Like an ordinary person, he suddenly came to a world of Ice and Snow. No, this place is more terrifying than World of Ice and Snow. The ice cold aura seems to be able to The souls of all creatures are frozen and frozen.

“God Refining Formation Diagram!”

Yang Xuan can’t resist the cold, so he can only call out the God Refining Formation Diagram and transform it into a cloak on his body.

The formation diagram of Refining God is the product of Divine Refining Technique, which can maximize the Guardian God soul.

However, this is only outside. If he enters the river of fate below, Yang Xuan doesn’t know whether the cloak transformed by the formation diagram can withstand the invasion of the cold river water. .

The cold comes from the river of fate, and the water will only get colder.

“No matter, let’s go down and try again.”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth and plunged into the river, and as soon as he entered, he felt his body suddenly became stiff When I get up, it becomes very difficult to move my fingers.

The river fruit was extremely cold, eroding his body from the outside, making him terribly uncomfortable.

Variously, there is a kind of weird power that is eating away at his spiritual wisdom, making his memory begin to fade away.

This is the power of the river of destiny. After all living creatures die, the Remnant Soul will be wiped out by the river. The last ray of mind will be gradually wiped out by the river. Remnant Soul will eventually become the nourishment of the river. It will never dry up and will last forever.

Chapter 1205 Nine Nether Immortal Emperor

“Memory is my most precious thing, no one can erase it at will.”

Yang Xuan bites He kept his teeth and dived all the way, keeping a trace and soberness and calm in his mind.

Even if he has a splitting headache and his memory is constantly losing, he still firmly remembers the purpose of this trip.

Wake up the god of destiny!


The river of destiny seems calm, but it is not still. The more it goes down, the more the undercurrent is surging.

The undercurrent of one after another, turbulent and violent, always washes Yang Xuan’s Divine Soul, as if to wash his Divine Soul and make it more pure.

This is of course not a good thing. The pure Divine Soul means that Divine Soul has lost its spirituality.

Divine Soul is alive, and talents have Seven Emotions and Six Desires.

“Who am I, and where am I going?”

Gradually, the only trace and soberness and calm in Yang Xuan’s mind gradually became blurred.

At this moment, he is like a duckweed, wandering aimlessly in the rolling river, unable to distinguish East, South, West, North, and will never find the foundation to settle down.

In this way, he wandered endlessly and wandered until the end of his life.

“It will die, I will die if this continues.”

I don’t know how long, maybe a hundred years, maybe 10,000 years, the desire to survive suddenly burned in his heart He immediately regained a little bit of spiritual wisdom.

Although I don’t know who I am, I also understand that I am facing a great crisis. The icy river water is constantly invading his body and corroding his only spiritual wisdom. .

“No, I want to live, must live.”

At this critical moment, he bit his tongue violently, and his whole body suddenly began to glow, hidden in his Divine Soul Samsara Power, burning like a single spark, instantly dispelled the darkness and coldness of all around.

At the same time, his body is no longer stiff, and the memories he has lost are found again in the samsara.

“I am Yang Xuan, I am Demon Race Sovereign, I want to step on all the Heavenly God Buddhas, so why fear this trifling river of destiny? my life will follow myself and not heaven, No one would want to take my life easily.”

The memory has recovered, and his pride and nature have been completely restored.


Suddenly, a vigorous and surging undercurrent surged like a big wave.

Yang Xuan was caught off guard, his body was swallowed by this undercurrent, and then he came to a grey and strange space.

This space is very huge, which is full of countless fragmented mental fragments, and a few mental fragments are mixed with some intermittent messages.

“I…I am the Immortal Emperor, Undying and Inextinguishable Immortal Emperor, one day, one day, I will go out from here…”

Yang Xuan will send these messages Combined, a relatively complete sentence was surprisingly obtained.

Obviously, this space was transformed by a certain Immortal Emperor Remnant Soul, and these spiritual fragments were left behind after the other’s soul was broken. Long years have passed, but they still haven’t disappeared.

“It’s worthy of being the Immortal Emperor…”

Yang Xuan felt with emotion, and finally realized how powerful the Immortal Emperor Level is.

But how strong is it?

Remnant Soul fell into the long river of fate, and after all, it can only follow the tide, at the mercy of fate.

“Immortal Emperor-level Remnant Soul, even if only a piece of spiritual fragments are left, it is definitely a rare treasure in the world. Let me see if I can refining it.”

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