Yang Xuan indifferently said: “No matter what your relationship with this demon, you have to die today.”

After saying this, he immediately manipulated many star beasts with his spirit, and launched toward the demon. attack.

Chapter 1164 Suppressing Demons

“roar roar…”

A giant beast roars up to the sky, the sound is shaking in all directions, the energy released Like a stormy sea, surging and amazing.

The one after another brilliant star beams spewed out from their mouths one after another, and gathered a huge and vast Star Sea, instantly swept into the wild monsters, with great momentum and fast speed. To the extreme.

This is one of the masterpieces of Immortal Emperor Tong Tian during his lifetime.

“Damn it!”

The wild demon was both shocked and angry. It seems that Yang Xuan shot so fast, so ruthless, and determined to kill the Void Spirit wind.

Void Spirit wind physique is excellent, strength is good, but the cultivation base is too low after all, it can’t stop this kind of terrifying power of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood like a hot knife through butter, even if With his full defense, it is difficult to guarantee that Void Spirit’s body will not be damaged.

“Once the carrier is destroyed, you will only be left with a Remnant Soul, but it depends on how arrogant you are?”

Yang Xuan sneered. The style of killing.

“Demon Emperor, save me!”

Void Spirit made a sound of panic. Although he lost control of his body, he could clearly feel the danger coming.

This is a powerful Avatar that he has worked hard to train. If the Avatar is destroyed here, the deity will also receive a very heavy backlash. Although it will not die, it will take a lot of time. Go to nursed back.

If you lose everything, it is the defect of Myriad Transformations. What’s more, the Void Spirit cultivation is still the incomplete Myriad Transformations?

If this great emptiness is destroyed, the deity will suffer severe damage, and the cost will be very high.

“What is the noise? With this Demon Emperor, you are not dead yet.”

The wild demon is coldly snorted, releasing the Supreme magical thought, forming a powerful barrier that is invisible and invisible. It intercepted all the stars’ beams rushing from the surrounding area, making waves of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

The wave of air that escaped made the entire Heavenspan Road sway. Except for the crazy Taoist, Gu Daochen, and Kitamiya Takeshi, everyone else felt violent and squirmed. On the ground.

Under the impact of this indiscriminate aftermath, no one can bear it. This is why they flashed back at critical moments and were not in the center of the storm, otherwise they would have been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke. The dead cannot die anymore.

“As expected to be the emperor of demonic path, the method is really powerful.”

Here, Yang Xuan is motionless and there is no panic on his face, as if he had expected it to be this. As a result, almost at the same time when all the star beams were blocked, he resolutely controlled all the emperor star beasts, and rushed towards Huang Mo.

“overestimate one’s capabilities.”

The wild demon was disdainful at first, and then the complexion was greatly changed. I saw the heads of emperor star beasts, and the huge body suddenly swelled. When they got up, they seemed to have become huge balloons, emitting amazing energy fluctuations.

“He is…what is he going to do!?”

“Terrifying, such a terrifying energy fluctuation, once it breaks out, who can survive from it?”


At this moment, the crowd was horrified. It was the crazy Taoist, Gu Daochen, and Bei Gong Wu, who also changed their colors for it. They have a profound cultivation base and excellent eyesight, and they know Yang Xuan best. doing what.

“Little devil, are you crazy? You are willing to Self-destruction all the star beasts!”

The wild demon roared in rage. This was something he did not expect, in order to destroy Killing the vast void of the Void Spirit wind, Yang Xuan was so decisive to abandon so many star beasts.

This is a puppet guard of nearly a hundred emperor Sovereign level. A junior who has just entered Supreme Realm didn’t take seriously, and just abandoned it.

“External force is ultimately an external force. Only when you are strong enough can you live and live in this world.”

Be that as it may, Yang Xuan also feels heartache, after all, the Emperor Star Beast Hard-won, it is a good thing to save life, who is really willing to ruin it?

But in order to break through the desolate demon’s defense, he destroyed the body of Void Spirit Feng in one fell swoop, and he couldn’t take care of that many.

For him, the wild demon is the enemy. To kill this demon, the 1st step is to destroy its demon thought carrier, which is the Void Spirit wind with a large void.


The Void Spirit is desperate and unwilling, and when he is dying, he makes a very resentful voice, “Today’s revenge, tomorrow will be repaid, no matter you brat hide Wherever I go, I will find you in pieces.”

“I’m waiting for you.”

Yang Xuan spoke lightly, not feeling surprised. No matter what secret the Void Spirit wind has, at least his big void can’t be kept now.

“boom~ boom~ ……”

In a series of explosions destroying heaven extinguishing earth, all the bodies of the emperor star beasts and the Void Spirit wind turned into ashes. , Even Huang Mo’s magic thoughts were shaken by the explosion.

“Little beast, you deserve to die!”

Huang Mo is extremely angry, his magic thoughts are as strong as a Martial Dao True Immortal, and he fell down under this kind of explosion. There was no damage.

However, the great emperor of Demonic Path was so embarrassed by a younger generation in front of countless people that he felt extremely shameful.

“The devil is going to be rampant, you think you can kill me Young Master, and you have to ask the old man to answer if you can.”

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