Yang Xuan opened Martial Dao Heavenly Eye and couldn’t see what was placed inside the box.

He didn’t think much, grabbed the jade box casually, and tried to open it hard.

Everything went smoothly unexpectedly. The not at all seal on the jade box, Yang Xuan easily opened it, and a piece of emerald jade slip appeared in his eyes.

“This is…”

He picked up the jade slip and pressed it against the center of his brow to check it. The first thing that caught his eye was a line of small print.

The general outline of the inscription!

Yes, it is the general outline of the inscription.

Yang Xuan continued to watch and found that there were many inscriptions recorded in it. These inscriptions were of a wide variety and dazzling array, including inscriptions that can be painted on artifacts, and a few powerful ancient inscriptions that can act on people.

For example, a kind of inscription calling the name of’Hegemony’, once this kind of inscription is engraved into one’s body and stimulated, it can instantly enter the state of hegemony.

The hegemonic state can reduce the enemy’s damage to himself. Unless the strength gap is too large, no matter how many enemies there are, it is difficult to pose a threat to those who enter the hegemonic state.

“With my fleshy body strength, supplemented with the domineering state, it is simply invincible.”

Yang Xuan was very excited, but then he frowned again, because he The body inscriptions are composed of many Xuanwen, but he does not even master Xuanwen now.

“No hurry, there is this inscription master plan. Sooner or later, I will be able to gather all the inscriptions above, even if it is the inscription of the overlord type, I have to for me to use.”

So Thinking about it, Yang Xuan put away the jade slip, turned around and flew back.

Along the way, all the bronze figures did not move anymore, only as if Yang Xuan did not exist, but after a few breaths of effort, Yang Xuan came to purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Xu Yang, Yuechan Fairy Several people approached.

“What did Brother Yang get?”

Xu Yang asked.

“Inscriptions, a Secret Art that records a large number of inscriptions.”

Yang Xuan truthfully said, without any concealment.

“Inscription Secret Art!”

purple clothed Hou took a deep breath and said with emotion: “Brother Yang really picked up a treasure. If you can master Dao of Inscription by this, Strength is bound to be greatly improved.”

“Dao of Inscription, mysterious and obscure, not so easy to master.” Yang Xuan shook his head.

“Humility is a virtue, but being too modest is hypocrisy.” On the side, Yuechan Fairy snorted lightly.

“I’m speak frankly. If Fairy doesn’t believe me, I can lend you the inscription Secret Art.”

“No, gentlemen don’t take advantage of others, you are still yourself Keep it and study it slowly.”

“Fairy joked, what is your relationship with me, my things are not yours, as long as you say, it is the stars in the sky, I can pick it for you Come down.”

“While I go, I am only friends with you, and I never thought of taking advantage of you.”

Yuechan Fairy rolled the eyes, and soon I didn’t pay attention to Yang Xuan again, and said a word with this guy, the more unhappy he felt.

At this moment, purple clothed Hou looked at Yuechan Fairy, then at Yang Xuan, and said with a smile: “Hehe, I believe that with Brother Yang’s talent, one day I can master the Secret Art Various inscriptions.”

“I hope so.”

Yang Xuan also laughed.

“If you don’t talk about this, what should these bronze men do and accept them all?”

Xu Yang changed the subject.

Just in front of the crowd, but there are still tens of thousands of bronze figures erected. Each bronze figure is a battle puppet. If you can surrender all of them, you only need to release the battle puppet army in future wars. Cut the enemy to death.

“It will affect your whole body. I advise you not to attack these bronze people. These bronze people are one body. Anyone who moves will attract other bronze people’s attacks.”

Yang Xuan said solemnly, alone with a few dozen bronze figures, he is confident to suppress them, but the crowd of tens of thousands of bronzes rises up, as strong as he has to smell the wind and run away, dare not to be with him Hard regret.

“So, let’s go now, there are that many passages outside, and there must be treasures at the end of each passage.”

Jian Wuming said.


Everyone had no objections, and immediately turned around and retreated, choosing another channel, and going in and out of their mouths along the way.

In the ancient palace, the passages are densely covered, and each passage is deep and silent, full of mysterious auras, which can shield all the perceptions of the martial artist, so no one can come to an end. Know what is at the end of the tunnel.

Yang Xuan The passage they walked is not big among many passages, but it is enough for everyone to pass side by side, and there is no danger along the way. In about 5 minutes, the entire group finally came Deep in the channel.

Similarly, this is also a palace, but the strange thing is that there is not at all any bronze figure in it, but there are small bronze platforms.

A copper platform, two meters high, can only support one person to stand on two feet.

Yang Xuan They tried it and found that they couldn’t fly here.

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