According to Barbarian Race High Priest, the Divine Tree will die completely in as little as two months or as long as half a year.

For this reason, Barbarian Race High Priest sent barbarians to Stars Island, looking for the legendary Spring of Life.

Divine-Martial Continent has three major divine waters. Legend has it that this was formed at the beginning of the world. They are Spring of Life, divine liquid and not Death God water.

Spring of Life: Possessing powerful life energy, it can bring life to death and bring people back to life. Ordinary person can prolong life significantly with one drop, and live for a thousand and 800 years without any problem.

In addition, Spring of Life can also promote plant growth. One drop can turn a small sapling into a towering tree in an instant. It is an absolute invaluable treasure. Once it is born, it will definitely set off a foul wind and bloody rain. .

Divine liquid: Possess powerful mental ability, can refine Divine Soul, make Divine Soul free of impurities, and Divine Soul without impurities, the smarter people will be, Martial Spirit’s formidable Power will also be greatly improved. In terms of value, it is better than Spring of Life.

Not Death God water: This is the most mysterious thing in the three gods water. It is said that there is this water deep in the dead mountain range of Zhong Prefecture, but no one has seen it before and no one has it. As for who came from the news, there is no way to verify it.

The thought in his mind flashed by, and Yang Xuan showed a look of shock on his face: “Big brother is sure that we have Spring of Life on Stars Island!?”

“Of course, otherwise I Why don’t you come to your Stars Island not far from ten thousand li.” The bully is definitely nodded.

“This, where is Spring of Life located?” Yang Xuan hesitated, but couldn’t help but ask. This is Spring of Life. Even if he is two lives, he can’t help but feel moved. .

“There is Spring of Life in the ancient Secret Realm.”

“The ancient Secret Realm!?”

“Yes, there are almost two In a month’s time, the secret realm of ancient gods once encountered in a thousand years is about to open. Legend has it that it is a dojo opened by a powerhouse beyond the supreme human being, and there is Spring of Life inside.”

“This, It’s the first time I heard about it.”

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was right in his two lives, but he was born in Zhong Prefecture in his previous life, and he doesn’t know the secret realm of the ancient gods on Stars Island. .

“I also heard what High Priest said, otherwise I don’t know the ancient secret realm.”

“High Priest?”

“Well, High Priest It is our Barbarian Race number one expert, and also the great wise man of our Barbarian Race. He said that when I come to Stars Island this time, I will meet a noble person, and if there is a noble person to help me, I can not only make good fortune, but also find Spring of Life.”

“Uh, can High Priest know the prophet!?”

“Of course, High Priest knows astronomy and geography from the top, is good at divination and deduction, can be accurate The calculation of the fortune of people.”


“This is nothing, High Priest night stargazing, stargazing trend, and even the entire Divine -Martial Continent’s fortune!”


Yang Xuan almost jumped up in shock, he absolutely didn’t expect, Barbarian Race High Priest possesses so Great magical power, not to mention a person’s fortune, but also to deduce the fortune of the mainland.

“It is true, High Priest once said that World’s All Living Things has its own air luck. As long as you grasp the trajectory of these air luck, you can find some clues.”

“High Priest is really a great wise man!”

“Of course, when my grandfather’s grandfather was still alive, High Priest did not know how many years he lived.”

Speaking of this, the barbarian whispered: “Brother, tell you it’s okay. Before I left Barbarian Desolate Island, High Priest consumed hundreds of years of life essence. I calculated it and said that in the next ten years, there will be a catastrophe. It will sweep the entire Divine-Martial Continent. By then, blood flowing into a river, the people are plunged into an abyss of misery.”

“What catastrophe!?”

“This me I don’t know. When I asked High Priest, he only said “must not be reveled.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan was silent, his expression a bit solemn.

He didn’t doubt what the barbarian said, knowing that Barbarian Race High Priest probably really calculated something.

“What is the catastrophe!?” Yang Xuan’s thoughts flashed. Although he didn’t know what the catastrophe was, he learned that the whole Divine-Martial Continent would blood flowing into a river, the people are plunged into an abyss of misery, knowing that this tribulation is extremely terrifying.

“What’s wrong with brother?” Man bully asked. Yang Xuan suddenly stopped talking, but he was a little uncomfortable.

“It’s okay.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, feeling heavy pressure in his heart.

The catastrophe will sweep the entire Divine-Martial Continent. Unless you have the ability to leave Divine-Martial Continent and go to the Foreign Domain world, you will have no way to hide. You can only cultivation and strengthen your strength. Can deal with catastrophe.

“It’s okay. Actually, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Even if the sky falls, there will be a tall one.”

“That’s right, there’s really a catastrophe, all races The supreme will not sit idly by.” Yang Xuan nodded, immediately remembered something: “Big brother, what else is there besides Spring of Life in the ancient gods secret territory?”

“What’s the specifics? Things are not quite clear, but High Priest said that there are great good fortunes in the ancient gods’ secret territory. In addition to the legendary Spring of Life, there are many ancient treasures, and it is even possible to get the inheritance of the ancient gods.”

As he said, the barbarian’s face became serious: “The ancient god secret realm is open, as long as the cultivation base does not exceed the Celestial Realm, anyone can enter, but the ancient god secret realm is in danger, if the brother wants to go, Be careful.”

“Many thanks big brother for telling me.” Yang Xuan said gratefully.

“Thanks, no need. I also see Little Brother pleasing to the eye. It’s worth paying. If I change to someone else, I will rarely talk nonsense with him.” The tyrant carefree said authentically.

Yang Xuan smiled without saying a word, and was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that he could become friends with a Barbarian Race guy who has always looked down upon humans so soon.

“Well, everyone, the Star is about to set sail in 5 minutes of time. I hope you have a pleasant journey. Also, quarrels and fights are forbidden on board. I hope you can restrain yourself. If anyone makes trouble, don’t blame me falling out to become hostile .”

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