“A sword made of good material is given away. It seems that Lin Zhengying attaches great importance to this child!”

all around, the crowd looked at Lin Zhengying and then again Yang Xuan, with a few smiles on his mouth, has a strong curiosity about Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan comes from the outside world. Comprehended sword dao Profound Truth, these two points are already certain.

As for how strong Yang Xuan is, there is no way of knowing it. In fact, even Lin Zhengying can’t detect the reality of Yang Xuan.

In Lin Zhengying’s view, even if Yang Xuan’s strength is not as good as himself, he will not be too different.

Especially Yang Xuan is still so young and has unlimited potential.

When encountering this kind of foreign genius, Lin Zhengying only wants to make friends, not to offend.

He said with a smile: “Meeting means fate. Today, Lin is a host, and I hope Brother Yang will not refuse.”

“deference is no substitute for obedience.”

Yang Xuan readily agreed.


Lin Zhengying made an inviting gesture, and immediately took Yang Xuan and Yang Xinyi to the center of Yuming City.

Yuming City is a big city under the jurisdiction of Cangyue Sword Sect. There are many Cangyue Sword Sect properties in the city. Wangyue Tower is one of them, and it is also the largest restaurant in the city.

The entire restaurant occupies a very large area and is luxuriously furnished, which ordinary people can’t afford.

It seems to have known that Lin Zhengying was coming, so the shopkeeper of the Moon Tower came to the outside of the Wangfeng Tower and went out to meet him personally.

“Young Master Lin, please, the old man has prepared a first-class box for Young Master Lin.”

The shopkeeper of Wangyuelou’s shopkeeper is named Wang Zaikun, he is a blessed figure The middle-aged fatty has the cultivation base of Supreme Realm 8 Heavenly Layer.

No matter how high the cultivation base is, you have to lower your body in front of Lin Zhengying, and dare not show the slightest disrespect.

After all, he is just the big shopkeeper of Wangfenglou. Although he has been in Cangyue Sword Sect for a short time, his status and status are completely inferior to Lin Zhengying.

Lin Zhengying is Cangyue Sword Sect Inner Sect True Disciple, and one of the most outstanding people among many Cangyue Sword Sect True Disciples. His talent is high in ancient and modern times, and he will have a great chance to take charge of Cangyue Sword Sect in the future.

The leader of Cang Yue Sword Sect, since ancient times is derived from many Inner Sect True Disciples.

It can be said that as long as Lin Zhengying does not fall, he can become the leader of a faction and his status will be respected in dozens of hundreds of years.

“Wang is polite, these two are my friends.”

Lin Zhengying laughed, and introduced Yang Xuan and Yang Xinyi to Wang Zaikun.

“I have seen Young Hero Yang, Miss Yang.” Wang Zaikun hugged cup one fist in the other hand.

“haha, Wang Lao is a senior expert. It is a great fortune to meet Wang Lao today. It is indeed Junior.”

Yang Xuan laughed.

“Neither humble nor arrogant, arrogant and not arrogant, this child not simple…”

Wang Zaikun thought to himself, and said: “Where, Young Hero Yang Heaven Warping Genius Sooner or later, there will be a Great Accomplishment. At that time, the old man might have to rely on Young Hero.”

This is not a compliment either. Wang Zaikun is really optimistic about Yang Xuan. Actually He had known the news a long time ago, and knew that Yang Xuan was from the outside world, and like Lin Zhengying, both were comprehended sword dao Profound Truth.

And how can a young man of comprehensive sword dao Profound Truth be a general generation?


In a box on the 9th floor of Wangyue Tower, Yang Xuan and Lin Zhengying exchanged cups and had a good conversation, while Yang Xinyi was responsible for helping the two pour the wine.

“Yes, the fruit of Wangyuelou is a great wine.”

A few glasses of wine, Yang Xuan is full of praise.

“Yang Xuan comes from the outside world, can you tell me about the outside world?”

Lin Zhengying is very yearning for the outside world. For him, living in Heavenspan Pagoda is like A bird in a cage, the understanding of the outside is only seen from the ancient book.

“The outside world, also known as All Heavens Myriad Realms…”

Yang Xuan talked and talked about everything he could say.

After Lin Zhengying listened attentively, an urgent voice suddenly came from outside the box.

“Senior Brother Lin, Senior Brother Lin…”

“Something comes in.”


One Cang Yue Sword Sect Inner Disciple pushed the door and entered, his face was full of anger, it seemed to be bullied.

“What happened?” Lin Zhengying frowned and asked.

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