“This demon is too strong. Even if we are trapped here, our cultivation is greatly reduced. We are definitely not its opponents. It is better to leave here. Maybe there is still a glimmer of survival.”

You Dao is one foot high and the devil is one foot high. Demon cultivators are never weak, let alone a demonic path Immortal Emperor?

In the eyes of the old woman, the most urgent task can only be worldly-wise and play safe and step back.

Relying on their cultivation base of Dao Realm, they want to go, and the prohibition of Heavenspan Road can’t completely trap them, so they don’t believe that the demon of the fairy mountain can really catch up.

“You can escape for a while, but you can’t escape for a lifetime. If you let this demon break out of the mountain, the huge Heavenspan world, it will be difficult for you and me to be the siblings.”

While speaking, a flash of determination flashed in the eyes of the mad Taoist, who had already decided to stop the wild demon from coming out by all means.

This demon was suppressed under the fairy demon mountain. The first condition for escape is to abandon his body and carry out body possession, and if he wants to fail his body possession, the only possibility is to kill the body possession object in advance.

“The young man can be called Dragons Among Humans. If he is changed to normal, the old man will not kill him. Not only will he not kill him, but he may be accepted as a disciple. Unfortunately, time is not and the others Now, the old man can only kill him.”

The madman has killed countless people in his life, and there are many innocents among them. Although they have only one side relationship with Yang Xuan, they also feel very good about Yang Xuan. But in order to prevent the wild demon from rebirth, he can’t take care of that many.

Killing one person is a sin, but if you kill one person, you will have thousands of absolutely people in the world, and a madman will never show mercy.

the thoughts got to this point, immediately wanted to get away with the old woman, but before the two of them had time to leave, Huang Mo’s cold and cruel voice followed.

“If you two leave for a while earlier, this Demon Emperor may still turn a blind eye, but now that you know the rebirth plan of this Demon Emperor, you can never leave this place.”


In this world, only the dead can keep a secret. If the two of them spread the news, it will definitely disrupt his plan. This is something that wild demons will never allow.

“The devil, what do you want to do?”

The old woman yelled and asked, like a big enemy.

“haha, what do I want to do? Just ask the old way around you. This old way is just the weakest of the cultivators that besieged me back then. The reason why I didn’t kill him , It’s not his good luck, but disdain it.”

The Demon laughed wildly.

“So the old man has to be many thanks to you for not killing it?”

The crazy Taoist is extremely angry and laughs back, although he is sometimes insane and mad, But at the moment, he is very sane.

The instigator who made him crazy is the desolate demon under the fairy mountain. This demon possesses great magical power and malicious methods. He once severely damaged his Divine Soul with magical thoughts, making him a man for so many years. He doesn’t live like a person.

“You really want to thank me. If it weren’t for the Demon Emperor show mercy, you would not be insane, but a pile of dead bones.”

The wild demon sneered again and again.

“hmph, instead of being harassed by Heart Demon all day long, it would be better to die in your hands.”

After hearing the words of the mad Taoist, the old woman just remembered the purpose of this. Immediately shouted: “The devil, as long as you take back my big brother within the body of the devil, my siblings swear not to reveal your plan.”

“The oath is useless to me, you The two of them can go to death.”

The words are still there, and the desperate demon’s killing heart is soaring, and a monstrous magical thought surges like a tide, and immediately drowns the old woman and the madman. .

This magical thought, with all kinds of terrifying illusions, can easily make people go crazy and die.

“Not good, let’s go quickly.”

The crazy Taoist once suffered a big loss, knowing the terrifying of the magical thoughts of the wild demon, he immediately tried his best to get into a struggle The old woman fled here.

“In my boundless Demon Realm, even True Immortal has to break free. You should feel fortunate that it is also the Demon Emperor’s current cultivation base greatly reduced. If not, one thought can make you duo. It’s flying ashes.”

The boundless Demon Realm is a world where the wild demons run alone. In this life, any creature will always be invaded by Heart Demon, and will eventually die and become the boundless Demon Realm. Strong nourishment.

“This Old Demon…what a powerful method” Void Spirit Feng was shocked when he saw it, and became more and more afraid of the wild demon.

“There is no need to be afraid, as long as you can help me out of trouble, I will definitely fulfill my promise and pass on your Myriad Transformations nirvana tactic.”

The wild demon spoke indifferently, seeming to see through the Void. Spirit wind thoughts.

“So, it’s many thanks to the emperor.” Void Spirit put aside the fear, and respectfully gave a salute.

“The old man will never let your devil’s conspiracy succeed even if he is dead, open for me.”

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the madman would not hesitate Self-destruction fleshy body, wrapped the old woman with Remnant Soul and rushed away from the boundless Demon Realm, breaking through the air.

“Damn it.”

The wild demon cursed for a lifetime, but he couldn’t chase after him. His body was finally unable to break free from the shackles of the fairy mountain. It can only play a role at a certain distance.

If the demon mind is forced to leave the fairy and devil mountain, it will be swallowed and assimilated by endless fighting intents, and eventually scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

“This…” Void Spirit wind complexion slightly changed, I am afraid that the departure of the crazy Taoist and the old woman will change the original plan.

“Don’t worry, there is only a ray of Remnant Soul left in the old way, and it will soon be annihilated, but the ugly woman has a deep seed in her heart and will not live long.”

Huang Magic coldly said.

“That’s good.” Void Spirit relaxed slightly, and listened to Huang Mo to continue: “Tell me about that person, I am very curious about how he cultivation, fleshy body and Divine Soul is not inferior to an emperor.”

“In the words of Emperor Hui, that man is a young man named Yang Xuan. Although Junior has no contact with him, he does not know where he comes from, but However, it can be seen that his fleshy body and Divine Soul are both extremely strong. To be honest, the Avatar alone is by no means his opponent. If he cannot escape into nothingness, he may not be able to take the three tricks. ”

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