Yang Xuan has a mysterious background and good strength, but the attack just now was only a test.

He, Luo Shaobao, hasn’t really moved yet.

“I gave you a chance, but you don’t know how to cherish. If so, don’t blame me for being impolite.”

Yang Xuan spoke lightly, calmly His words are full of murderous intention.

“haha, you are really crazy, you dare to threaten to kill me in front of so many people?”

Luo Shaobao was extremely angry and smiled, staring at Yang Xuan with sharp eyes , His eyes were cold and merciless.

His killing intent went wild, and he almost roared: “It’s nothing more than a faster speed. You really treat yourself as invincible of your own generation. It’s not that I despise you. You can’t kill me. “

“I want to kill you, but in the blink of an eye, outsiders may be afraid of the Luo Family behind you, but I won’t. Don’t say your Luo Family is powerful, even if your Luo Family is immortal Dao Aristocratic Family, there are immortals sitting in the town, and I will not pay attention to it.”

Yang Xuan casually said, showing his madness in every word.

“What an arrogant boy.”

“Who are you this child?”

“I don’t know, I have never seen it.”


The crowd was in an uproar. If Yang Xuan really killed Luo Shaobao, it would undoubtedly be challenging the majesty of the entire Luo Family. Just this courage to fear power is admirable.

“Brother Yang is proud, worthy of being a young genius from the outside world, Hou Mou is willing to go down the wind.”

In a clearing, Hou Feiyu stroked his palm and praised him.

“What, do you mean he comes from the outside world!?”

Luo Shaobao started, it seems that Yang Xuan is not a member of their dark world at all.

“This Brother Yang does come from the outside world. This is what he said. As for whether it is true or not, Hou is not known, but the outside world is vast and there are so many talents. I advise Shao Luo It’s better not to be an enemy.”

Hou Feiyu said.

“Little man.”

Yuechan Fairy cursed secretly, and Hou Feiyu kept raising Yang Xuan up, apparently trying to murder a person with a borrowed knife.

Yang Xuan was a man of two generations, and it was naturally clear that Hou Feiyu had no good intentions. He turned his head and glanced at Hou Feiyu, taunted unceremoniously: “Don’t you think you have a lot of words?”


Hou Feiyu complexion sank.

“I am what I am, you can shut up, there is nothing to do with you.”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted and said.

“Brother Yang should have been like this a long time ago. This guy is a hypocrite in the final analysis. He is always thinking about how to get Miss Ji.”

Wen Tao is big in the crowd. Laughing loudly, wishing Hou Feiyu slumped.

“Wen Tao, you are courting death.” Hou Feiyu was furious.

“Come to fight.”

Wen Tao jumped out and looked at Hou Feiyu provocatively.

Hou Feiyu gnashing teeth, after all, did not challenge. It was not that he was afraid of Wen Tao, but that he could not conflict with Wen Tao here.

“A coward, you will only have the ability to be a yin behind.”

Wen Tao sneered.

Hou Feiyu didn’t say a word, but held back his anger Fire Dao: “Heavenspan Pagoda will fight to the death.”

“Also, I will let you live a little longer and wait for you to enter Heavenspan. Pagoda, you must come in or out.”

Leaving a ruthless word, Wen Tao retreated.

At the same time, Luo Shaobao had an extra sword in his hand. As soon as this sword came out, an exclamation came from the crowd.

“Luo Family Divine Sword…Azure Nether Sword!”

Azure Nether Sword, high grade Divine Sword, is very famous throughout the dark world, it is said that this sword is a piece Outer Divine Stone is cast, cut iron like mud, and extremely sharp.

With this sword in hand, Luo Shaobao’s strength has at least doubled. If he plays the ultimate divine might, he will be able to skip grades to kill.

Luo Shaobao has the cultivation base of Divine Force Peak. With this cultivation base, 70-80% of the formidable power of Azure Nether Sword can be used. He really wants to inspire this Sword God power, ten Yang Xuan is probably not dead enough.

“As soon as Azure Nether Sword came out, this child bode ill rather than well.”

Someone shook his head, and compared with Luo Shaobao holding the Divine Sword, Yang Xuan with his bare hands really appeared Shabby.

“Good sword!”

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