At this moment, except for You Fen, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Wei Lihui, Liao Junjie, Tan Fei and a few Outsiders, almost everyone has their ears pricked up, trying to avoid being overbearing. Get the answer here.

The overlord indifferently said: “The passage between the two realms has been opened. At least I know that a passage is connecting the realm of immortality.”

“What! You came from the realm of immortality!?”

At this time, even Shen Changfeng could no longer remain calm.

“Shen Dashao has heard of the immortal world?”

Bao Wudao glanced at Shen Changfeng.

“Of course, the name of the immortal world, even if it is put in the secret places of our dark world, it is like thunder piercing the ear, really few people don’t know it.”

Shen Changfeng The voice was still there, and Han Shixiong interjected: “Since you came from the immortal world, you must also know the city of destiny?”

“I came from the city of destiny, and I just need to go through that one. Through the passage, Young Master Han can also enter the City of Destiny.”

“Where is the passage?”


“What are the conditions? Just say it.”

“It’s very simple, I want a person’s life.”

“I see, you want to borrow my hand to get rid of that kid. “

“You can say that, but it’s not absolute. In my opinion, it’s unlikely that you can deal with Han Dao alone. So once a war starts, I will also help. That kid obliterated.”

“What’s his name? What’s his origin?”

“His name is Yang Xuan. The specific origin is not clear. Only one thing is certain. His strength is terrifying. , Few people present are his opponents.”

“Including myself?”

“This is hard to say. After all, Han Dashao has not played against him yet, I It’s also difficult to assert stronger and weaker.”

“Well, if I can meet him in Heavenspan Pagoda, I’d like to learn from him, and make a difference.”

“Well, I’m sure, he will definitely enter Heavenspan Pagoda.”

The bully knows very well that Yang Xuan has attracted Han Shixiong’s attention. He really wants to meet in Heavenspan Pagoda, between the two There is bound to be a fight.

“You’d better not play tricks, if I really kill him, you have to tell me where the passage is.”

Han Shixiong is not a fool, so how can he not know how to beat him? What an abacus, but in order to go to the city of destiny, in order to get the world’s strongest destiny Martial Spirit, he doesn’t mind helping the hegemony to kill individuals.

Even if this person is strong, he has the confidence to deal with it.

“I will do what I say, now I can tell Han Dashao the specific location of the channel in advance.”

Speaking overbearingly, sound transmission said a few words, honestly Tell Han Shixiong where the passage is, without any concealment.

“You are very good, I recognize you as a friend.”

Han Shixiong is nodded, and he looks a little differently at domineering.

“haha, it is an honor to be friends with Dashao Han.”

He laughed.

“This guy…”

Purple clothed Hou Yujian browses slightly wrinkle and starts to worry about Yang Xuan. After all, Yang Xuan is most likely facing Han Shixiong. Two geniuses and domineering.

The two teamed up, Yang Xuan did not dare to say that he had an absolute chance of winning.

“Awesome, this trick murdered a person with a borrowed knife. It’s really amazing.” At this moment, You Fen couldn’t help clapping his hands and applauded. It seems that he didn’t expect to find it in a blink of an eye. A powerful boost.

Shen Changfeng looked at Domineering, then at Han Shixiong, and reminded: “The outside world is vast and boundless. There are so many talents. Brother Han had better be careful not to gutter and capsize the ship.”

“The same generation is fighting for the top, except Brother Shen, I really don’t fear anyone.”

Han Shixiong’s voice is thunderous and arrogant.

“there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, there will be a day outside the world, some day, you will pay for your own conceit.”

Shen Changfeng calmly and authentically, and does not want to go here Muddy Waters, he came here for only one purpose, which is to climb the Heavenspan Pagoda and embark on the road of legendary king.

As for the city of destiny, go if you have a chance, and don’t force it if you don’t have a chance.

This is Shen Changfeng, who is known as the son of the wind, who has always been free and unrestrained, and rarely has any grudges with others.

“Shen Dashao said, but some people deserve to die, such as Yang Xuan.” Domineering.

“You have hatred with him, so I wish he would die.”

Shen Changfeng glanced at the domineering.

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