Yang Xuan is proud of nature and ten thousand zhang is authentic.

The crowd was shocked and inexplicably, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

Under the coercion of the ancient emperor, they were all trembling with fear, walking on thin ice, almost kneeling down. On the other hand, Yang Xuan underwent most of the coercion of the ancient emperor, but was completely unaffected by it. influences.

Not only did he not kneel, but he dared to speak wildly.

Just ask above heaven under earth, who really doesn’t kneel when facing the Immortal King of Zixiao?

Immortal King of Zixiao, the creator of Ancient Celestial Court, is very famous in the entire Heavenspan world, no one knows it, everyone respects from the bottom of their hearts.

It can be said that Yang Xuan is now not only challenging the authority of the ancient emperor, but also despising a generation of Supreme Immortal King.

This is a great sin, an unforgivable, unforgivable sin!

“A madman, do you really want to die? Don’t rush to worship the ancient emperor!”

“this child crime deserving ten thousand deaths, also ask the ancient emperor to remove them , Warn others from following bad examples.”

The martial artist of the holy court is raging, louder than the other, like a wave for a long time.

“This child… is dead.”

The overbearing, You Fen, even Liao Junjie, Wei Lihui, Tan Fei and the others are all sneered, looking at Yang Xuan like Treat a dead person.

Yang Xuan is too arrogant, and even now he dares to provoke him, it is simply courting death.

Even if the ancient emperor cherishes his talent, it is absolutely impossible to let him go today.

“Are you really afraid of death?”

The ancient emperor roared like thunder, shaking the world.

“Of course I am afraid of death, but you can’t kill me.”

Yang Xuan said lightly.

“Asshole thing, you are not sorry to die.”

The ancient emperor was so angry that he was trembling, and the coercion instantly rose to the extreme, and then casually pointed Jiang Mingyue, “Go, kill He.”

“As you bid.”

With the coercion of the ancient emperor, Yang Xuan can’t move even if he wants to move, Jiang Mingyue is about to pass, and Yang Xuan will be personally Obliterate.

However, the weird thing is that Jiang Mingyue’s body was completely frozen as soon as he took a step, and his body was constantly dripping with cold sweat, which seemed to be inexplicably painful and uncomfortable. It’s terrible.

“What’s wrong?”

The ancient emperor frowned.

“Reporting back to the ancient emperor, there is an expert who secretly shot, and the discipline…can’t move.” Jiang Mingyue gasped.

“Who, get out of the emperor.”

The ancient emperor shouted.

“It’s an old man.”

A silhouette flashes out of thin air, standing high above the sky, sitting on the same level as the ancient emperor, with a breath of breeze on his face, giving people a possibility at any time The feeling of being gone.

“This is an expert, terrifying expert!”

The crowd moved, and their eyes focused on this person.

The visitor is an old man in ragged clothes. The old man is not tall and has muddy eyes. It seems that he is about to die, but he does not dare to take it lightly.


Jiang Mingyue let out a sigh of relief. With the arrival of the old man, the aura that enveloped him also disappeared.

“It’s you, you Old Guy isn’t dead!”

The ancient emperor stared at the old man for a while, his face couldn’t help showing a touch of surprise.

“The old man never died, he has always enlightened him in secret in the little Heaven Realm.”

The old man is not someone else, but he had a relationship with Yang Xuan. And pointed out the old Zhou who had Yang Xuan cultivation.

Lao Zhou, also known as Zhou Gong, cultivated a masterful supernatural power called Immortal Technique, which is so powerful that it is deep and unmeasurable.

“I have seen Mr. Zhou.”

Yang Xuan bowed.

“You don’t need to be polite.”

Lao Zhou waved his hand and looked at the ancient emperor directly: “This child is my descendant, you can’t kill him.”

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