“There is another Demon Sovereign here, and more than one.”

Han Shixiong whispered, as if he had noticed something.

Shen Changfeng sneered, indifferently said: “No matter how many come, it’s just to die that’s all. After today, the seven emperors of Demon Realm will become history.”

Total Demon Realm Seven Great Demon Sovereign, killing Demon Sovereign is only one, and with the arrival of the remaining Demon Sovereign, they will kill Demon Sovereign step by step.

Shen Changfeng doesn’t think that Yang Xuan will show mercy to let go of the remaining six emperors. It’s okay if the six do not come, and there will be no chance of survival.

“Heavenspan Pagoda is here, who else would you like?”

Yang Xuan divine sense is very strong, and naturally I discovered something. I immediately raised my voice, and the voice resounded from all directions. The whole world of tremor is trembling.

“The kid is so courageous.”

“hmph, don’t think that killing a Demon Sovereign will be great. We are all six emperors. Apart from handing over the Heavenspan Pagoda obediently, you There is no other choice.”

“Quickly hand over the Divine Pagoda, or you can blame us for being rude to you.”


one After another icy sound, six huge magic shadows appeared one after another, exactly the remaining six Great Demon Sovereigns of Demon Realm.

The six people have different forms, standing in the air, and each of them emits monstrous demonic energy, besieging Yang Xuan’s whole group, and revealing their murderous intentions.

Yang Xuan remain unmoved, he is surrounded by powerful enemies, and there is no trace of fear on his face.

Only six Demon Sovereigns, he is simply effortless to kill, how can he take seriously?

Regardless of whether the opponent comes or not, he will bloodbath the Fiend clan, everything, because of the mission issued by the Temple of Destiny.

These Fiends, Demon Sovereign, and even all Fiends of Demon Realm are just him competing for the Martial Spirit of Destiny’s resources. If you want to kill all Fiends, you can get a lot of lives from the Temple of Destiny.

The more fate, the more he can be recognized by the Destiny Temple, and once the Destiny Temple recognizes him, the more hopeful he will get the Destiny Martial Spirit.

At the moment, the gathering of the Demon Emperor Human Demon is undoubtedly a great opportunity to earn lives, how could he miss it?

The killing precept has been started. One person kills and ten thousand people kill.

He has killed Demon Sovereign and offended the shitty Demon Great Emperor. There is no room for reversal between the dark Demon Realm Fiend clan.

“One, two, three, four, five, six, very good, it’s all here.” He coldly said, pointing at the Six Great Demon Sovereign standing proudly all around.

“Why, you humble human still want to resist?” A several ten zhang tall, dark wolf head Demon Sovereign angrily said.

“Resist? no no no, you are afraid that you haven’t figured out the situation, I am going to kill you!”

Yang Xuan shook his head.

“The madman die!”

The wolf head Demon Sovereign was furious, and a vertical eye was wide open on the center of his eyebrows, and a very thin black line was shot from it, which flashed in the sky. The passing, turned into a ghostly black light, came to Yang Xuan in an instant.

Among the seven emperors of Demon Realm, Demon Sovereign, the wolf head, may not be the strongest, but it is the most sinister and cunning. His vertical eyes do not know how many people have died for many years.

It was Demon Sovereign who killed Demon Sovereign. He was also very careful with this vertical eye and didn’t dare to hard-wire it.

“Be careful.”

Yuechan Fairy exclaimed subconsciously. She didn’t want Yang Xuan to fall in the sewer because she despised the enemy.

“Nice attack, but it’s useless to me.”

Yang Xuan is very calm, grabbing this black light with his bare hands and making it impossible to move even a little bit.

“Impossible, you obviously have a low cultivation base, how can you take this killer blow from the emperor?”

The wolf head Demon Sovereign shouted, this black light belongs to him Primordial Spirit and until now are his strongest killer moves, Primordial Spirit turned into a black line, enough to penetrate everything.

But now, a human teenager actually grabbed his Primordial Spirit and was imprisoned to the core.

No matter how he struggles, it is difficult for him to break free.

“Primordial Spirit? Really too weak, you can try Self-destruction Primordial Spirit, maybe it will hurt me.”

Hear Yang Xuan’s words, Demon Sovereign The hair of fear is standing up, and he is not a fool, so how can he easily go to Self-destruction Primordial Spirit, he really died when the Primordial Spirit exploded.

This is completely a trick to perish together with the enemy, he will not use it until the last moment.

“Stop, don’t kill me, I am willing to acknowledge allegiance.”

At this moment, the wolf head Demon Sovereign completely confessed and only asked Yang Xuan to spare his life.

“It’s late, if you choose acknowledge allegiance when you come, I might let you go, but you will kill me when you come up, then I don’t blame me for vicious and merciless. Extinction!”

tone barely fell, Yang Xuan exerted force in vain, and crushed the Primordial Spirit of Demon Sovereign with one hand.


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