Yang Xuan patted his forehead. He originally wanted to pretend to be asleep. When Qin Lan fell asleep, he would sleep with beauty and so on. Who knew he would fall asleep as soon as he fell.

In fact, this is not to blame him. Although he refining a drop of supreme blood and eliminating the repercussions of the dark Martial Spirit, he fought one after another in Fengyunxia and killed many people. The spirit was still extremely tired. Once he fell down, unconsciously Go to deep sleep.

“Forget it, anyway, Qin Lan will go back to Seven Mysteries Sect in some time, I will go back to Seven Mysteries Sect and wait for her, but before going back to Seven Mysteries Sect, I have to go to Yang Family for a walk Go.”

Shaking his head, Yang Xuan got up and left the guest room, ready to take a trip to Yang Family.

The reason why he went to Yang Family was of course not because he still missed Yang Family. The main purpose of this trip was to see how Ying’er was doing. If possible, he hoped that Sixth Elder Yang Ning would be able to Ying’er followed him to Seven Mysteries Sect cultivation, after all, in Seven Mysteries Sect, he can still take care of Ying’er.


When he came to Heavenly Wind City from Luoshui City, Yang Xuan was walking on foot. The speed was naturally slow, but he didn’t use his feet to walk when he went back to Heavenly Wind. I bought a horse in City, walked all the way day and night, hurriedly increased the whip, and arrived in Luoshui City in just a few days.

Because of his face wearing a human skin mask, no one can recognize Yang Xuan.

He was riding horses in the city like this, neither fast nor slow, and he also noticed that the pedestrians were hurrying on the street, and some people even dragged their homes to leave, just as if they were on the run.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the entire Luoshui City is depressed. Many people have white silk hanging outside the mansions of wealthy families. From time to time, heartbreaking crying can be heard inside.

Yang Xuan thoughts move, I understand that many young people in Luoshui City who went to Heavenly Wind City to participate in the Tianfeng Martial Arts Association died in Fengyun Gorge this time.

Including Yang Family, news of Yang Wei’s death was also passed back, but no one knew how Yang Wei died.

When Yang Xuan came outside the gate of Yang Family, he found that Yang Family was doing a funeral, but he did not stop, and walked over.

“Who is the newcomer? Come and announce your name quickly.”

A Yang Family guard saw Yang Xuan and asked with a vigilant look. Now Nine Nether After the teaching was born, everyone in Stars Island was in danger, and Yang Family naturally did not dare to be careless.

“Below the cloud, the god Roaming Sect Inner Disciple.”

“It turned out to be the god Roaming Sect Inner Disciple.”

hearing this, the guard suddenly became Respectfully, but he did not let Yang Xuan in: “Fang Shao, my Young Master…”

Yang Xuan interrupted: “I know what you want to say, your Young Master has encountered an accident. I am also deeply saddened, but my trip is here to pay homage to your Young Master. How can I say that I and your Young Master were close friends in our lifetime.”

“so that’s how it is, Fang Wait a little longer, the younger one will pass it down.”

“No, let this Young Master in.” At this moment, a Yang Family manager walked out of the gate. .

Chapter 119 Ying’er’s life experience

“many thanks.”

“You are polite, Young Master, you will come to pay homage to my Young Master not far away. My Yang Family is grateful, but my Young Master has encountered an accident. Now the house is in a mess. If there is any negligence, I hope Young Master will take more care.”

“Ai, my brother Yang Wei and I are friends in need. , I didn’t expect him to leave like this.”

“Yes, my Young Master Dragons Among Humans, didn’t expect it, alas, it’s useless now, Young Master please enter the house, all the way Follow the main road and arrive at the Spirit Hall.”


Yang Xuan’s superb acting skills are impeccable. After a few words with Yang Family, he stepped forward. Then entered the Yang Mansion.

Walking all the way, neither too fast nor too slow, the whole Yang Mansion seems to be shrouded in a cloud of clouds, and the Yang Family who met on the road are also frowning, walking in a hurry, and no one Too much attention to the stranger Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan was so happy. He didn’t go to Yang Family Spirit Hall to pay homage to the dead ghost of Yang Wei, and rushed to the residence of Sixth Elder Yang Ningshuang while no one noticed.

Different from the other Yang Family Elders, Yang Ningshuang is withdrawn and does not live in the inner palace, but in the outer palace.

However, the outer palace is very large, with three courtyards, east, south, and west. The central location is a main road leading directly to the inner palace, while Yang Ningshuang’s residence is in a quiet place in Xiyuan.

Yang Xuan was once the Yang Family Young Master. He couldn’t be more familiar with Yang Family. He passed through many courtyard corridors, pavilions and pavilions, and a bamboo forest appeared in front of him.

The bamboo forest was planted by Yang Ningshuang in his early years. Now it is very tall and straight, lush and green.

A gust of breeze swept across, and the bamboo forest swayed gently, making a rhythmic sound, as if the fairy music was floating in full, making people unconsciously immersed in it.

Along the forest path, Yang Xuan walked through the bamboo forest and came to a dark-green lake. This is an artificial lake with lotus flowers in full bloom. There is a two-story bamboo building on a small island in the center of the lake. .

Yang Xuan stepped on the pontoon and came all the way to Lake Heart Island, but when he first came here, did his steps stop there, because the bamboo building was filled with fog, dimly lit, and There was the sound of crash-bang, and someone should be bathing.


Suddenly, there was a scream, and the voice seemed particularly clear in the quiet morning.

“Really strong perception!”

Yang Xuan was slightly shocked, didn’t expect Yang Ning’s double cultivation base is not too high, but the perception is so strong, you must know that he is now There are seventy-eighty feet far away from the bamboo building, but Yang Ningshuang felt it instantly.


Just as Yang Xuan was stunned, a cold light shot out from the bamboo building.

This is a short blade, pointed directly at Yang Xuan’s throat. It is fast and cruel. Fortunately, Yang Xuan reacts quickly. He flashes to the side and avoids it dangerously and dangerously. .

“You thief has some ability.”

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