Many martial artists in the holy court turn pale with fright, feeling both frightened and unbelievable.

This is their holy court, Holy Son, the strongest heir to the ancient emperor’s knees. Could it be said that today is really going to be defeated here, to a young man from the outside world.

This is a major event. Once Jiang Mingyue really loses, their holy court and the entire Ancient Celestial Court will be laughed at by the world and lose face.

“If your skills stop here, then this battle is almost over.”

Yang Xuan sneered and shot straight forward, approaching Jiang Mingyue at a speed.

Heaven’s Chosen like Jiang Mingyue can be removed as soon as possible, otherwise it will become a hidden danger in the future.

It can be said that Yang Xuan’s heart to kill Jiang Mingyue is even stronger than that of Killing Overlord and You Fen.

“Lei Dun!”

Jiang Mingyue let out a muffled roar, her body turned into a splendid lightning, and she evaded and drove away, she had no plans to regret with Yang Xuan. .

“Dignified Holy Son, the descendant of the ancient emperor, is there only the ability to dodge?”

Yang Xuan’s words are sharp, a sentence is like a knife, fiercely Pierced Jiang Mingyue’s heart.

Jiang Mingyue’s eyes were terrifying, and he roared with anger, “A fanatic, I will kill you.”

“Kill me? You can’t just rely on your mouth.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, stepped on the Free Spirit Step and stepped out each step. The space distance was useless in front of him. The speed was unimaginable, and it smashed into Jiang Mingyue like lightning piercing the sky.

Jiang Mingyue had been prepared for a long time, and did not choose to avoid it this time. She waved the thunder gun strongly and fiercely stabbed Yang Xuan in the throat.

This blow was like thunder. The speed alone made people unable to guard against it.

Unfortunately, Jiang Mingyue is facing Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan’s silver light shot in his eyes, and Martial Dao Heavenly Eye was opened long ago. Jiang Mingyue’s moves and trajectories cannot avoid his magic eyes.


He raised his hand with a sword and accurately hit the tip of the thundering spear. The two magic soldiers collided, or Yang Xuan was stronger, Jiang Mingyue instantly It was shocked to fly out.


“A evildoer is an evildoer, no wonder Dameng Daoist will accept him as a descendant.”

“Who is Dameng Daoist?”

“Who else could be that old man just now, his real name Zhou Gong, cultivated a big dream Immortal Technique, can easily put people to death in the dream, this is Zhou Gong show mercy, otherwise Jiang Mingyue died a long time ago.”

The crowd whispered in shock, and soon the name of the big dream daoist Zhougong spread quickly.

Yes, Duke Zhou is a daoist of the Great Dream, a figure who belongs to the same era as the ancient emperor, and his strength is connecting to heaven penetrating the earth.

“What is the descendant of the ancient emperor, just this.”

Yang Xuan has no mercy on his mouth, and he is not soft when he starts. With the powerful fleshy body, he has the great life technique to heal at all times. Injury, he only attacked but not defended, and moved directly to Jiang Mingyue’s vitals.

peng~ peng~ peng~ ……

Jiang Mingyue was tired from the battle, covered in blood, and wounds one after another on her body, which caused great pain.

However, the physical pain is far less than the heart pain.

Since his fame, he has fought countless large and small battles. Even if he encountered some old strongmen with a high cultivation base, he has never been so embarrassed as he is today.

This battle made him suffer all the humiliation. Looking at Yang Xuan’s eyes is like killing his father and enemy.

“Little beast, this is what you forced me to, even if I fight perish together, I will also drag you to bury you.”

With a loud roar, Jiang Mingyue bursts with blood light , And the imposing manner on his back exploded exponentially.

“This is…”

Yang Xuan’s eyes narrowed, but Jiang Mingyue never thought that Jiang Mingyue would still have a back hand.

“This is my hole card, the real hole card, until now, I have never been exposed to others. And you, let me use this Taboo Technique, and I will die without regret.”


Jiang Mingyue’s imposing manner rose to the highest in an instant, with scarlet lightning blooming all over his body, extremely violent, like a bloodthirsty Thunder Emperor, about to destroy the entire world.

“Burning blood essence is used to increase the intensity of divine force. This is indeed a good taboo secret technique!”

Yang Xuan speaks faintly, with unemotional sound, burning blood essence is very It is dangerous and burning blood essence to a large extent is a big taboo for martial artists. It will kill people at every turn. Jiang Mingyue will only accelerate his death.

Thinking of this, Yang Xuan ignored it and continued to make a move. His moves were fierce and fierce.

“You will pay for your arrogance.”

Jiang Mingyue remains unmoved and confronts him head-on.

In this way, an earth-shattering duel officially opened. If it is spread outside, it will inevitably shock the world and cause huge waves.

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