Yang Xuan hearing this couldn’t help but laugh, he was also very curious whether the girl in front of me with a miserable life and with different eyes could see through his thoughts.

The girl and Yang Xuan looked at each other and shook their heads and said: “No, I can’t see Young Master’s thoughts. Young Master is like a thick mist, I can’t see through.”

“hehe, when your cultivation base is high, you may be able to understand what I think in my heart.”

Yang Xuan slightly smiled, it’s not strange, after all Out of the ordinary.

“Young Master will teach me cultivation?” The girl was very excited.

“haha, I will teach you cultivation but a trivial matter.”

Yang Xuan laughed and said, “You have a relationship with me, so let me give you my surname. You are a righteous sister, I wonder if you want it or not?”

“The big brother is here, please be respected by the younger sister.”

The girl was overjoyed and hurriedly bowed. Bye, with such a great big brother, how can a girl not be willing?

“You don’t need to be polite.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand and said: “I am surnamed Yang, my single name is a mysterious character, and you are called Yang Xinyi, what do you think? ??”

“Xinyi, Xinyi, this name is so nice, thanks to the big brother Xie for giving the name, from now on, the younger sister is Yang Xinyi.”

Young girl Yang Xinyi has I got my name and I recognized Yang Xuan as my big brother. I didn’t even mention how happy I was.

“Can you read?” Yang Xuan asked with a smile.

“Yes, the little girl has learned it secretly and can read words.”

“That’s good, you take this cultivation technique secret book to see, what do you not understand? Ask me wherever you are.”

Yang Xuan took out an ancient book and handed it to Yang Xinyi. Yang Xinyi took the secret book and took a closer look, and knew that the ancient book recorded a very powerful cultivation technique.

“Thank you big brother Xie.”

The little girl was so excited, she put away the ancient book like a treasure.

“Don’t thank me, you are my younger sister, I don’t take care of you, who will take care of you? I believe that one day you will become as powerful as me.”

Yang Xuan laughed and said: “Let’s go, find a place to freshen up and dress up, my younger sister of Yang Xuan, can’t make people laugh.”

“The little girl is dirty and the big brother is tired. “

Yang Xinyi has a shy face and has become a mine slave of Scarlet Clouds Sect. She can’t even eat enough to eat, so what about taking a bath? Not only was his body messy, it also gave off a stench.

“It’s okay, just wash it.”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s slight ridicule, Yang Xinyi made an unprecedented blush and wanted to find a crack on the ground to get in. .


The Little Heaven Realm is very big and has a vast territory.

Here, the Great Sect forces rule everything, and some of the larger Sects have cities under their jurisdiction.

Yuming City is part of Cangyue Sword Sect. Cangyue Sword Sect is also the only Ancient Sect in Little Heaven Realm that is not controlled by Ancient Celestial Court.

According to legend, the ancestor of this school once had a section of emotion with the Immortal King of Zixiao.

Therefore, even if Cangyue Sword Sect is far less powerful than Heavenly Tyrant Sect and other Three Great Sects, Ancient Celestial Court did not dare to easily move Cangyue Sword Sect.

Although he brought a person, it did not affect Yang Xuan’s speed at all, but in just one hour, he and Yang Xinyi crossed the void and came to Yuming City.

Yuming City is a big city under the jurisdiction of Cangyue Sword Sect. It is very prosperous, with busy traffic, people coming, people going, and a constant stream.

Yang Xuan changed his appearance easily, and no one could recognize him.

In fact, his portrait is posted everywhere in Yuming City. It is an arrest warrant issued by the little Heaven Realm holy court. Anyone who provides his trail can get it. An expensive Spirit Stone reward.

“What a big battle, the arrest warrant was sent to Yuming City.”

“No way, what the thief did is completely offended. The Holy Court and even the entire Ancient Celestial Court, the Holy Court will not let him be the first.”

“It is said that Grand Thief is a teenager, and I don’t know if this is true or false?”

“It’s true. Rogue is a teenager, a young genius from the outside world.”


“It shouldn’t be wrong, just say the moment Many outsiders came to Yuming City. All of them pretended to be out of the ordinary. They were extraordinary in strength. I heard that someone defeated Cangyue Sword Sect in a battle outside the city yesterday, an Inner Sect True Disciple. Noisy.”

“Who is that person?”

“I don’t know, the other party injured someone and left.”

“What’s the matter, Has the seal between the outside world and our Heavenspan world been loosened? Otherwise, how can outsiders get in?”

“According to ancient times, once the passage between the two worlds is opened, the road of kings will emerge, and Anyone who can set foot on the road of the king can get the inheritance of the Immortal King of Zixiao.”

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