” Cultivation means reincarnation. The difference is that after death, some people long to re-enter reincarnation and turn around to rebuild. Some people die after death, they don’t Seek reincarnation after death, only to bloom all the glory before life.”

Yang Xuan paused, said: “As a Demon Race Sovereign, I am within the body flowing with the blood of Demon Race Sovereign unyielding. As a human being, I have died once, and this will be my last life. I, Yang Xuan, will fight for this life, even if I finally destroy both body and soul and consigned to eternal damnation, I will not hesitate.”

As if making a big wish, Yang Xuan raised his head suddenly, ten thousand zhang with pride: “From today on, I am reincarnation, and reincarnation is me. I want to cover the sky and no longer cover my eyes. Earth, I can’t bury my heart anymore. I want this innumerable living beings to understand what I mean, and I want all the Heavenly God demon and immortal Buddhas to worship me.”

This is Yang Xuan’s answer, It is also what he thinks in his heart. Although he is only a mortal now, he is proud of his nature, and his ambition is higher than the sky, and he does not want to be subordinate to others for a lifetime.

He doesn’t just do it, he has to do it as the Number One Person, just like the Great God Pangu Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart, beyond the world.

“haha, great ambition, but also very clever. I am very satisfied with your answer.”

With a loud laugh, Pangu Axe finally The True Form was revealed, and it was exposed in front of Yang Xuan for the first time.

“Junior Yang Xuan, I have seen the axe spirit Senior.”

Yang Xuan came back to his senses, and quickly bowed and saluted, the Pangu Axe spirit in front of him looks like A giant axe illusory shadow in the form of a miniature, but it exudes the power to suppress the heavens, Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth.

This kind of power is condensed and not dispersed, only Yang Xuan can feel it, and he seems to enter a vast and boundless ocean, floating in it.

At the same time, one after another big waves surged crazily, hitting him continuously, leaving countless wounds on his body, and his body was full of blood like a fountain, like Ling Chi.

But even so, his eyes were firm, without saying a word, without the slightest sway.

This is obviously the test of Pangu Axe’s spirit. If you cannot bear it, you will not only fail the test, you will have to pay for it.

“You are very good, just talking about will, not inferior to my master Pangu when he was young.”

Pangu Axe is nodded with admiration.

“Dare to ask Senior, is the Great God Pangu still alive today?” Yang Xuan asked curiously. He still didn’t believe it. With the realm of Great God Pangu connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, it would disappear. Yu Tiandi.

“Maybe it is, maybe it’s gone, I don’t know, only one thing is certain, I vaguely see a little shadow of our Lord from you.”

“Senior I’m exaggerating, Junior is a Demon Race cultivator. Maybe it’s personality is somewhat similar to Great God Pangu, but it’s absolutely impossible to be the Reincarnation Body of Great God Pangu.”

“Of course, my lord Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart is the originator of Immortal World. It’s so unparalleled. It was said in the past that even if you die, you don’t enter reincarnation. Naturally, there is no reincarnation.”

“This way, Junior needs this. Do it to get Senior’s approval?”

“You have got my approval. From now on, I will be your Dao Protector. I hope you will continue to work hard in cultivation and strive to refining my body as soon as possible. “

“Ontology? Senior refers to this fairy magic peak?”

“Exactly, this peak is my ontology, and you must have True Immortal Realm at least. Only the cultivation base of Nine Realms can be truly refined.”

“Junior is already the master of Nine Realms, and he has trained in the reincarnation body, can’t he also refining the fairy peak?”

“No, the origin of Nine Realms, or the reincarnation body, is nothing more than multiplying your battle strength, but it can’t increase your will. Only the True Immortal level of will can resist the innate axe intent of my body.” /p>

Pangu Axe, born in the chaos, is a Spirit Transformation device made by nature. This kind of Divine Item’s axe intent cannot be carried by ordinary cultivators. This is because Pangu Axe will help in secret, otherwise Yang Xuan will enter Dao and become immortal in the future, and he cannot absolutely refining the fairy peak.

The fairy peak is Pangu Axe. This axe dominates the Danger Land. Without the approval of the Pangu Axe spirit, it is a Saint of the immortal, and it cannot be refined.

“Hehe, the heart is not enough for the snake to swallow the elephant. It is a great fortune to be followed by Senior, and Junior thinks too much.”

Yang Xuan smiled, this is The spirit of Pangu Axe, since ancient times, many people don’t want to see each other, but they are approved by the other party, and they want to refining the body in one fell swoop. This is undoubtedly too greedy.

“You within the body, this Black Lotus is good, but it can also be used as a place for my cultivation and habitation. This is of great benefit to you and me.”

Pangu Axe Lingdao.

“Cultivation? Senior has injuries on his body?” Yang Xuan was stunned, and casually called out the Black Lotus that he condensed when he broke through to Supreme Realm.

“My lord has had countless battles in his life, and the last battle was with Divine Soul, who hesitated to expose his body, and perish together with powerful enemies, and that battle almost exhausted all my strength, even mine The body and the spirit body were also severely damaged.”

“What kind of enemy can fight the Great God Pangu?”

“Your cultivation base is too low now, no need Asking more is asking, and I won’t tell you, it will only cause you a catastrophe.”

“So terrifying!?”

“Heaven and Earth There is a big secret, there is a big evil, you just need to remember that Immortal World is not the most powerful. In this vast universe, there has never been more than one realm like Immortal World this level.”

“Heaven and Earth It’s big, it’s beyond my imagination. If it weren’t for Senior’s words, Junior would naively think that Immortal World is the Holy Land of the cultivator of the world.”

“This universe is too big, born from chaos. How many worlds are there, and how many of them exist as tyrannical as my lord, even I can’t tell.”

Pangu Axe shook his head, and then turned into a stream of light, submerged in Yang Xuan. In the creation of the Black Lotus in the palm, he sound transmission said: “The chaotic lotus, although your little Black Lotus is small, it has unlimited potential, but due to your limited knowledge, you haven’t really developed its true magical use. .”

“Yes, Junior’s creation of Black Lotus is indeed not perfect.”

“It’s okay, my existence will do it for your unnoticeable influence. In the future, you only need to cultivation with peace of mind. In addition, I will shoot for you three times in front of your refining fairy peak. As long as it is not the existence of the cultivation base to reach the Immortal Emperor, I will never really hurt you.”

“Many thanks to Senior.”

That was what Yang Xuan waited for. In addition to his excitement, he also secretly relaxed. I was really afraid that Pangu Axe’s spirit was a flowery, useless.

But now it seems that even if the Pangu Axe spirit is not in the peak period, his strength is heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, which will also become his powerful killing move. Imagine the shelter of this tyrannical existence. Immortal World, who can really threaten his life?

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