“If this is the case, let’s go quickly. In the face of an old expert who is about to fall into madness, we have to wait for death.”

“pipe down, this person can It’s not an ordinary person. If I’m not mistaken, he is the rumored mad Taoist.”

There are not many people who talked about it. As someone mentioned the title of the mad Taoist, a group of people fell silent and did not dare Sent a few more words.

The madman does not terrifying normally, but if he is a madman in a crazy state, it would be terrifying. Heaven knows whether he can keep his sense, if he can’t, it’s for anyone It was a killing and robbery, and no one was spared.

“Crazy Taoist!”

Yang Xuan has good ears, the moon is boundless, and the others’ ears are not bad. Everyone listened to the conversation of the crowd with a touch of surprise in their eyes. It seems that no one didn’t expect to meet the legendary figure of Mad Taoist here.

“Let’s…Should we go over and take a look?”

Xu Yang hesitated and asked, with curiosity and a trace of fear in his heart.

“Since I met, how can I avoid meeting somebody? I want to go and see what this so-called crazy Taoist looks like.”

Yang Xuan has always been bold, Although he was slightly nervous, he still took a step forward and moved towards the crowd gathering place in the distance.

There are many onlookers ahead. Although many people are slowly evacuating, there are still many people who choose to stay and watch one person attentively.

That’s an old way, sitting lonely on a rock that is almost weathered.

Old Dao is wearing a tattered daoist robe, his white hair is becoming more and more messy as the wind blows, his face is vicissitudes of life, his eyes are muddy and unclear, as if he has been blinded. No one dared to look at him.

These weather-beaten eyes do not transmit any divine light, but they are also so intriguing. Instead of looking at each other, there will be a feeling that the heartbeat is accelerating and almost bursting out.

Chapter 1099 Mysterious Old Woman

Old Dao, that is, a crazy Daoist, had been on the way of the king with the ancient emperor, Dameng Daoist and a few others.

As a result, the Mad Taoist suffered heavy injuries and his spirit became abnormal.

This is the case. This person is also a world-class figure. Looking at the present, people who can compete with him are afraid that only the ancient emperor and the big dream daoist are left.

“Others are afraid of the mad Taoist, but I am not afraid. This may be an opportunity for me!”

Seeing that the mad Taoist is always moving like a rock, There was no dangerous aura from his body either, Yang Xuan strode to the person immediately and looked at him carefully.

The state of the crazy Taoist doesn’t seem to be very good. He is frowned from time to time, as if thinking about something, and sometimes his brows are stretched out again, and a few faint smiles appear on his wrinkled old face.

He smiled brightly, but he gave people a very strange feeling.

“Brother Yang must not act rashly. The mad Taoist must be comprehending something at this moment. If he disturbs him, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Yue Wuyin came afterwards and saw Yang Xuan. It seemed that he wanted to move forward and quickly persuaded him.

“It’s okay, I just want to go a little bit forward, not too close.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand and walked a few steps forward again. Such a move also attracted the attention of countless people.

“Who is this kid, the courage is really not normal.”

“hmph, the boldest people tend to die the fastest.”

One As a teenager, the cultivation base is only in the divine force state Peak, but now he dared to approach the madman. This is more than daring, it is simply a tired of living.

Various whispers came, Yang Xuan’s face remained unchanged, remaining unmoved, his eyes looked at the lunatic Taoist from beginning to end.

The madman ignored him, even if the strange boy was the nearest to him, he was still sitting on the rock that was about to be weathered, slightly raised his head and looked at the blue sky.

There is nothing else in the sky, no one knows what he is looking at.

Yang Xuan was curious, but subconsciously took a few steps forward, only a few meters away from the madman.

In this way, the eyes of the crowd are involuntarily frozen. Except for a few people such as Purple clothed Hou who has a good relationship with Yang Xuan, the expressions all looking towards Yang Xuan look like a dead person.

This kid is really not afraid of death, and he doesn’t want to be who the mad Taoist is. Once this person goes mad, strong men like the ancient emperor will probably choose to avoid his edge.

Not far away, the Mad Taoist is still motionless, as if he doesn’t care about Yang Xuan not far away, and completely treats him like air.

Yang Xuan has become more courageous when he sees that there is no danger. He walked a few steps in a row and the madman approached him and asked respectfully: “What is Senior looking at?”

” Are you afraid of me?”

The crazy Taoist looked down at Yang Xuan.

“Everyone in the world says that Senior is crazy and should not be approached, but Junior doesn’t think so.”

“Oh, you continue talking.”

Mad Taoist Hearing this, I couldn’t help gaining some interest, and the gaze looking towards Yang Xuan was kinder.

“Senior is a Taoist expert, how can he really become a lunatic? In Junior’s view, Senior may have obsessions and cannot let go of that’s all for a while.”

People There are many obsessions, such as Martial Dao, such as love, love, and other things. If the obsession is deep to a certain extent, people may become abnormal and be called lunatics by outsiders.

Of course, this is only Yang Xuan’s guess. He doesn’t know if it is so. Perhaps the lunatic man has indeed suffered traumas.

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