“divine symbol!”

At this moment, Jian Wuming, Xu Yang, and Yuechan Fairy’s curiosity came up.

“But was the divine symbol created by Spiritual God?”

Jian Wuming asked.

Yang Xuan shook the head, saying: “No, divine symbol is what the world calls it. This kind of writing is often formed naturally since the birth of heaven and earth. Every divine symbol has destroying heaven extinguishing. Earth-like power.”

“putting it that way, these inscriptions on the stone wall are very common?” Purple clothed Hou raised his brow.

“It’s true.”

Yang Xuan nodded, said: “If I’m not mistaken, this should be some kind of hint, it can also be called a piece of the past, but The other party expresses it in the form of inscriptions, which makes people unable to understand that’s all.”

“The unknown is the most terrifying, we can be extremely careful after entering Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm.”

purple clothed Hou’s voice was still there, and everyone saw several corpses in front.

There were seven or eight young people. Everyone had no obvious trauma. They just lay on the ground without a breath. Since the corpse hadn’t decayed, it was not long before they died.

“It must be a person from Woshan Town.”

Xu Yangdao.

“Be careful, this place is dangerous.”

Without warning from Yang Xuan, Xu Yang and the others also know that the road ahead is not easy.

Several heavenly punishment martial artists from Woshan Town died here. They died so strangely that they did not dare to take it lightly.

“Go, let’s not stay too much.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, but he didn’t mean to retreat. He took the lead and flew forward, speeding up several times.

Xu Yang, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, and Yuechan Fairy did not delay either. They started their exercises one after another and quickly followed along.

All the way forward, all kinds of inscriptions on the stone wall are in sight, and they are coming.

At first, everyone didn’t feel that there was anything wrong, but as they marched several hundred zhang, many illusions emerged involuntarily in their minds.

“Everyone stick to the spirit, remember not to be confused by the illusion.”

Yang Xuan a light shout, he is not affected by any illusion at all, he is determined, and any illusion will come to him It’s like just a passing scene, and he couldn’t shake him at all.

Xu Yang and the others are the same. The Heart of Martial Dao of these people is indestructible.

Although there are so many illusions that are no different from reality, they are not too threatening.

It can be said that these illusions can only invade ordinary martial artists, and once they are invaded by illusions, the whole person will be completely lost in them and become the living dead.

Just like the people in Woshan Town before, they seem to be intact, but they have lost their souls.

“hong long long!”

Suddenly, there was an unusual movement in front of me, a brilliant beam of light, at an incomparable speed, penetrated through the sky.

“Quickly avoid it.”

Yang Xuan not even think, a dodge moved out, the corridor is wide enough, the beam is huge, but there is room for dodge.

whiz whiz whiz ……

At this moment, Xu Yang and the others can’t help but retreat to the sides, but because Xu Yang reacts slowly, his body is slightly rubbed by the light beam Hit a little.

And just this little bit, half of Xu Yang’s robe instantly turned to fly ash, and half of his body was also a hot pain.

“terrifying, what is this!?”

purple clothed Hou, the sword is nameless, all turn pale with fright, this is Xu Yang good luck, if the body is directly hit by the beam , I’m afraid it will destroy both body and soul on the spot.

“Mingzhe, Mingya, has the lethal power of Ghost God. This is obviously a kind of divine light emitted by the inscription of the god, which is enough to destroy everything.”

Yang Xuan Very solemn, I never dare to underestimate this Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm. I have encountered such a terrible thing before entering Secret Realm. If I really enter Secret Realm, it will be even more dangerous.

“It’s dangerous, I almost thought I was going to die…”

Xu Yang sucked in cold breath and sweated all over his body. The power of the light beam just now surpassed His cognition, as Yang Xuan said, already belongs to the category of Ghost God.

“Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm is extraordinary. It will kill people at every turn. We still have time to withdraw.”

Yang Xuan looked at Xu Yang and then at Purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Yuechan Fairy, said so.

“It’s not my style to retreat in the face of difficulties.”

“If we come, we will be at ease. We are still alive now.”

Jian Wuming and Purple clothed Hou opened his mouth one after another, determined to enter Heavenly Yuan Secret Realm to find out.

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