” Nethership? Ferryman ? What is this!?”

“At the beginning of Chaos Cycle, the Netherworld River traverses the Three Realms and Six Paths. After death, all creatures will All belonged to the Netherworld River. Later, the Divine Race power Seize the Worlds’s good fortune, built the river of destiny with all his life’s hard work, was able to block the Netherworld River. From then on, Remnant Soul did not enter the Netherworld River after the death of the creatures, but all fell into fate. The river, let this river continue to flow until now, and it will last forever.”

“What about the Netherworld River?”

“The Netherworld River has been broken and is declining day by day, the only one The mainstream, I’m afraid it only exists in the dark underworld.”

Through Elderly Tian, ​​with a solemn expression, he said: “A tributary of the Netherworld River, the impossible appearance of the underworld ship, this dark Demon Realm most likely is a fragment of the dark underworld The domain does not exist in the dark underworld, and it maintains an intricate relationship with the dark Demon Realm, and the tributary of the Netherworld River in front of me may simply not be a tributary, but one of the main streams of the blocked Netherworld River.”

“What, this is a blocked Netherworld River mainstream!”

“Young Master, hurry up, don’t stay here for long. If the Netherworld River ferry people find you, it’s bound to let you You get on the boat, and once you get on the boat, it is equivalent to embarking on a Road of No Return, where the heaven knows will be carried. Anyway, it is definitely not a good thing.”

“Can’t leave Now, the other party has found me, and is coming here.”

Yang Xuan sighed, just now, he felt a cold look shot from the ship of the sea, and locked himself firmly.

“The years are long, the Netherworld River remains the same, the emperor and the queen of the earth, and the heavenly fortune.”

When it was said that it was too late and then it was fast, accompanied by an equally cold voice, Xiao The small ship is very fast, but in a blink of an eye it came to Yang Xuan, the distance between each other is no more than a few meters.

Yang Xuan can easily set foot on this mysterious boat with just one step.

“The ship of the underworld flies over the dead, why did you come?”

Through Elderly Tian frowning and looking at the ship of the underworld, wearing a hat on the head, the whole body is enveloped in a layer of deep darkness in the lifeless air silhouette asked.

This person is exactly a Netherworld River ferryman, who can also be called a servant of the Netherworld God, specifically for the Netherworld God to salvage the Remnant Soul in the Netherworld River, the Remnant Soul left behind after death .

Generally speaking, the Netherworld River ferrymen will not show up easily, let alone attack a living person.

“This child has died once and should have entered the Netherworld River long ago. Today I came here to take him to the Dark Underworld to worship God.”

Netherworld River The ferryman stood on the tip of the boat, staring at Yang Xuan coldly with a pair of black eyes.

“Sorry, I don’t believe in gods, and I never worship gods.”

Yang Xuan shook his head, he didn’t want to go to any dark underworld at all. The dark underworld is clearly the graveyard of the dead. , I really want to go there, Heaven knows if he can come back.

Furthermore, he is not sure that he can deal with Netherworld God, no matter whether the opponent is dead or alive, even if there is only a wisp of Divine Sense left, it is definitely not the existence he can contend now.

This trip is bound to bode ill rather than well!

“You dare to blaspheme Spiritual God…”

The ferryman on the Netherworld River said angrily.

“Why, you still want to do it?”

Through Elderly Tian shouting loudly, although he can’t see through the cultivation base of the Netherworld River ferryman in front of him, almost the Netherworld River ferryman They are all ghost repairs of the dead, no matter how high the cultivation base is, it is absolutely impossible to be comparable to True Immortal.

If you don’t enter True Immortal, even if it is not a threat, Elderly Tian is confident that with Yang Xuan’s current strength, it is definitely not something the Netherworld River ferryman can defeat.

“hmph, whoever my lord wants, you have to go if you don’t go, get on the boat as soon as possible.”

While the Netherworld River ferryman spoke, he waved and made a cause The chain formed by the condensation of death air tied Yang Xuan from top to bottom with a bang.

“Trifling is dead, and want to hurt me too? It’s really an overall one’s capabilities.”

Yang Xuan motionless, full of blazing fire, the whole person is like a round of golden sun, chain of death It collided and rubbed with the fire, and made a muffled sound of Tzzzzzzz. In this process, the chain of dead air was constantly worn down, disintegrated, and turned into fly ash.

“It turned out to be Supreme-Yang True Fire. It seems I can’t come up with any means. I really can’t help you.”

The Netherworld River ferrymen attacked again, but not this time. He released his lifelessness, but shot a fist sized ball of fist sized, strange black fire like a ghost.

The black fire is so cold that it can freeze everything, that is, the soul of the powerhouse. Under this flame, it must be frozen and imprisoned, and it will never escape.


Yang Xuan flicked his ten fingers, and strands of silk-like fluorescence flew out, tearing the black fire to pieces in an instant.

“Samsara Power, you have mastered Samsara Power!”

The ferryman on the Netherworld River was moved, and there was even a bit of jealousy in his voice, as powerful as him. Xiu, after death, you also have to be bound by reincarnation, especially since this place is not the dark underworld, the situation is even worse.

“You are very strong, but unfortunately, you are only a dead man. I restrained all magical and occult techniques, so this battle is doomed to fail.”

Yang Xuan said, suddenly urging Nine. Realms Yuanyuan and Samsara Power, shoot fiercely to the ferryman on the Netherworld River.

“Ah, my lord Netherworld God will never let you go.”

The Netherworld River ferryman screamed, destroying both body and soul on the spot, with him under him The ship of the Ming Dynasty was also destroyed by Yang Xuan’s palm and completely ceased to exist.

Chapter 1197 Netherworld God

“clown, don’t look at myself how many catties and how many taels, and dare to point fingers at me, make irresponsible remarks, and dig my own grave. “

Yang Xuan disdain, he originally thought it would take a lot of effort, who knows this Netherworld River ferryman is so impossible to withstand a single blow.

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