“He killed the Leopard King, he actually killed the Leopard King.”

“Oh my God, who gave him the courage.”

All this happened It’s too fast, when Fiends came back to his senses, where can I see the Leopard King? I couldn’t help being shocked for a while.

This human young man is too arrogant. He didn’t stop after killing the Wolf Emperor. Now he has killed the Leopard Emperor forcefully, and killed the Leopard Emperor in front of the Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor.

“Beast, you damn it!”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor finally came, like a mad Demon God, standing on the huge magic cloud, with cannibal eyes Yang Xuan glared at below.

Yang Xuan lifts the head, looking fearlessly at Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor, Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor’s human body dragon head is full of hundred zhang high, that huge body is like a big mountain, giving people An invincible sense of majesty.

“You can’t kill me by yourself. It’s better to wait a while, and the others are together and it’s not too late to start.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“Moyou, Hei Ming, Mad Ape, what scenes are you guys watching one by one, and you don’t come out to kill this child together.”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor roars .

“haha, you can kill him, but how should Heavenspan Pagoda be distributed after he dies?”

“It is also necessary to say that it is natural for the capable to live. Heavenspan Pagoda is about becoming immortal Great Secret, how many people will I miss?”

“Why is it so troublesome, let’s exchange and keep this tower, and fly to Immortal World together in the future.”

“Okay. “

One after another sound came, and three huge silhouettes appeared out of thin air on the magic cloud, each emitting a terrifying aura not inferior to the Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor.

“The four Great Demon Emperors are here!”

The Fiends were surprised and delighted. There are only a few Demon Emperors under Dark Abyss, and there is Ancestral Dragon Demon inside. Emperor, Moyou Great Emperor, Hei Ming Demon Emperor, and Crazy Ape Demon Emperor are the strongest, the ruler of the entire Demon Realm.

Normally, it was extremely difficult for them, these low-level Fiends to see one of them, but today they saw them all at once. What an honor it is.

One by one Fiend looked at the four Great Demon Emperors of aloof and remote, only to feel that the blood within the body was boiling.

Chapter 1191 The Legend of the Great Demonic God

Dark Abyss is the forbidden area of ​​Demon Realm. Under the abyss, Yin Qi is enveloped all year round.

Yin Qi is a necessity for Fiend cultivation. The richer the Yin Qi is, the more favorable it is for their cultivation.

It can be said that any Fiend who emerges from under the dark abyss is extremely tyrannical.

Among them, the Demon Emperor is especially terrifying, but now, there are four Demon Emperors here. In this case, let alone outsiders, the Demon Realm clans and even the Fiend clans are also unheard- of things are very rare.

“Hehe, Heavenspan Pagoda is in my hands. If you want, you can come and get it yourself.”

Yang Xuan lightly said with a smile, Rao is a great When Demon Emperor arrived, his facial expression did not change much.

From beginning to end, he seemed very calm. The calmness was not pretended at all, but self-confidence from the inside out.

“The arrogant people have seen a lot of people from the Demon Emperor, but you are an exception. You really don’t seem to be afraid of us?”

Hei Ming Demon Emperor looks gloomy, he is the most Observing well, it can be seen that Yang Xuan is not forced to be calm, but to rely on, so he is full of confidence.

“If I was afraid, I would have left.”

Yang Xuan still smiles, very casually.

“Are you waiting for us?”

Hei Ming Demon Emperor’s face became more and more ugly.

“Yes, you are all big fish. Instead of wasting time to kill some small fish and shrimps, it is better to take this opportunity to give you a pot.”

Yang Xuan said .

“courting death.”

The three Great Demon Emperor, Black Ming, Mad Ape, and Demon Emperor are all furious. They are so noble in status, but now they are so humiliated. It’s simply an unforgivable sin.

“This little devil’s mouth is very cheap, let’s stop talking nonsense with him, just kill it.”

Ancestral Dragon Demon Emperor murderous intention is completely exposed, and the whole body demonic energy is like a tide It soared, sweeping Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Similarly, the three Great Demon Emperors, Hei Ming, Mad Ape, and Demon Emperor also stopped talking, each emitting demonic energy soaring to the sky.

Demonic energy is second, the huge mountain-like body alone is enough to make people feel scared.

This is Fiend. Most of them repair both internally and externally, and some of them take the path of ultimate body refinement.

For example, the Demon Emperor, the demonic energy on this person may not be the most powerful of the four Demon Emperors, but his body is one size bigger than the remaining three Demon Emperors. .

All in all, don’t underestimate any Demon Emperor, they not only have strong demonic energy, but also amazing physique.

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