“I don’t know what’s going on? Recently, there seem to be more martial artists under Heavenspan Ladder than before.”

“I heard that it was going to capture a person called the thief Young man.”

“Brother Yang knows that thief?”

“Have heard of this person.”

“Oh, this person is very powerful , I would like to make friends if I have a chance.”

“The thieves offend the holy court, brother Xu is not afraid of causing big trouble?”

“haha, others fear the holy court, I’m not afraid of Xu Yang.”

Along the way, everyone was talking and laughing, and Xu Yang praised Rogue even more in words, and what he didn’t know was that the so-called Rogue was far away and nearby. Right now.

“The Thief!”

Yang Xuan’s mouth was faintly smiling.

“What is Brother Yang laughing at?”

Xu Yang asked inexplicably.


Yang Xuan shook his head, changed the subject and asked: “Brother is from the outside world, he is not familiar with the place of his life, can Brother Xu tell me about Heavenspan Ladder?”

“Brother Yang turned out to be from the outside world, no wonder I always feel that you have a face.”

Xu Yang raised his brows and slowly said: “Heavenspan Ladder has been long since ancient times. Survival is the only way for the world to go to the upper realm. According to legend, Heavenspan Ladder has a large field, which makes it impossible to move a single step. Without grandeur, great perseverance, and a certain cultivation base and strength, it is difficult to climb the ladder. Get the World Stone.”

“Atmospheric field?”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes.

“world’s energy is boundless, and this atmospheric field is formed by world’s energy, and it is inexhaustible. Anyone on the ladder can only choose to resist.”

Xu Yangdao.

“so that’s how it is.”

Yang Xuan suddenly asked, “Who built the Heavenspan Ladder?”

“According to ancient According to the book, Heavenspan Ladder was built by the Immortal King of Zixiao. Its purpose is to select outstanding talents and continuously replenish fresh blood for the Ancient Celestial Court.”

“This way, it’s no wonder that the Ancient Celestial Court will be more It’s getting stronger and stronger.”

“Ancient Celestial Court is indeed getting stronger and stronger, but what they have done in recent years has also caused dissatisfaction among many people. According to legend, it has formed a wave in the Great Heaven Realm. A force that can fight against Ancient Celestial Court.”

“What force?”

“Heavenly punishment!”

“Heavenly punishment?”

“Heavenly punishment is an organization. No one knows who its leader is, and no one knows how many people there are in heavenly punishment, but one can compete with the Ancient Celestial Court in the Great Heaven Realm and has not been eradicated by the Ancient Celestial Court. The power is also enough to show its power.”

Chapter 1046 Heavenspan Ladder

“heavenly punishment!”

Yang Xuan pupil light flashed, eyes could not help A look of expectation was revealed.

In the beginning, he was still a great Heaven Realm since ancient times, and he was the only one of the Ancient Celestial Court family.

But now it seems otherwise. At least for the moment, there is an organization called heavenly punishment in the Great Heaven Realm, which can fight against the Ancient Celestial Court.

The enemy’s enemy is a friend. Faced with a force that dared to challenge the Ancient Celestial Court, Yang Xuan wanted to get acquainted.

“Heavenly punishment Inner Member, all of them are top assassins, and their slogan is to punish heavenly, and the ancient Celestial Court’s actions in recent years have caused anger and resentment, and some people do it privately. All kinds of scams are punishable.”

Xu Yang coldly said.

“Brother Xu seems to have an enmity with Ancient Celestial Court?” Yang Xuan cast a deep look at Xu Yang.

“Absolutely irreconcilable revenge.”

Xu Yang gritted his teeth and said: “Three years ago, Zhou Jianhao, the only son of the Holy Lord, raped my younger sister, and I The younger sister couldn’t stand this insult and finally chose to commit suicide. But Zhou Jianhao and his father Zhou Penglin have already gone to the Heaven Realm to be happy and happy now. Do you think this hatred of me as a big brother should be reported?”

“This is a big enmity, so I have to retaliate.”

Yang Xuan blurted out.

“Vengeance still needs a long-term plan. Brother Xu should not be dazzled by anger.”

A rough-looking young man said solemnly: “The top priority is to board Heavenspan first. Ladder, as long as you can pass the Heavenspan Ladder of the Little Heaven Realm, the rest of the Heavenspan Ladder in the upper bound will be no problem. “

“I know.”

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