy. After all, Heavenspan Pagoda only has 10,000 places, and for one of them, everyone present is bound to meet Start a fight.

“Talent Test.”

Hou Feiyu took a deep look at Yang Xuan, as if Yang Xuan didn’t even know the talent test of Heavenspan Pagoda.

To enter the Heavenspan Pagoda, you must first pass the talent test. This is something that everyone in the dark world knows.

Hou Feiyu couldn’t help but wonder when he thought of this, and asked: “Aren’t Brother Yang and Ms. Ji from our dark world?”

“No, we come from the outside world.”

Yang Xuan didn’t hide it, and it was unnecessary, so he said casually.

“What, the two are from the outside world!”

At this moment, not only Hou Feiyu was shocked, but Wen Tao and the surrounding crowd were also shocked.

“Is there anything weird?” Yang Xuan raised his brow.

“It is not strange, but unbelievable. After all, the passage between our dark world and the outside world has long been closed, and no outsiders have come here for many years.”

Hou Feiyu shook the head explained Tao.

“It turned out to be like this.”

Yang Xuan nodded, no more words.

“The outside world is very big, known as All Heavens Myriad Realms, I don’t know where the two come from Great World?”

Hou Feiyu listened to the side, and he was very yearning for the outside world. After all, they were dark The world is a closed and desolate world, and the place where they live is the Small World opened up by their ancestors, which is completely inferior to the surging forward with great momentum of the outside world.

Chapter 1016 Luo Shaobao

“Small place, don’t mention it.”

Yang Xuan laughed, without mentioning the specific origin.

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