Yang Xuan nodded, his face is calm and authentic.

“This impossible, that fierce monster is so powerful, how could this child kill him!?”

Far away, the crowd did not go, not because they didn’t want to go, but couldn’t go, no Mad Taoist, Gu Daochen and other cultivation realm, can only be trapped on Heavenspan Road for a lifetime.

At this moment, everyone is deeply suspicious of Yang Xuan’s words. It is Han Shixiong and Shen Changfeng, and they don’t think Yang Xuan can kill the wild demon.

“Something must have happened.”

This is the common thought in the hearts of the crowd, and each and every one of them looked towards Yang Xuan with deep surprise.

This young man first killed the carrier of the wild demon, that is, the Void Spirit wind with a large body, and then rushed all the way to the fairy demon mountain to kill the demon. No one knew What happened there.

“Is the demon really dead!?”

“If it is not dead, how could this child come back alive?”

“Right , Didn’t this child say to find some Immortal Emperor talisman? I think the Immortal Emperor talisman is most likely to be on him now.”

The talisman left by the Immortal Emperor is definitely rare. Treasure, some people with fast brains think of this, and there is an involuntarily glancing look in their eyes.

Yang Xuan is no one next to him, as if he did not see the greed in the eyes of those people. He looked around and each minding their own business said: “From now on, Heavenspan Road will be completely closed. kill without mercy.”

“Your Excellency is so big, is it possible that Heavenspan Road is a failure in your back garden. You must know that this road will last forever, until now is a trial ground How can you allow you to occupy the magpie’s nest?”

Someone shouted and was very dissatisfied with Yang Xuan’s overbearing tone.


There is no extra nonsense, Yang Xuan just spit out two words from his mouth, and the speaker was struck by thunder and instantly turned into ash.

I don’t know how many people have been shocked in this scene. It is the crazy Taoist, Gu Daochen, and Bei Gong Wu, who are also shocked speechless.

What an anti-the-sky method, a casual “thunder come” can lead people to destroy both body and soul. This is incredible, and it is impossible to describe it with words. For too much.

Heavenspan Ladder Chapter 1177

“The word speaks the way, the sky descends the thunderbolt, this is simply the method of Spiritual God.”

“Spiritual shit God, this is clearly the power of the Immortal Emperor rune’s edict.”

“It’s true. According to legend, Immortal Emperor Tong Tian was once the lord of the Heavenspan world. He was in charge of the Supreme Heavenly Dao tribulation thunder. A single thought, just Can let this world creature destroy both body and soul, consigned to eternal damnation.”

“Damn, this child is too ruthless to start, but the other party just refuted it casually, and it attracted his ruthlessness. Revenge.

The crowd is in an uproar. That’s the case for the so-called human life. Whether Yang Xuan is nature and fierce, he still wants to kill the chicken to warn the monkey. What he did makes people Very dissatisfied.

However, the dissatisfaction is not concealed, but no one dared to stand up and criticize him.

“Holding the Immortal Emperor talisman, he is in charge of Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation. , This child is like the new master of Heavenspan! “

“One thought is born and the other is extinguished. From now on, the Heavenspan world is about to change! “

Yang Xuan hands behind ones back, his expression indifferent, remained unmoved to all kinds of whispers, just looked around, opened the mouth and said: “I say it again, Heavenspan Road will be completely closed next , Without my approval, no one can think of going up. Remember, this is not a request, but an order, and the offender execute without any mercy. “

The crowd was silent for a while, they did not dare to disagree, proud as Han Shixiong, Shen Changfeng, and did not say a word.

In the past, they still have several points of confidence in catching up with Yang Xuan. , So now they have lost even the last remaining confidence.

This is not someone they can provoke. Aside from the Immortal Emperor talisman, Yang Xuan itself has a good reputation. Han Shixiong is particularly clear about this point. After all, he has played against Yang Xuan not long ago, and he knows that Yang Xuan’s strength is deep and unmeasurable.

“Qiyun also belongs to Part of the strength, compared with him, you and I are far behind. “

Shen Changfeng sighed with emotion. Who would have thought that a teenager who was also of the same generation as them before became Lord of a Realm in an instant.

“External force is after all external force. With his current cultivation base, it is basically impossible to use the full power of the Immortal Emperor talisman. Don’t forget, there is an ancient emperor outside who wants his life. It’s okay if he doesn’t leave Heavenspan Road. Once he leaves here, he will definitely Will provoke a catastrophe. “

Han Shixiong, as the saying goes, an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime, and the existence of Immortal Emperor talisman will only make the ancient emperor more murderous. If Yang Xuan cannot survive this tribulation, Not only will the Immortal Emperor Talisman change ownership, but he will also have to take his own life for it.

“No matter how strong the ancient emperor is, he is not the Immortal Emperor after all. The cultivation base does not even have the True Immortal Realm. To reach, even if you use all means, you may not get this child. “

Shen Changfeng shook the head. I don’t think that the ancient emperor can threaten Yang Xuan. After all, Yang Xuan holds the Immortal Emperor talisman. Even if the ancient emperor cannot be killed by this talisman, the ancient emperor may not be able to really hurt him. To him.

“This child Heaven Warping Genius, Dragons Among Humans, if you don’t die early, you will be able to stay forever. “

The crazy Taoist said with a smile.

“As soon as the Immortal Emperor Talisman comes out, Gu Hengkong will come to snatch it, and there will be a big battle in the next moment. “

Gu Daochen has a solemn expression. Whether she is a madman or a madman, one-on-one is not Gu Hengkong’s opponent.

The dignified ancient emperor, the leader of the Ancient Celestial Court, How can it be dealt with so easily?

“Confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, this child treats me life-saving grace, I will pay for my life and protect him from death . “

Martial Dao in Beigong.

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