After refining and releasing the magic beads of the heavenly demon, Yang Xuan has mastered the power of the twelve-wing heavenly demon.

It’s just that the power of the Twelve Wing Heavenly Demon is too violent, and the side effects are also great. He will never use it until the critical moment.

But now that the danger is coming, he can’t control that many anymore.

In short, he has to block this holy arrow.

The power of the holy arrow is not a general terror. Only when the twelve wings heavenly demon and the reincarnation Martial Spirit come together, Yang Xuan can be sure to resolve this killing.


Behind him, twelve huge black wings appeared one after another, and the whole world seemed to be unable to withstand this force, and it shook violently.

That kind of power, that kind of breath that makes people feel palpitation, seems to be able to imprison and obliterate everything in the world.

“Impossible, you are actually a bloodline with Demon Race Sovereign!”

Jiang Mingyue screamed, she can no longer maintain her composure, the twelve wings heavenly demon is Demon Race The logo of Sovereign, and only the real Demon Race Sovereign can release it completely.


Yang Xuan didn’t say anything. He punched with his bare hands, destroying heaven extinguishing earth, and the holy arrow sent by Jiang Mingyue was killed on the spot. The fight was broken.

“Who is it? Dare to destroy my sacred arrow and disturb my cultivation!”

At this moment, a roar full of anger came from the clouds of nine days with a loud voice, It makes people dizzy and bloody.

“Is it…”

“It can be said that it is the ancient emperor, the master of Ancient Celestial Court.”

“Oh my god, see the legend The head of a divine dragon but not its tail, is the ancient emperor coming to our little Heaven Realm!?”

The crowd was shocked and frightened, awed and inexplicable, I couldn’t believe it, a little The holy arrow would actually alarm the powerful and mysterious ancient emperor.

The visit of the ancient emperor in person will undoubtedly shake the entire Little Heaven Realm, which is also something that can be recorded in history.

“This is the ancient emperor. It is always impossible to condescend to the lower realm in order to kill an outside boy?”

Someone whispered, and the words were very shocking.

“Disciple Jiang Mingyue, pay respects to the ancient emperor.”

For a short stunned, Jiang Mingyue hurriedly bowed and saluted. He was too familiar with the ancient emperor’s voice and understood just now The speaker is the contemporary Holy Lord of their Ancient Celestial Court, a tyrannical existence like a living fossil.

“hmph, the little Demon Race kid, let you use the holy arrow arbitrarily, but fortunately you took out the holy arrow, otherwise the emperor didn’t know that the Heavenspan world had such a scourge.”


In the dark, the ancient emperor spoke again, and his voice was full of fierce killing intents.

“Am I a scourge?”

Yang Xuan touched his nose and screamed when he looked up to the sky, “Why do you old man say that?”


Being called Lao’er, the ancient emperor couldn’t help but get angry, and when the ancient emperor was angry, Yang Xuan was hit hard.


He opened his mouth wide, spurting blood, and the internal organs felt fierce and painful, and even Divine Soul almost collapsed.

This is the ancient emperor, even a loud roar is not something ordinary people can bear.

“Good, good.”

“This kid is too mad, he doesn’t know how to converge, he is destined to be dead today.”

Le, each face has an expression of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

Originally, they hoped to get rid of Yang Xuan by Jiang Mingyue’s hand.

But now, even if Jiang Mingyue fails to succeed, Yang Xuan will never live tomorrow because he offended the Lord of the Ancient Celestial Court.

“What to do?”

purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Yue Chan Fairy, Xu Yang and the others complexion greatly changed, all secretly worried about Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan is no one next to him. Although he was seriously injured, his face did not show a trace of fear. “For an ancient emperor, is there only bully the weak ability left?”

In a word, the voice is not loud, even a little weak, but the domineering revealed in the words, but it directly teaches people to feel shocked.

Who can imagine that Yang Xuan is still so arrogant facing the dignified ancient emperor.

At this moment, the whole world was completely silent, and almost everyone’s eyes fell on Yang Xuan.

Regardless of whether Yang Xuan is alive or dead today, his courage is beyond the reach, at least for them, I dare not despise the ancient emperor so much.

Chapter 1058 The Will of Unyielding

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