“The gate of eternal life has long been missing. No one knows its specific location. As for the place where this gate leads, it is naturally the place of legendary immortality, where there is no concept of time, life It won’t pass away, it’s the true immortal Holy Land.”

Gudaoquan paused and continued: “Even the immortal dao saints are always looking for the gate of eternal life.”

“Couldn’t even the immortal dao saints escape the five decays of heaven and man?”

Yang Xuan astonished, he originally thought that if the cultivation base reached the saint of immortality, he could achieve immortality.

But now it seems that the so-called immortality simply does not exist, at least outside the land of immortality.

“The five decays of heaven and man are the cycle of heaven and earth, representing destruction and rebirth, which are irresistible.”


“Well, what does the immortal land have to do with the immortal world?” Yang Xuan asked again.

“The land of immortality is also called the great immortal world. Let’s put it this way, the small immortal world of Eternal Life Palace was created by imitating the great immortal world. Although the people in it will never die, but There will never be a day before.”

“There will never be a day before, what is the answer to this?”

“In this world, no one can become a fairy.”


“Why is this!?”

“The small immortal world is a closed world after all. To become immortal requires understanding Life and Death Dao and experiencing Life and Death Tribulation.”


“Life and Death Dao, Life and Death Tribulation, it all seems to be related to life and death.”

“Yes, just imagine how everyone here will not die, how to feel Life and death?”

“Can’t you go out?”

“You outsiders can go out, even those you brought from the dark Demon Realm and Heavenspan worlds can go out. But as the aborigines of the immortal world, they can’t go out for the rest of their lives. Once they go out forcibly, disasters will be imminent in an instant.”

“With the strength of Senior’s cultivation base, I can’t be spared?”

“No, I don’t dare to try, the Palace Lord of the previous temple fell like this, and even the ray of life soul in the fate card he left in the temple is also wiped out.”

” It’s so serious!”

“This is the law of survival in the Little Immortal Realm. People in this world can only stay here forever, just like a fish can’t do without water.”

“What about the Eternal Life Palace Palace Spirit?”

“The Eternal Life Palace Palace Spirit is neither a fairy nor a human, nor a god nor a devil. It is a special existence. No one knows his strength, but it relies on Eternal Life. The power of the Palace, Immortal Emperor Immortal Emperor will not be able to help him.”

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, as the voice of Gu Daoquan fell, a Dao Void phantom silhouette appeared out of thin air in the secret room, indifferently said “I haven’t seen him for many years, Koizumi I trust you have been well since we last met?”

“Gudaoquan pay respects to Lord Dianling?” Gudaoquan hurriedly saluted.

“Get up, you were trained and promoted by me alone, so I can barely count as half of my discipline.”

The visitor waved his hand and was enveloped in a layer of mist. Can’t see through.

However, Yang Xuan was very familiar with this voice, and he was immediately surprised: “You are really the Eternal Life Palace Temple Spirit. Does your arrival mean that a major event will happen soon!?”

“major event, could it be that the catastrophe has arrived!?” Gu Daoquan changed color.

“Yes, the catastrophe has come, 81 immortal dao Great World, 49 immortal dao Small World, countless Immortal Emperors, Immortal Kings, are under the leadership of more than a dozen Great Saint level powerhouses Kill here.”

“A dozen Great Saints, how is this possible!?”

“The world is developing. After so many years of recuperation, many Great Saints have naturally been born. Saint, I was not surprised by their arrival.”

Yang Xuan could not help but ask: “Great Saint is an immortal dao saint?”

” There are countless cultivators in the world, and only immortal dao saints can be called Great Saint.” Gu Daoquan said.

hearing this, Yang Xuan is completely speechless. He originally thought about how to capture the Martial Spirit of Destiny. Who knew that he had not even mentioned the Martial Spirit of Destiny before he encountered a real massacre.

More than a dozen Great Saints, countless Immortal Emperors, and Immortal Kings are here. The arrival of the Immortal King is absolutely impossible to negotiate. The other party is so aggressive, and it is bound to be on the Eternal Life Palace and the fate of Martial Spirit. must.

Chapter 1204 The River of Destiny

The world only knows that the Eternal Life Palace is an amazing Spirit Transformation device, but they do not know that this palace has a more special function, namely The key to the gate of eternal life.

The gate of eternal life, until now is just a legend, but because of this thing that does not know whether it really exists, since ancient times, countless people have wanted to claim Eternal Life Palace as their own.

“The situation is not good!”

Yang Xuan is silent, he can’t even deal with True Immortal now, how can he beat the Immortal King Immortal Emperor and even the Great Saint level? The powerhouse?

Once powerful enemies from all walks of life arrive, Eternal Life Palace is bound to the people are plunged into an abyss of misery. Under this catastrophe, no one can be spared. The worst result is Eternal Life Palace After being breached, all the people inside were wiped out.

Eternal Life Palace Temple Spirit is covered with a faint mist, and the voice is slightly heavy, “This catastrophe is completely different from the previous few times. Everyone must prepare before the war.”

“Yes, everyone in my temple will swear to the death to protect the peace of the world.”

Gu Daoquan fell to his knees with a solemn expression on his face, although he knew this battle bode ill rather than well, but he has no hesitation, willing to coexist and die with Eternal Life Palace.

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