Yang Xuan whispered and gently extended the hand, holding the Immortal Emperor talisman in front of him, and secretly urging the secret art of swallowing stars.

Swallowing Stars, you can swallow Power of Stars for your own use, so that the fleshy body’s resilience will be greatly increased. At this moment, the star-swallowing technique is used to absorb the wisps of star light contained in the Immortal Emperor talisman.

There are not too many points of light in the stars. There are exactly nine points. One of them is the brightest and the largest in volume. Needless to say, it represents the realm of Heavenspan.

Heavenspan Pagoda is a Spirit Transformation device. It has a vast space inside and forms a realm of its own. This realm is subdivided into 81 realms, so the starlight is the largest and brightest.

Everything went well. This star light spot did not exclude Yang Xuan. This is of course the reason for the Star Swallowing technique. Otherwise, it is impossible to succeed.

In about 5 minutes, this point of star light breaks away from the Immortal Emperor talisman and quietly blends into Yang Xuan within the body, and an extremely mysterious and abstruse appeared in Yang Xuan’s mind. Scripture.

The scriptures are composed of a large number of extremely mysterious and abstruse ancient characters. Zen sounds are lingering and seem to resonate with the avenue. At the same time, it is like a huge map slowly unfolding, containing countless Mountains and rivers, Sun, Moon and Stars, and small creatures like ants.

Everything, over time, is constantly undergoing scenes of wonderful changes.

Mountains and rivers may sink or rise, rivers may dry up or grow, and the densely packed creatures may increase or decrease from time to time.

Yang Xuan sinks into it, and his mind seems to have escaped into the emptiness of the cosmos, the vast Star River.

Under the bath of whole heaven’s star light, he wore white clothed without any wind, and his hair was flying freely with his head full of hair. It was truly stunning, like an immortal coming to the world.

“The wonder of the world, so that’s how it is!”

He sighed, aloof and remote looking down at the evolution of World’s All Living Things.

Just feel that a single thought can turn things around, change everything, make mountains and rivers collapse, rivers flow backwards, and make any creatures die instantly.

“It’s amazing, very powerful. With my current cultivation base, it has become the Lord of a Realm. This kind of power that dominates all things is really fascinating, shocking, and inextricable!”

“However, the external force is ultimately an external force, and you have to be strong enough to completely control this force and maximize this power.”

Lord of a Realm, what a It’s tyrannical, what a pull, but it must have a corresponding cultivation base.

The current Yang Xuan is like a child who has just learned to walk. Suddenly he got a big knife. It is very difficult to pick it up. Not to mention swinging the knife to fight. That is just wishful thinking.

“Become strong, I am far from strong enough. When this matter is over, I have to hurry up to cultivation.”

Martial Dao cultivation, like rowing a boat upstream, not enter Then, Yang Xuan did not feel complacent because he got the origin of the world.

His Dao heart is strong, and he is not satisfied with this, and his determination to become stronger has never slackened.

“Nine Realms are all within it. I hope Young Master will do his best to refining my master talisman, so that the nine talisman will be unified.”

Under the fairy mountain, pass Elderly Tian did not forget to remind him.

“A smell of mother’s milk not yet dried kid also wants to refining the origin of Nine Realms. It’s really an overestimate one’s capabilities.”

The wild demon roars, and his heart is getting stronger and stronger. Fear had already made him almost collapsed.

“courting death!”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted, the voice contains the avenue killing, even if it is separated from the constant distance, it makes the Remnant Soul of the wild demon tremble. .

“Ah! Little Guier dare to hurt me!”

Although the wounds of the wild devil are not fatal, they also become extremely irritable, making a magic sound that is far louder than Yang Xuan , Fiercely pierced Yang Xuan’s body in an attempt to harm Yang Xuan’s Divine Soul.

“It’s useless, it’s nothing more than Final Struggle that’s all. After I refining the source of Nine Realms and mastering the power of nine Immortal Emperor runes, I will come to take your life.”

Yang Xuan has the original guardian of a realm, and cultivated the Divine Refining Technique, and the Sea of ​​Consciousness has a formation diagram defense. In a flash, he wiped out the magical thoughts of the wild demon thoroughly.

He held his breath and stopped talking nonsense. He carefully understood this verse and felt the Dao Rhyme contained in every ancient character.

This process is not easy. Every ancient character is obscure and Dao Rhyme is also different, but when combined, it can produce a vast and unpredictable power.

This kind of mighty power is the origin of a world, with this origin in the body, as if the whole person world has become a part of one’s own body, and everything in the world continuously provides strength for itself .

At this moment, the power is skyrocketing, surging, and continuous. Even facing an emperor’s powerhouse, Yang Xuan has confidence to fight.

Using the Supreme Realm cultivation base to challenge the emperor’s powerhouse is undoubtedly a fantasy story, but Yang Xuan has the blessing of the origin of a realm, but it can instantly burst out battle strength far exceeding the cultivation base.

And this is only a realm in Nine Realms. If the Nine Talisman can be unified, you can get the blessing of the origin of Nine Realms. By then, who is his opponent below True Immortal? Yang Xuan feels excited to think about it.

The next time, slowly passing in the source of the refining world.

The origin of a realm is a ray of light of stars. Perhaps it is a relationship that is too far away. Yang Xuan refining is not as easy as moving forward.

But this didn’t make him retreat, and spent several days in neglect sleep and forget about food, absorbing the light of stars and making it his own power.

The effort paid off. After five days, he finally took the origin of the Heavenspan world as a guide and swallowed the origin of the remaining eight worlds.

Yes, it is swallowing. After all, the Heavenspan world is the best of Nine Realms. This world is also the place where Immortal Emperor Tong Tian ascended to die during meditation in the past. The origin of the world contained is the purest and majestic .

“The origin is one, Nine Realms is returned to the Lord, I am now the new owner of Nine Realms, and I can dominate the life and death of countless creatures with a single thought.”

Yang Xuan releases his hand and looks The Immortal Emperor Talisman in front of you, and the illusory shadow of the other eight Immortal Emperor Talismans faded away, and all the peace in my heart had been.

This is just the beginning. If you want to truly surpass Immortal World, you have to continue cultivation and forge ahead.

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