Yang Xuan is coldly snorted, the killing intent in his eyes, but not decreasing but increasing.

Overlord and You Fen are not ordinary people. If there is any chance for them to go here, trouble is not small in the future.

“Hearing this, Yang Xuan is slightly nodded, because those two are not your opponents anyway, and it won’t be too late when you see it next time.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan slightly nodded, Immediately the corners of his mouth raised, and said: “This battle almost exhausted my strength. Can Fairy help me a little longer?”

It’s okay not to say, he said so, Yuechan Fairy immediately withdrew his jade hand and let Yang Xuan stand still in place.

“Ai, Fairy is so cruel, I just asked you to support me, but didn’t let you marry me. What a shame!”

Yang Xuan pretends Sighed disappointedly, the smile at the corner of his mouth is constantly enlarged, unusually brilliant.

“Who is shy? Why don’t you this bastard die, you will talk nonsense and take advantage of me.”

Yuechan Fairy raised her eyebrows, angry and annoyed. Wanting to find something, fiercely blocked Yang Xuan’s mouth.

“Hehe, the beauty is in front, it is bastard if there is advantage.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile in a low voice, his voice was inaudible.

“What did you say?”

Yuechan Fairy’s ears were trembling with anger.

“Fairy, don’t be upset, I mean, you are too beautiful, I can’t help but want to make more affection with you.”

“get lost!”

Yuechan Fairy was breathing fast, and while the veil fluttered on her face, a devastatingly beautiful face was revealed, which made Yang Xuan stare at it.

The pretty face of Yuechan Fairy is definitely the most perfect among the many women he has seen in his life. The exquisite facial features are like a masterpiece from the heavens, unable to spot the slightest flaw.

“I let you go, didn’t you hear it?”

The more Yuechan Fairy thought about it, the more angry she got. She was worried about Yang Xuan. Who knows that this guy hasn’t Seriously, constantly using frivolity.

“Fine, I will go, I will go now.”

Yang Xuan spread his hands, resisting his weakness, and went down to Xu Yang, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming three people around.

“hehe, Brother Yang is amazing, I am willing to go down the wind.”

Looking at Yang Xuan in front of him, a thought-provoking smile appeared on Xu Yang’s face.

“A fair lady, a gentleman is so funny, don’t laugh so wretched.”

Yang Xuan twitched his lips, and when he heard his words, purple clothed Hou Yujian could bear no name. Could not help laughing out loud.


At this moment, the whole world suddenly dimmed, like the end of the day, full of an extremely depressive atmosphere.

“Don’t have hundreds of thousands of years, didn’t expect that your old man’s cultivation base is not weaker than me.”

“Fight, between you and me today There is bound to be a victory or defeat.”

“For that kid, you didn’t hesitate to be an enemy of me. Does he really value you so much?”

“He is me The heirs of, I naturally want to protect him, just like you defend that Jiang Mingyue.”

“hmph, so there is nothing to say.”

One after Another sound came, but the general sound of heaven falls and earth rends could not be heard.

Obviously, the big dream daoist Zhou Gong and the ancient emperor of Celestial Court are fighting fiercely.

The two are both mythological characters. Even if they are far apart, the crowd can still feel the energy fluctuations that escape.

At this time, some people with a low cultivation base felt fear from the bottom of their hearts.

This is outside the realm. If there is a war in the realm, these people would have died long ago.

I don’t know how long the world finally returned to peace.

next moment, Zhou Gong’s silhouette, appeared above the sky out of thin air.

Seeing this situation, Yang Xuan hurriedly asked: “Lao Zhou won?”


Zhou Gong shook his head and immediately I added, “But I didn’t lose.”

“Are you not going to win?”

Yang Xuan whispered. This result was in his expectation. After all, Zhou Gong and Gu Imperial Capital is just a strand of Avatar, and the two people’s cultivation base should be similar. This battle is naturally difficult to distinguish.

“Go ahead, the ancient emperor will not easily deal with you next.”

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