blood light is about the size of a bean, and faintly discernible, it is where Dumen is.

There are circles of golden light spots around Dumen, and even the entire spine.

These golden light spots needless to say are the energy of the Immortal Emperor Dragon Pill, which is infiltrating the spine little by little under the control of Yang Xuan, converging towards the door and launching an impact.

Failure time and time again, Dumen is always unbreakable. The invisible barrier is like a solid wall, no matter how strong your external force is, it will be difficult to shake.

“Not enough, not enough. I must mobilize more energy. Only in this way can I break through this barrier.”

Yang Xuan look pale, binocular Bloodshot, the pain from all over his body made him twitch and tremble constantly, but the pain returned, his heart was full of unyielding belief.

Under his desperate drive, a part of the uncontrolled Immortal Emperor Dragon Pill’s energy within the body continuously poured into the spine, launching a final impact on Dumen.


in an instant, there seems to be a big explosion at the end of the spine, and then a mysterious and vast bloodline force suddenly shoots out of it, nourishing it crazily The entire spine and limbs were severely injured.

“It’s finished!”

Yang Xuan to be wild with joy, he can clearly feel that Dumen has been opened up, and the power from it makes him a new life , The power surged, and for a time there was an impulse to look up to the sky and howl.

Chapter 1171 Unexpected Joy

Do Door Open!

The keel is formed!

Strength, like a river bursting its bank, rushes endlessly.

The defense, speed, and endurance of Fleshy body have also been doubled, far better than before.

If Yang Xuan used to be an individual, now he is a giant beast in human skin. Between his gestures, there is a divine force similar to moving mountains and suppressing seas.

At this moment, Yang Xuan even felt uncontrollable and unhappy.

Domen supports the entire spine, and there is an endless stream of power inside, which is the original power hidden deep in the human spine.

This power is transmitted from the spine to the skeleton and bone marrow of the whole body, and hematopoiesis is continuously carried out, making the blood become thick and boil, extremely strong.

What is blood energy?

Yang Xuan at this moment is that he only needs to release thick blood energy to dispel all evil.

A Divine Bird is standing in front of him, and I am afraid that he will also be frightened by him, panicking.

“Impossible! How did this child do it!? It really refined the power of the Immortal Emperor Dragon Pill and became stronger.”

, The voice was full of deep shock and disbelief, and was mixed with a trace of fear.

Fear comes from in the depth of one’s soul, no matter how he does it, it can never be erased.

“I am actually scared, shame! This is simply a shame! Is this Demon Emperor really going to die in the hands of this kid today.”

The wild demon was so angry that he was very angry. disturbed.

The stronger Yang Xuan’s fleshy body is, the more it can withstand the impact of the fighting intent.

The sky full of thunder and lightning accompanied the gust of wind, crackle hitting him, no matter how hard it was to cause any damage to his body.

It is incredible for such a tyrannical body to appear in a junior.

Huang Mo asked himself that in Yang Xuan’s cultivation base and age, he is far from such a perverted body.

“Well, this child is indeed innate talent, Dragons Among Humans, with this strong physique, refining my lord’s talisman is ten to nine stable.”

Through Elderly Tian came back to His senses, couldn’t help laughing excitedly.

“Master, Master, the discipline has finally lived up to expectations to catch up with you, you are alive in the sky, you will be happy for me if you want to come!”

At the top of the peak, Yang Xuan raised his head and issued a long whistle. He was extremely grateful to the Master Warlord. Without the Eight Sects taught by the Master Warlord, he would not have reached this step today.

Martial Dao Cultivation, struggling step by step, may fall at any time, and the existence of Eight Sects of life and death makes Yang Xuan repeatedly turn peril into safety.

“After I refining the Immortal Emperor talisman, I went to the City of Destiny to find the Martial Spirit of Destiny. As long as I can capture the Martial Spirit of Destiny, the Master can be resurrected from the dead.”

Fate Martial Spirit, dominates the fate of life in the world, even if the body is dead, a ray of soul will fall into it, floating in it, until it is annihilated.

This is the ultimate destiny of all spirits. Only a few people can leave a little Remnant Soul before death to enter the cycle of reincarnation and reincarnation.

It can be said that after the death of most people, their souls and thoughts fall into the River of Destiny and become the nourishment for its everlasting prosperity.

“Fate and reincarnation, I have already obtained one of them. If I get the Martial Spirit again, the resurrection of the Master will no longer be a delusion.

“It is not too late, Young Master. Please also quickly go to refining my master talisman. “

Called through Elderly Tian.

Immortal Emperor Talisman cannot last long in the world. After a certain period of time, it will disappear and cease to exist.

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