“Come on again, I don’t believe that you can’t kill you.” Yang Xuan was very savage and violent. Like a little chicken, he caught Ye Xuan again and kept hitting the ground.

Boom! boom! boom!

Ye Xuan was covered in blood, and soon he lost his human form and was dying.

“Ah, demon, he, he is a demon!” A group of young martial artists from Nine Nether screamed and kept backing away.

The crowd was also terrified. Yang Xuan kept smashing Ye Xuan to the ground, completely smashing Ye Xuan to death.

Ye Xuan was indeed smashed to death, even if he had ten lives, he could not stand the mess like Yang Xuan.

It is just a few breaths. His whole person has become a pile of rotten meat. When Yang Xuan was going to continue smashing, he grabbed it and found that the person under him could no longer be caught. , Because one scratch is a big piece of bloody minced meat.

“This is dead, so I didn’t smash it.”

As if he hadn’t smashed enough, he curled one’s lip and threw away the scarlet meat in his hand.

“Dead, Ye Senior Brother Xuan is dead.”

“Go, go, go and inform Elder, only Elder can deal with him!”

A group of young martial artists taught by Nine Nether broke in spirit and fled to the depths of Fengyun Gorge.

Bai Haitang is also on the run, and he escapes the fastest.

“Can you escape?” Coldly shouted, Yang Xuan used the shadow to escape and ran after him.

peng peng peng!

He rushed and screamed everywhere he went. The young martial artists taught by Nine Nether were fragile and pitiful. He punched and kicked, smashed into scum, and in just a few breaths, he rushed all the way behind Bai Haitang.

Bai Haitang sensed the danger, swung the golden light sword, turned around and stabbed with a sword.

Yang Xuan didn’t hide either. He reached out and grabbed the golden light sword and snatched it.


Bai Haitang fell on her knees, urinated incontinence, and trembled and said: “Yang Xuan, don’t, don’t kill me, I don’t want to die yet, I, I swear, I will never be your enemy again “It’s too late. From the moment you sent Wu Xie and Huo Meng to intercept me, you are already dead in my eyes.” Yang Xuan shook his head. Said coldly.

“Junior Sister, save me, for the sake of my sincerity to you over the past five years, save me!” Bai Haitang screamed at Qin Lan in the distance.

Hearing this, Qin Lan was silent.

“Stop screaming, you must die today, no one can save you.”

“Ah, I played with you.”

“Ant that’s all, is it worthy to fight me hard?”


The sound of bone cracking came, and Bai Haitang died without accident. Yang Xuan extended the hand and crushed his neck.

“All annihilation!”

The crowd was horrified. What did they see? A young man of 5 Heavenly Layer in the Ning Yuan realm was like a god of death, killing a group of young martial artists. .

“Is it over?”

Yang Xuan whispered, ignoring the crowd, looking towards the distant jungle, as if he had noticed something, coldly shouted: “old bastard with head and tail hidden.” , Get out of Young Master and die.”

“hmph, I’m young, my tone is not small, the old man depends on how you kill me.”

coldly snorted, One silhouette came out from the distant jungle.

This is a black robed old man with a rickety figure and a white-haired shawl. Although it looks very old, the cultivation base is extremely high, reaching the Vientiane Realm 10th Layer.

As he walked out of the jungle, he immediately exuded a tyrannical imposing manner.

“Vientiane Realm expert!”

Many people turn pale with fright, didn’t expect Vientiane Realm expert in Fengyunxia, ​​and the cultivation base of the visitor has reached Vientiane. Realm 10th Layer, this cultivation base is not far from Celestial Realm. Once you have penetrated into Heaven and Person Unites As One, you may step into Celestial Realm at any time.

“pay respects to Elder!”

Some people were surprised, but also some people were excited. A dozen young people with cold breath rushed over and came to the black robed old man. Kneel down and salute.

Obviously, they are all nine martial artists hiding in the crowd.

“Get up all”, the black robed old man waved his hand. He was no one else, and it was the leader of the hunting operation that Nine Nether taught in Fengyunxia this time.

“Thank you Elder.”

A group of young people stood up, and at the same time they were red eyes. Someone pointed to Yang Xuan and said with a grieving expression: “Elder, that Relying on the strength of Martial Spirit, the kid killed me and taught many senior and junior brothers, and I also asked Elder to avenge all the senior and junior brothers.”

“Don’t worry, since the old man is here, he can’t escape. .”Black robed old man indifferently said.

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