Xu Yang caresss his hand.

“Thank you, Brother Yang is far above me in terms of sword technique.”

Jian Wuming shook his head slightly.

“Hehe, if the nameless brother is where, I don’t dare to be ashamed.” Yang Xuan laughed, and said: “Let’s go, try to reach the Great Heaven Realm as soon as possible.”


Everyone had no objections, and stepped onto the ladder.

Chapter 1064 Celestial Realm

The ladder is hard to climb, hard to compare to the blue sky.

For example, the current ladder is more difficult than those in the earth fire world.

Here, all the time, it will be blocked by mysterious power.

This force is similar to gravity, but slightly different. It can suppress both the Fleshy body and Divine Soul, which is very tyrannical.

The common martial artist can’t climb a few ladders, I’m afraid he will have to go home because his body can’t bear it.

“Brother Xu knows what kind of power is this?”

purple clothed Hou asked as he walked.

Xu Yang said: “This is the strength of Primal Chaos. It is much stronger than my gravitational field. Most people will destroy both body and soul, consigned to eternal damnation.”

hearing this, whether it was Yang Xuan, Yuechan Fairy, or purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, none of them chose to retreat.

Although the more you go up, the greater the pressure, but it is not difficult for everyone.

Who can come here, who is the general generation?

Don’t talk about Yang Xuan, just the purple clothed Hou Yujian is a well-know figure in the generation, and his strength is by no means weaker than Xu Yang.

Xu Yang groaned and continued: “Heavenspan Ladder has existed since ancient times. It was built by the Immortal King of Zixiao. It connects the various small worlds in the Heavenspan world and reaches the top-level Heaven Realm. You have to be very careful when you take one step, especially the ladder leading to the Great Heaven Realm. The force field formed by the strength of Primal Chaos on it will kill people at all times.”

“The Great Heaven Realm can have Heavenspan Ladder?”

Yang Xuan raised his brow.

“Yes, but no one can go up. According to legend, as long as you pass the Heavenspan Ladder of the Great Heaven Realm, you can embark on the road of kings.”

Xu Yangdao.

“The Way of the King!”

purple clothed Hou and Jian looked at each other namelessly, and the depths of their eyes flashed with deep expectations.

Here in the Heavenspan world, their primary goal is the way of the king, and only when they step on the way of the king can they have the opportunity to get the immortal dao inheritance of the Immortal King of Zixiao.

immortal dao inheritance, you can meet but not ask for it, no one wants to miss it.

Even if there is only one, it is enough ascending to the skies with a single leap.

“Has Brother Xu heard of Primal Chaos Stone?”

Yang Xuan asked again.

“Brother Yang wants Primal Chaos Stone?”

Xu Yang took a deep look at Yang Xuan, and only after seeing Yang Xuan nodded, he said: “Heavenspan Ladder to the Great Heaven Realm There is Primal Chaos Stone, but few people can get this Divine Stone. “

“hope to hear the details.”

Yang Xuan said.

“Primal Chaos Stone is formed by the condensation of a large amount of Chaos Qi. Let’s put it this way, the richer the Chaos Qi is, the more likely it is that the Primal Chaos Stone will be born. But Chaos Qi is extremely heavy, suppress and kill everything Even if the people of the world want the Primal Chaos Stone, they dare not go deep into it.”

Xu Yang paused and said: “Brother Yang must not take personal risks. Maybe there are Primal Chaos Stones elsewhere. .”

“Many thanks, I will be careful.”

Yang Xuan hugged cup one fist in the other hand.


Xu Yang sighed secretly, knowing that Yang Xuan is bound to win the Primal Chaos Stone, and he will not give up easily.

“Heavenspan Ladder of the Great Heaven Realm, is it true that no one can go up?” Jian Wuming was silent for a long time and asked suddenly.

“No, I knew the two had gone up.”

Xu Yang shook the head.

“The two?”

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